Her style translates to small groups as well as large formal settings. Have your team split into smaller groups by randomly selecting names from a hat. If this is online, have each team member share a picture of themselves in a group chat as they state their name. This helps your team link activities to learning and apply the learning to the workplace. Cookie Settings | Charles’ way of teaching was pleasant, exceptional, superb, and commendable. For example, set a rule that your employees are free to come up … Explain to team members that within each quadrant they are expected to perform the assigned activity for 45 seconds: Singing nursery rhymes as loudly as possible; At first you will assign people to their first quadrant to keep the amount in each space even. Your team … Guest service is the foundation and heart of every hospitality career. A partner who will ask questions about your goals and objectives. We sincerely appreciated all of Stefanie’s hard work delivering a quality presentation to a diverse group of individuals.”, “Our customer service manager of 21 years stated that this training was the best and the most relevant class she attended in her career.”, “It was a pleasure to work with Charlie last week. Then other members in the group should be encouraged to offer a compliment on what the speaker did well in the situation, as well as offer suggestions for the future. When everybody has completed the worksheet, encourage sharing, so that your agents can borrow each other ideas if they find they are lacking in anchors. If someone says money, ask if cash or card is better where they are heading. Have participants imagine how this interaction made the customer’s day better, and to effusively praise the company’s best points. Whether in person or online, have each participant state their name. Wanted to say a quick thank you for your exceptional “customer service” in dealing with us.”, “We did enjoy the class and yes, I am excited to work with you to bring in more. Everyone who relates or agrees to that statement raises their hand. Whether you need a debriefing activity or transitional one, the activities and games above are sure to inspire insight as well as laughter. Myla was wonderful and our team really appreciated the opportunity to work with her.”, “I would like to say that yesterday was simply amazing. He kept the class moving forward and kept us all engaged and participating. I look forward to another opportunity to work with you, you were an absolute delight.”, “I just wanted to send out an email to express our appreciation for the service that Greg provided. Telephone is a familiar game for many, as it teaches the importance of direct communication. By the fifth round, you will find that most people are in the fourth quadrant—by far the most comfortable! Encourage team members to turn it in within two minutes—then share the answers. After several uncomfortable minutes of measuring his arms and even the distance between his eyes, ask the other participants what they think you were doing. CCPA | How Can Small Businesses Weather the COVID-19 Storm? Customer Service Training Game 1: Don’t tell me, let me guess. Discuss best practices for delivering first-rate guest services and provide a forum for articulating standards specific to the organization. Then ask for volunteers to share their letters in order to prompt a discussion. Thank you for all your support and value you brought this team. We all got a lot out of the training and hope to have him back again for follow up.”, “Pamela was very engaging. The purpose here is to show how much more comfortable it is for customers if they know exactly what is going on. Improve your customer interactions. Then whisper a “top-secret” company mission in the first participant’s ear, quietly so that no one else can hear it (if you have multiple groups, get each group started off with a different mission). Although each of these activities work brilliantly as general customer service training activities, there may be times you want to focus on a particular area of learning. We are going to adapt some of our training procedures to fit his suggestions.”, “The course was high-quality, first-class, first-rate, superior, fine, excellent and hence forth. What You’ll Need: Eggs and miscellaneous packing materials and office supplies. Guest Service Gold® training can be delivered in two to four hours in a group setting or as individual training. Carla Jerez is a senior content writer at Comm100. EULA. The idea here is not only to raise team morale, but actively engage participants in considering what a customer is really looking for when they seek help from one of your team members. Every institution has a mission and vision that drives it. He was fun, knowledgeable, and engaging and had our large group of 50+ people laughing and participating right up until the 5:00 PM end time. Helen J., Mission Systems, Collins Aerospace, Maria F., Learning Consultant, Independence Blue Cross, Workshop Participant, Knowles Corporation, Robyn M., National Inside Sales Manager, U.S. Tsubaki, Kale B., Global Quality-CI Manager, KMG Chemicals, Business Etiquette, Civility, and Professionalism, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving in Customer Service, Leadership for Customer Service Leads, Supervisors, and Managers. This activity is adapted from 10 Customer Service Activities To Supercharge Your Team. The Guest Service Gold ® training program offered through AHLEI offers a solution to the industry’s need for qualified, skilled workers who are trained to provide quality guest service… What You’ll Need: Masking Tape and a timer. My colleagues cannot stop commenting how amazing the training was, and we are energized to put our new skills to work. Laurie was engaging as a speaker. Ask another volunteer to stand up, and offer her the coat, this time asking questions like: Does it fit well? Ask one participant to share a customer they serviced the other day; have them share the customer’s name, their most recent purchase, and what they needed help with. They all had very positive feedback about the day and Pamela specifically. Format: She is definitely an asset to BTW.”, “Great performance by Shawn! !”, “I’m usually quiet in group discussions, but I enjoyed this course so much, I participated quite a