How to use investigate in a sentence. Government agencies may use this information to investigate suspect companies and individuals, uncover new scams, and spot trends in fraud. Internal Memo Format . He became a brigadier-general in 1890, and a major-general in 1894; retired in 1895; and in 1898-1899 served on a commission to investigate the United States department of war as administered during the war with Spain. 3. Sense is the evidence of inference; directly of analogical and inductive, directly or indirectly of deductive, inference; and therefore, if logic refuses to include sensory beliefs among judgments, it will omit the fundamental constituents of inference, inference will no longer consist of judgments but of sensory beliefs plus judgments, and the second part of logic, the logic of judgment, the purpose of which is to investigate the constituents of inference, will be like Hamlet without the prince of Denmark. Incident investigation reports. Let’s investigate. Online shoppers should carefully investigate the store prior to a purchase to guarantee their reputation and reliability. Current and future studies will investigate neurovascular coupling over a broad range of stimulus parameters and cortical areas. In August, Tom Locke visited Guelph, Ontario and Wooster, Ohio to investigate verticillium wilt of potatoes. Also investigate whether state or federal tax credits apply to your renovation project. Campaign to investigate the academic ebook market Menu Sign the Open Letter News About 23rd Nov 2020 hohojanna Academics and ebooks : an example of what you can do to help. This is the accident scenario: An employee is working on a ladder and the ladder seems to collapse.The employee falls off the ladder and breaks arm. If you are interested in gas cards, investigate each offer before completing an application. A state board of arbitration, composed of two farmers, two employers and two employes is authorized to investigate the causes of any strike affecting the public interests, and publish what it finds to be the facts in the case, together with recommendations for settlement. According to the report of the committee appointed by Cromwell to investigate the financial condition of Ireland, the revenue in 1654 was £197,304 and the expenditure £630,814. If not, why not? Death's Shadow: Barnaby and Troy are called to investigate the murder of wealthy property developer. Read more about example use cases in the Splunk Platform Use Cases manual. Always investigate alteration fees, the quality of the dress (and its durability), and any necessary accessories to be sure it is the best deal. Perhaps the clearest example of this inauguration of the kingdom through Jesus’ actions is Matthew’s description of the presence of Investigate definition, to examine, study, or inquire into systematically; search or examine into the particulars of; examine in detail. The constitution of guncotton is a difficult matter to investigate, primarily on account of the very insoluble nature of cellulose itself, and also from the fact that comparatively slight variations in the concentration and temperature of the acids used produce considerable differences in the products. Next, simply sit in the room, allowing the cat to become used to your presence and investigate you. Dictionary), who seems to have been struck by the peculiarities of the species, and, to investigate them, visited the fens of Lincolnshire, possibly excited thereto by the example of T. mode we define nothing rashly, nor anxiously investigate, any more than in the Incarnation of Christ we ask how the human is united to the divine nature in One Person. He was a physics lecturer, and enthusiastically agreed to investigate the composition of the shelf using explosion seismology. infrared matrix isolation spectroscopy will be used to investigate reaction intermediates. For example, an "investigation" which concludes that an incident was due to worker carelessness, and goes no further, fails to find answers to several important questions such as: Was the worker distracted? Investigate definition, to examine, study, or inquire into systematically; search or examine into the particulars of; examine in detail. Congress at once appropriated funds for an American commission to investigate the matter. possibilityan>investigate possibilities for inviting a musician to play. Authorities continue to investigate the allegations to find out exactly what is going on. Yet Howard said he hired Allen because she asked him to investigate Yancey. Investigate all the facts prior to agreeing to work with a debt consolidation program. INVESTIGATE SOCIAL HISTORY A. He next proceeded to investigate the Pauline Epistles and the Acts of the Apostles in the same manner, publishing his results in 1845 under the title Paulus, der Apostel Jesu Christi, sein Leben and Wirken, seine Briefe and seine Lehre. We investigate the stability of self-gravitating accretion disks using three-dimensional, global, smoothed particle hydrodynamic (SPH) simulations. In addition to their functions as guardians of the poor, the parish members have to investigate crimes and punish misdemeanours, settle litigations and divide inheritances. Example sentences with the word investigate. They respond to the scene, investigate the cause, maintain records and prepare statistics on the findings. Towards the end of the year he began to investigate chloride of nitrogen, which had just been discovered by P. L. In 1883 the dispute in connexion with the boundary between Colombia and Venezuela was submitted by the two governments to the arbitration of Alphonso XII., king of Spain, and a commission of five members was appointed to investigate the merits of the respective claims. Investigate the nature of the inhibition using the enzyme phosphatase and the inhibitors phosphate and iodine. If you decide to investigate this possibility for getting affordable legal advice, you will be in good company. 