bit.”, “Shawn was an excellent facilitator. Jim D., Plover Plant Manager, Ingredion Inc. Christy S., Sr International Business Development Manager, Zippo Manufacturing Company, Kristy C., Executive Assistant, Oak Park Place, Robin A., Manager, Talent Development thyssen-krupp Elevator. The one main piece of feedback I got was they wanted more time.”, “Yesterday’s workshop was both thoroughly enjoyable and tremendously beneficial. Moments of reflection, laughter, and engagement made this a great FLAG kickoff to the year!”, “I LOVED Kate. The objective of Five Star Service is to improve guest … Give each group 5-8 minutes to complete the activity. And no matter the size of a team, to deliver a first-rate customer … A workshop leader who sells products during class time. I am looking forward to working with them again!”, “Eduardo was an excellent facilitator. A professional and effective support team is helpful to customer loyalty. He was a very motivated and inspirational speaker. Everyone I spoke to during the day today said they were really enjoying the session (as did I). Working with you both has been an outstanding experience throughout the entire process. Then have the group break up into smaller groups of 3 to 5. Finally, the most important benefit of customer service training is increased productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness. She was an incredible speaker and her ability to educate is a show stopper. This activity will help participants see the value in a comfortable working environment, as well as the importance of creating a good and comfortable environment for their customers. A post-training web-based skills check-in meeting if desired. What You’ll Need: Pen and index cards, a timer. Everyone was enthusiastic and we learned so much. Keep groups no smaller than 10 and have the group seated in a circle. He asked participants to share their stories, and he respectfully critiqued them using this technique as a teaching tool.”, “I wasn’t sure what to expect and found it to be awesome. Then encourage your workers to think about little things that help them elevate their moods, and write those down as well. Even if you have a good product and industry knowledge, agents can not excel at their work without being trained for the right set of skills. “WOW – where do I begin!? I would definitely recommend Thomas to anyone looking to enhance their team with etiquette training.”, “Kate was a refreshing start to 2020! It results from truly understanding the customer's needs and putting the right guidelines and customer service standards in place, so we can exceed their expectations. Our course facilitators are seasoned professionals with extensive experience in customer experience consulting and customer service training. Start the following activity with a HEARD lesson. Find this article helpful? … Guests First is a free educational program for Lee County hospitality employees that offers customer service skills training to front-line and management professionals. This design challenge was made famous by Peter Skillman at a conference in 2007, and has even been the subject of a Ted Talk effusing its benefits. Below are just a few essential skills are expected of a customer support or service … This activity is adapted from mftrou.com. The concept of an attitude anchor is an activity or thing that helps you maintain the awesome attitude you need in order to be effective in customer service. The activities in this eBook can be great training materials to help your support agents chat professionally with customers. Following it, you’ll find short descriptions of each program and links to the full overviews. After the second individual guesses, the first person will reveal the lie to the group. Then hand out or email a test. What You’ll Need: Print outs of your company’s mission statement (or use a digital copy), and pieces of paper, pens (or access to a shared document). Then give them 18 minutes to build the tallest free-standing tower. We can facilitate our programs as described in the workshop outlines, or we can work with you to tailor them to address goals and objectives specific to your group. By clicking "Subscribe", you agree to our Privacy Policy. Everyone valued the ‘informalness’ of the key note. The following customer service training games may seem trivial, but they do more than simply drive a concept or point home: they help foster a sense of teamwork and shared direction. Kate’s energy and willingness to meet as many of the attendees as possible and her ability to quickly build a rapport with folks established credibility and a safe environment. Lauren L., Instructional Designer, Chick-fil-A,Inc. Disney handles over 135 million customers in their parks each year, so customer service isn’t something they take lightly. This activity is adapted from The Big Book of Team Building Games. She has a degree in Creative Writing from Florida State University and has years' experience writing for the SaaS industry. Training your team's customer service skills is the most common training for any organization. Now ask the group to each compose thank you letters to your company from the perspective of this customer. A talking head with a PowerPoint presentation and not much else. Shawn Doyle is a great presenter, and teaches you just by presenting himself.”. What You’ll Need: Sheets of paper and pens. The feedback I got from my staff was that it was useful not only in work but in their personal lives as well.”, “The workshop was appreciated very much, and you (Stefanie) were indeed a big hit. Write the following words and phrases onto index cards: extraordinary, delight, serve, above and beyond, discovering, like family, adding value, positive experience. Thank you, Greg!”, “Pamela was amazing and extremely personable. Not only did they customize content for us, but they delivered it well and provided a great train-the-trainer session. ), What You’ll Need: A list of relevant phrases/words to your industry and company. It’s an iterative process that involves teaching … Knowing how to give exceptional customer service is one of the keys to growing and sustaining a business. Assign one role-player to be the customer service agent, and the other to be the customer. Learn IFRS 9 - Financial Instruments. LearnDash LMS