6. Blount 1837-1903) of Macon, Georgia, as commissioner paramount, to investigate the situation in the Hawaiian Islands. Complainants should not be automatically penalized where a complaint is determined to be unfounded, as this may deter people from making valid complaints. polysaccharide structure can be used to investigate the effects of processing on the integrity of the molecules. Next, you need to design an experiment to test this hypothesis. We also investigate the effect of self-consistency in the self-energy within the GW approximation on the spectral function and total energy. This template may be used by an employer or an external investigator hired by an employer to investigate human rights concerns in the workplace. The aim of this project is to investigate the enzymology and regulation of the synthesis of SA from chorismate. It was the brilliant exhibition in November 1833 that, in modern times particularly, attracted earnest students to investigate the subject of meteors generally, and to make systematic observations of their apparitions on ordinary nights of the year. List witnesses identified by the complainant and the accused. For example, “$50,000 in checks was deposited into an account owned by Bob Wilson. Diffusion couples will be set up to investigate the kinetics of the process. We have seen, for example, that he was led to investigate the subject of logic because he found in attempting to advance his humanitarian schemes in politics an absence of that fundamental agreement which he recognized as the basis of scientific advance. There are dozens of admission options for the various Disney parks, and it is important to investigate the different features and benefits of each one in order to find the best choice for your Disney vacation. CK 1 2007556 Let's go and investigate. The Radio Authority will now investigate the latest complaints again relating to racist or tasteless remarks. The duty of the local supervising authority is to Midw exercise general supervision over all midwives practising within their area in accordance with rules laid down in the act; to investigate charges of malpractices, negligence or misconduct on the part of a midwife, and if a prima facie case be established, to report it to the Central Midwives Board; to suspend a midwife from practice if necessary to prevent the spread of infection; to report to the central board the name of any midwife convicted of an offence; once a year (in January) to supply the central board with the names and addresses of all midwives practising within their area and to keep a roll of the names, accessible at all reasonable times for public inspection; to report at once the death of any midwife or change in name and address. The superintendent of public instruction is appointed by the governor and council for a term of two years, and it is his duty to prescribe the form of register to be kept in the schools, to investigate the condition of the schools, to make suggestions and recommendations for improving them, to lecture upon educational subjects in the towns and cities, to hold at least one teachers' institute each year in each of the counties, and to designate the times and places for holding examinations of those who wish to teach. Call up the different places you find and investigate rates. investigation reports are written as a vital part to investigate some facts about a particular event, occurrence or incident. Another reason why this may be a good site to investigate is the fact that they offer a variety of colors within the category you are searching for. To search into so as to learn the facts; inquire into systematically. While it is true that shopping at an outlet mall is a way to find good deals because there is no middleman retailer to mark up the prices, savvy shoppers can find even better bargains if they investigate special offers. If you happen to be short, take the time to investigate petite sizes and you may be surprised to find a dress you'll enjoy wearing because it offers the right fit in length. Secondly, we investigate to what extent the UML can be used for enterprise viewpoint specification by means of a small case study. The most direct manner in which to test any property for additive relations is to determine the property for a number of elements, and then investigate whether these values hold for the elements in combination. In 1893 the legislature created a board of four members to be appointed by the governor, one of whom must be a physician, another an attorney, and made it its duty to investigate the case of every convict for whom a petition for pardon is received and then report and recommend to the governor what it deem expedient. In some cases, it is necessary for the company to further investigate your application. This is complete balderdash; Hutton's terms of reference were to investigate the circumstances surrounding Dr. Kelly's death. He gave orders to investigate the matter. Scientists use different methods of investigation in different circumstances. Every recycling facility has different guidelines for how to recycle paper products, and consumers should investigate how paper must be prepared, sorted, and turned in to be sure they can contribute to the recycling effort effectively. Knowing what questions to ask in an investigation interview comes with experience. Investigative journalism is a form of journalism in which reporters deeply investigate a single topic of interest, such as serious crimes, political corruption, or corporate wrongdoing.An investigative journalist may spend months or years researching and preparing a report. Most adventure cruises are operated by local or regional cruise lines who intimately know the culture they will be presenting, and prospective passengers should thoroughly investigate lines before choosing their voyage. Landserf allows students not only to explore a landscape visually, but also to investigate the geomorphology of a region by performing terrain analysis. Since many vintage patterns were designed for full-figured women - and anyway, vintage sweaters look sensational - you should also investigate Free Vintage Knitting, which offers free patterns from many eras. After being defeated at Aylesbury in 1857, he visited India to investigate the causes of the Mutiny. There are many options you can investigate to sooth your daily stress. Some communities may have HOA (Home Owners Association) restrictions about the installation of wind turbines that you should investigate prior to committing to a purchase. Warily, feeling his way by hand, he left the bedroom and climbed the stairs to investigate. carefully, especially to…. investigate what an online degree can do for you. There wasn't time to investigate him before the wedding – not that she would have the slightest idea how to do that anyway. Branly was the first to investigate and describe in 1890 the fact that an electric spark at a distance had the power of changing loose aggregations of metallic powders from poor to good electric conductors, and he also found that in some cases the reverse action was produced. You might even want to investigate waterless shampoos. An example of investigate is when the police try to solve a crime. We investigate the signals that control leucocyte recruitment to the liver using in vitro human cell-based models and in vivo intravital microscopy. investigate the feasibility of providing pharmaceutical care to individual patients in primary care. Decided to investigate main charity clearinghouse in drawing in. If budget is your main concern, then it's advisable to investigate the options at places such as Marshalls and T. Investigate your options by contacting state or corporate offices and organizations related to your field of study. to … This project will investigate novel ways to measure sideslip. Investigate what's worth purchasing by using resources like CNN Money, "Forbes," and "The Wall Street Journal" to make decisions. Here are a few resources for finding scholarships online, as well as examples of specific scholarship programs that you may want to investigate. thoughts in mind it was decided to investigate the views of a small group of subject teachers. … precision arithmetic allows us to investigate the convergence of iterative methods, such as the Newton Raphson method. All Rights Reserved. Later she discovered that Alice had made the call when she went to investigate why Lori's car was there. Dog prices vary, but before agreeing on a final figure always investigate what you are purchasing. Prepare the Investigation Plan. investigate possibilities for inviting a musician to play. If you are unsure about your conditions, seek out medical help from your family doctor who will investigate the problem with you. It extends the initiative of the Commission from the investigation of complaints to the investigation of rates on its own motion; authorizes it to suspend rates in advance of their going into effect, pending an investigation which may be continued for ten months, and to establish through routes; and provides for a special commission, appointed by the President, to investigate questions pertaining to the issuance of railway securities. You propose the hypothesis: Eating greasy food causes pimples. Intent. See more. There wasn't time to investigate him before the wedding – not that she would have the slightest idea how to do that anyway. Free Motion of a Solid.Before proceeding to further problems of motion under extraneous forces it is convenient to investigate the free motion of a solid relative to its mass-centre 0, in the most general case. to search out and examine the particulars of in an attempt to learn the facts about something hidden, unique, or complex, especially in an attempt to find a motive, cause, or culprit: The police are investigating the murder. We shall also investigate whether this mixing enhances the direct CHCC Auger recombination loss mechanism, by relaxing the normal momentum conservation requirements. The board is specially directed to prescribe the manner in which the railway corporations shall keep their accounts, to examine these accounts from time to time, to examine the railways at least once a year, to investigate the cause of all accidents and upon the petition of an interested party to fix rates for the transportation of persons and freight. Before selecting a specific beach, couples should investigate any site and facility fees that will apply to their wedding plans. Easy Reading Glasses is a company you might want to investigate further as they have several different styles of frames that might be of interest. Ms. Randy’s statement was … There are many options in new coats at low prices, although you should also investigate second-hand winter clothes. From ducklings to teddy bears, to baby bottles to storks, there are plenty of molds available if you investigate craft stores in your area or shop online at a site such as Mold Market, which specializes in soap molds. Newton was also the first to investigate the difficult subject of the motion of waves (q.v.). Dictionary ! Michael uses slip-decorated earthenware to investigate the relationships between proportion, volume and formal arrangement. Accustomed freely and fearlessly to investigate whatever came before him, and swayed by a scrupulous dread of insincerity, he was doomed to long and anxious hesitation concerning some of the fundamental points of theology before arriving at a firm conviction of the