Training… Shane S., General Manager, Aero-Flite, Inc. Geri T., VP Human Resources, Hamburg Süd NA, Sharon M., Quality Manager, Northern Valley Indian Health. We recommend her every time. He started the session telling his own story. Regina’s materials were relevant to our jobs. Thank you so much for the quality of training and attention to detail. Your flexibility from first contact was very valuable – we appreciate your willingness to participate in multiple teleconferences to align with KMG. Separate individuals into groups of two or three. We were all engaged in the topics. This activity, like Say My Name, drives home the point that customer service representatives need to remember who they’re talking to at all times. Installing the Microsoft SQL Server BI stack. To succeed, Five Star Service is not a frivolous luxury, but rather a critical element of hospitality customer service training and service delivery. To play, ask for several sets of two volunteers. Then, you’ll ask for a set of 2 volunteers, and tell the other participants that they’ll act as judges. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, traveling, or playing around on Photoshop. She made the groups feel very comfortable during the training.”, “I heard a lot of positive feedback and several people approached me about your contact info for following up. Now present each group with an egg and encourage them to use whatever supplies exist around the office to create a casing/contraption that can survive a drop form the top of the building, and to convene with their groups over lunch. Give Your People Power. Cookie Policy | Whether you’re planning a training course or using external courses (we’ve compiled a list of free and paid training courses for you to choose from), it’s important to take a break and have some fun in order to keep your team members engaged. Have a spokesperson from each group present their mission statement after fifteen minutes. This activity comes from the classic TV show, “Whose Line Is It Anyway?”. Discuss the company mission statement as a whole, and then ask each group to create a collective mission statement for their team. Each activity focuses on a particular area of learning and comes with suggested debriefs. The activity may be difficult, but the more you practice it the more your team members will improve as they realize the importance of listening when providing quality customer service. We would love to have him back!”, “The training was amazing! They were informative and very interactive and Myla was able to engage the participants throughout the entire presentation. The sessions are interactive and … Our team was receptive and the activities were fun and engaging. This way, participants can see the difference between planning for a trip in which they know their destination, and planning for one in which they don’t. Count on lots of laughing, as usually the last message is so radically different than the first that people can’t help but chuckle! I had many people who were in the session tell me that they enjoyed it.”, “Myla was very professional and brought subject matter expertise to the training. Good old-fashioned charades can teach your team a lot about the importance of both verbal communication and body language. If you’re serious about customer service, we can help you create service goals, deliver initial training, and suggest processes and steps to drive and sustain a service culture. Rave reviews all around!”, “Everyone really enjoyed it and came away with tools to help them be a stronger leader! Encourage participants to think creatively. What we do, how we act, how we present ourselves all feeds into that and our ultimate success as sales professionals.”, “Thank you Kate, Chris, and Kathy! In the second round, give each group a slip of paper with a destination, and ask them to repeat the activity. Providing a positive guest experience has never been more important than it is now–and it has never been more challenging. Legendary Hospitality Since 1917. Increased customer satisfaction: Improving the quality of your customer service through training … We know from our years of customer service training and consulting that without an organizational commitment and some form of regular training, rarely does that happen. Get Free Guest Services Training Free now and use Guest Services Training Free immediately to get % off or $ off or free shipping. I am in business development and while I consider myself to be somewhat refined/savvy, I walked away with so many things to up my game while with clients and the number one lesson and tie back point is that it is 100% about making the client feel comfortable and special. The executive team and I have literally had people coming up to us all week talking about how excited they are for the future, how they believe in where we are headed, and thanking us for what’s being done. Resolve: Fix the issue, and if you don’t know how ask the customer, “How can I set this right?”. Live chat, email, messaging, social, ticketing & knowledge base – all in one, for free! I highly recommend Shawn and this course, ‘How to Interview and Hire Well’.”, “Thank you for yet another great presentation. 10 Customer Service Activities To Supercharge Your Team, The Big Book of Customer Service Training Games, How to Handle a Large Volume of Live Chats, AI Chatbots in the Contact Center – Help in a Crisis. Search. We really enjoyed it. ”Excellent” according to our chairman. What You’ll Need: String, 30 pieces of dry pasta (per group), one marshmallow (per group), one meter of tape (per group), one piece of string (per group), a timer. The technique Disney has developed to train customer service representatives on how to handle angry customers is called HEARD: Hear: Listen to the customer’s entire story. Don’t forget to take pictures of the resulting towers—you’ll be inspired by the creativity! Usually we can convert the course. If you see a program here that’s of interest for virtual delivery and not currently listed as a virtual training program, get in touch. Charles is a great teacher, I would like to have him teach them.”, “Phillip, you are the best! Give guidance regarding professional appearance, actions, and … Saba B., Project Coordinator, Peel Addiction Assessment & Referral Centre, Shirley B., President, Universal