truth of Christianity. Investigate definition is - to observe or study by close examination and systematic inquiry. SAMPLE INVESTIGATION PLAN NOTE: This sample is a rough guide for the defense team’s initial investigation plan. Here I use aero- and hydro-dynamic theory to investigate the energetics of this highly specialized foraging technique. useful to investigate - services provided to improve the accessibility of Acrobat documents. All Rights Reserved. The appointment of permanent doctors (Kassenarzle) at a fixed salary has given rise to much difference between the medical profession and this local sick fund; and the insistence on freedom of choice in doctors, which has been made by the members and threatens to militate against the interest of the profession, has been met on the part of the medical body by the appointment of a commission to investigate cases of undue influence in the selection. The principles of fair testing are important, but may not always enable students to understand ideas or concepts, answer their questions, or understand how scientists work and the nature of science. Before any further information can be obtained from the caller, the call is terminated from the caller’s end. The Republican legislature had in 1867 appointed a committee to investigate the management of the canal system, but the abuses were allowed to continue until in 1875 Governor Tilden disclosed many frauds of the " Canal Ring," and punished the guilty. Infrared matrix isolation spectroscopy will be used to investigate reaction intermediates. The distinctive task of geography as a science is to investigate the control exercised by the crust-forms directly or indirectly upon the various mobile distributions. Begin to investigate limo companies six to nine months before the wedding. By Any Other Name Responding to a distress call from an Earth-like planet, a landing party from the Enterprise beams down to investigate. Epidemiology : study to describe risk factors for sickness and what caused sickness. My aim for this experiment is to investigate the solubility of salt Pages: 3 (829 words) INTRODUCTIONThe study of psychology is primarily premised on Pages: 8 (2108 words) The broad purpose of this study is to investigate Kingston’s Sphere of influence and affecting factors Pages: 4 … Not contented with a careful attention to details, Tull set himself, with admirable skill and perseverance, to investigate the growth of plants, and thus to arrive at a knowledge of the principles by which the cultivation of field-crops should be regulated. He noticed that at the summit the candle gave a very poor light, and was thereby led to investigate the effect produced on luminous flames by varying the pressure of the atmosphere in which they are burning. More examples. At one stage, I could hear water swishing about, and, when I went to investigate, it was the horses drinking ! Former federal ethics watchdog Walter Shaub Walter Michael Shaub Ethics experts ask Senate to investigate Graham's probe of mail-in voting Interior 'propaganda' video and … We shall investigate the velocity of such plane waves by a method which is only a slight modification of a method given by W. We shall investigate the external force needed to make a train of plane waves travel on unchanged in form with velocity U. Koenig also used the apparatus to investigate the effect on the frequency of a fork of a resonating cavity placed near it. foot rot infection of sheep A BBSRC studentship is available to investigate this. An example of investigate is when you run a background check on someone to find out what kind of person he is. Police are continuing to investigate while a search for the body is underway. June 2005 To use the data to investigate the economics of cardiovascular disease prevention in primary care. You've just woken up to the sound of your cat hacking up a symphony and you get up to investigate. TransUnion will investigate your claim, remove the alert and notify Experian and Equifax to do the same. Divers could be sent down, robot submersibles used to investigate and samples dredged from surface boats. Thus forcibly reminded of the existence of Canada, the British government sent out Lord Durham to investigate, and as a result of his report the two Canadas were in 1841 united in a legislative union. No bureau of charities is in existence, but there is a Labor Commission, and a Commissioner of Immigration and a Commissioner of Public Lands to investigate the industrial resources. If the initial fare quoted by a website, travel agent, or special promotion seems too good to be true, passengers should always investigate it carefully to look for added fees or hidden costs. Initially, the site looks bare, but you click on areas of the map you want to investigate. The commissioner must inspect once each year all penal, correctional and eleemosynary institutions, including public hospitals, jails, poorhouses and corporations and organizations doing charitable work; and the commissioner appears as next friend in cases affecting the property of orphan minors, and has power to investigate complaints against public and private institutions whose charters may be revoked for cause by the commissioner. Vitro fertilization studies will also be conducted using gametes recovered post-mortem to its! Sent undercover to investigate human rights abuses in Tibet ( LHC ) will be appointed by RCMP. Crime ; investigate ways to measure sideslip the Radio authority will now investigate the deposition of chromium onto. Resources at your local community college bicarbonate and sodium citrate clean shirt as he briefly described hearing accident... Whose treatises plainly had a place in his working library n-1 ) unknown quantities offers you receive you. 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