Cargo Management, Michael O., Staff Relations Representative, The Cheesecake Factory, Rachel H., Director, Nurture Nature Foundation, Jonathan T., Employee Development Specialist USCPSC, Kelly D., Training and Development Program Specialist, Major US Insurance Company, Mia C., Division Chief, Business Management, US Mint, Carole M. Manager, Laboratory Inspection Training Program, Cement and Concrete Training Laboratory, Irene R., International Business Development Coordinator, Zippo Manufacturing Company, Cindy T., Administrative Assistant, Cutanea LIfe Sciences, Training Participant, Major US Insurance Company, Gina J., Executive Analyst, City of Klamath Falls, Liz B., Manager, Duluth Public Works and Utilities, Paulette B., Personnel Services Supervisor, St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners, Brian Howard, Training, Coordinator, LM Wind Power Blades, Moneke K., Administrative Coordinator, USPS, Lianne W., Corona University, Naval Surface Warfare Center – Corona. What You’ll Need: Sheets of paper and pens (or a prompt in a document for virtual teams). It is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction - that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer … We offer training in the District of Columbia and the following US states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Introducing a competitive element helps inspire teamwork, but beyond that it also drives home the importance of resourcefulness and communication in the most dire of customer service scenarios. My department will speak well about this course for a while. Hand each group an index card, and ask them to write down, based off of the word or phrase given, a definition for excellent customer service. Research shows that 91% of consumers use email daily. I am always impressed when a facilitator can keep a group engaged and involved WITHOUT using PPT and Greg did just that with his handouts, flip charting, storytelling and mixing up activities at table groups, teams, and with partners. All you have to do is direct workers to this website and have them follow the instructions. Company Vision. Loved every minute and the fun interactive aspect of our workshop exceeded my expectation. Diagnose: Get to the bottom of the issue so you can make sure it won’t happen again. At Guest Services, our people are our best resource, and we value … Have groups share the message, the created backstory, and their appropriate customer service response. If your staff has the necessary skill set, that’s a good start. This activity is adapted from The Big Book of Customer Service Training Games. 2 CUSTOMER SERVICE TRAINING … With this exercise, break your team up into smaller groups of 3 or 4. This activity is adapted from The Big Book of Customer Service Training Games. The first person is to hold the ball of yarn in his or her hands, and then state a fact about themselves. As always, the team loved the session, and I’ve been hearing great feedback. The below table shows which activities cover certain areas especially well. These workshops are not offered in a public seminar format. She started on time, and the time flew by.”, “Pamela Sumner is professional, warm, and highly educated. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are property of their respective owners. He got rave reviews from the participants.”, “Board presentation went well. Give each individual a term or phrase. At the end (and after a number of chuckles), you’ll find that the web is incredibly tangled—proving the importance of your interconnected team. The Guest is a training comedy that will forever change the way your employees view their customers -- their guests -- by reminding them that everything we need to learn about delivering great customer service, they already know. Get our monthly customer service news and best practices update delivered to your inbox. Then ask a representative from each group to read their mission statements out loud to the other groups. This activity is adapted from Green Rock Customer Connect. The ability to express empathy is a crucial skill for positive customer service. An opportunity to have a tailoring call and to speak with the program facilitator prior to a workshop. Give each participant a piece of paper and five minutes to recreate a difficult customer service experience they had and to share how they resolved it. What You’ll Need: A measuring tape, random items of clothing and accessories. The key here is to test how quickly team members can learn names. She is a wonderful instructor!”, “I liked that fact that we were kept busy – it never got boring.”, “It was a positive experience to have this training, very useful to understanding myself as a provider and patients. While we’re up to date on what’s happening in customer service and customer-experience consulting, our training courses favor practical tools over theoretical models. Each person should share with their group the situation and how they handled it. The idea here is to explain why the customer may have become difficult—for example, maybe the difficult customer had a bad day or a subpar experience. This classic science class project isn’t just for teenagers—it’s also an activity that can help adults think outside of the box and connect with their deeper problem-solving skills and abilities. What You’ll Need: Pictures of each team member/character, and a recall test. The first hand the yarn-holding individual sees will get the rest of the yarn. Fixing problems that aren’t your problem. Then have the next person in the circle decide which statements were true and which statement was false. As much as profit is the … I learned to approach patient care differently seeing patients as different and not “difficult.” I took away key points and different strategies to use in my interactions with patients, just a matter of finding the time to make adjustments and implement these changes.”, “Business Training Works made this project extremely easy for me. The team loved the session ( as did I ) him teach them. ”, “ Greg was awesome most. I never guest services training have imagined would be engaged approachable and easy to to... Member share a picture of themselves in a document for virtual teams ) tailoring call to... 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