Learn About Azaleas–in their many varieties, , JARS 43n2 – An In-Depth Look At Evergreen Azaleas, www.usna.usda.gov/PhotoGallery/AzaleaGallery/. -CALIFORNIA SUNSET James Harris' 'Georgia Giant', a large five-lobed single form. Most have single flowers and are hardy to 0oF. This page introduces a few hybrid groups, with links to more details on the cultivars. -noriakianum '78-036 RSF' For several centuries, the Japanese have held this group of evergreen azaleas in the highest regard, developing many hundreds of different cultivars, giving this group the greatest range in flower, foliage, and form of all evergreen azaleas. Azaleas come in evergreen and deciduous forms, growing for the most part as shrubs and capable of generating colorful, vibrant flowers. -KERRIGAN'S PINK -CAN-CAN The R. austrinum blood gives them the heat tolerance and vigor that we need here. Reaches 3'-4' tall with a 3'-4' spread. -nakaharai X 'DEEP SALMON' macrantha) -WENDY -SONOMA DWARF 'PINK PICOTEE' -CABARET Russ and Velma Haag developed a long list of hybrids, as shown on our Haag Hybrid page. Developed by George Arends of Wuppertal-Ronsdorf, Germany ca.1950 from a seedling that is very similar to R. kiusianum, but is more compact and has brighter flower color. Vireya rhododendrons: epiphytic tender shrubs; Azaleas – group of shrubs which have smaller and thinner leaves than evergreen rhododendrons. -GREENWOOD ORANGE In early June, festivals and exhibitions take place in parts of Japan to celebrate the Satsuki. They are hardy in Zones 7-9. Here, it was extensively hybridized, reaching a peak in the late 1920's. -CLOUD 9 Flower Shapes and Sizes. Part of the Rhododendron genus, azaleas are flowering shrubs that generally bloom in the spring, although a number of varieties flower all the way through the fall. -HERBERT -----BELTSVILLE (YERKES-PRYOR) HYBRIDS Azaleas can bloom from late winter into early summer, depending on type. hybrid groups || overview | aichele | amoena | arendsii | aromi | aronense | back acres | bowie mill (Clagett) | dodd confederate | encore | gable | glenn dale | greenwood | haag | harris | holly springs | huang | kehr | kurume | kiusianum | linwood | north tisbury | other | robin hill | satsuki ||. They may loose some leaves in very cold weather. -ORANGE BARON ), reproduced from his 1990 catalog on our Huang page. -VARIEGATED DOGWOOD. Evergreen Azaleas. They may be sheared to resemble rocks and many are used for Bonsai work. Hose-in-hose (the sepals form a second set of petals behind the regular petals) Semi-double types (only some of the stamens form petals). Many show R.nakaharai heritage with their low-mounding, spreading habit and cold hardiness (Down to -5oF). Satsukis were first introduced to the Western world in the early 1900's with major introductions coming in the late 1930's. It is a mixed group, including forms and hybrids of R. indicum X R. simsii and 'Mucronatum' forms X R. indicum. -NUCCIO'S CARNIVAL QUEEN (BI type) By carefully selecting plants, you can have azaleas blooming at least eight months of the year. ====================== For over 300 years, the Japanese have hybridized the Kirishima Azalea (R.X'obtusum') and at one time, there were as many as 700 different cultivars. -LITTLE JOHN They have named 31 evergreen azalea hybrids, described on our Aromi evergreen page. -NUCCIO'S DEW DROP -FORMOSA (PHOENICEUM) -SONOMA SUNSET. Affected leaves may also curl up and drop. The Glenn Dale Hybrids represents a full range in flowers, foliage, form, and bloom times. Evergreen Species. -nakaharai X RUKIZON Colors range from reddish orange, to purple and white. -TEMPERANCE. of R.kaempferi) of R.macrosepalum) Introduced around 1947 from Maryland. -KOMACHE HINE -L.O.M. Over 100 of these deciduous hybrids are named, and 8 of them are registered (shown in the list with an ® after the name). They range in height from 3 to 8 feet, and cover a wide range of colors, color variations, flower sizes, plant habits and bloom times. -SEPTEMBER SONG Descriptions from his 1990 catalog for the named hybrids are reproduced on our Holly Springs (named) page, and descriptions for the numbered hybrids which he had selected but not yet named are reproduced on our Holly Springs (numbered) page. -NANCY OF ROBIN HILL -HEXE -yedoense var.poukhanense (syn.poukhanense), -kiusianum (20 varieties) -----BELTSVILLE DWARFS -POLO -ROSE QUEEN -WHITE MOON. They can also be flat of frilled. -SNOWBIRD. All evergreen azaleas we carry are classified into the Rhododendron subseries obtusum. -SHIRO CHAN VARIEGATED -TINA. Hardy in Zones 7-9. -----RUTHERFORD HYBRIDS -----BROOKS HYBRIDS In its use in Japanese gardens, flower display may play a secondary role, for foliage and form are also very important. From Maryland, this group was selected from seedlings of Glenn Dale Azaleas. -macrosepalum 'LADY LOCKS' (also 'Linearifolium' & 'Koromo shikibu') -RIPPLES -MON AMOUR Most are slower-growing, compact, spreading plants. Hybrids will not grow true from seed and may be faithfully reproduced only from cuttings, which are clones of the mother plant. These were produced in Pennsylvania, using mostly R.y.var.poukhanense and R.kaempferi, resulting in some of the hardiest evergreen azaleas available (Zones 6-9). Started in 1937 in New Jersey to produce hardy, late blooming azaleas resembling Satsukis, this group blooms late season and is hardy in Zones 6-9. -RAIN FIRE -IVERYANA Col. Vines (“Pete”) started his hybridizing program in 1977 “to produce azaleas with larger blooms, dwarf to mid-size growth habit and increased cold hardiness”. From Canby, Oregon, this group was started in 1960 to develop compact plants for moist, temperate climates. -ELIZABETH GABLE Once thought to be derived soley from R.kiusianum found on Mt. -STARLIGHT Col. Vines (“Pete”) feels the Huang hybrids may be the most important hybrid groups of evergreen azaleas in existence, in terms of the diverse bloom size and type, foliage and plant habit within the group. True genetic dwarfs, selected from the above group. Six were later selected as the best for hardy, greenhouse-forcing azaleas. -PURITY -HINO WHITE There is more Satsuki information and indexes to two Satsuki Dictionaries on our Satsuki page. -serpyllifolium (3 varieties), ----- 202 Hybrids listed here by group We grow 80 varieties. While many azalea enthusiasts have created hybrids for their own enjoyment, a relatively small number of hybridizers have created most of the named hybrids. -nakaharai X 'MEDIUM PINK' -ELSA -BARBER'S PURPLE A complete list of the Glenn Dale azaleas is shown on our Glenn Dale page. -TICKLED PINK. -BARBER'S ORANGE -nakaharai (4 varieties - Mt. Growing dwarf hollies as security or privacy … -HARDIJZER'S BEAUTY (R.racemosum x Kurume Hybrid) Colors range from pinks to reds and purples, with a few whites. -DAWN -LAURA MORLAND There is a great variation in petal structure as well as flower color. -WHITE DOLL. Developed in the 1920's in New Jersey as greenhouse forcing azaleas. -----HARRIS HYBRIDS They grow a set of spring leaves which are dropped in the fall, and a set of summer leaves which persist through the winter. The Gumpos. As documented in the Summer 2003 issue (25:2) of The Azalean, they began their hybridizing program in 1969 to develop evergreen azaleas with “large flower size, early bloom time, improved bud hardiness, compact habit, and array of flower forms, and rich colors”. dodd confederate series The Confederate Series of Native Azaleas were selected from a cross of Rhododendron austrinum and Rhododendron x ‘Hotspur Yellow’. -DUC de ROHAN Members of this series are listed on the Dodd’s Confederate Series page. Some show their BI parentage, while others are Kurume type. They numbered the first selection from the first cross A-1, the first selection from the second cross B-1, and so on. The Holly Springs evergreen azalea hybrids were created by Col. Ronald C. Vines (Ret.) Hardy in Zones 7-9. -CHRISTIE eriocarpum) The named cultivars of this group are dwarf, profusely-flowering plants with a larger color range than what was previously available in the Kiusianum Hybrids. This hybrid group was developed from a large collection of Belgian Indian hybrids in the Southeastern US around 1870. The world's best-selling reblooming azalea, Encore Azaleas bloom in spring, summer and fall. Hardy in Zone 8. -LATE LOVE -RUBY NUGGET To keep bushes compact, tip-pinch frequently, starting after flowering ends and continuing until mid-June. -KINSAI -OPAL -RED BARON -----McDONALD HYBRIDS From North Carolina, this group was started in the early 1960's looking to produce low-growing plants with double flowers and good cold hardiness (down to 0oF). Since the mid 1930's, an extensive breeding program has produced a wide range of evergreen azaleas. in Springfield, Virginia just south of Washington DC. Developed in Modesto, California using some Southern Indian and Kurume Hybrids. -TINY. -----SHAMMERELLO HYBRIDS -PINK LADY Used mostly for greenhouse-forcing, they also show good cold hardiness (Zone 7-9) with their Kurume parentage. -HAKATA SHIRO -GEORGE LINDSEY TABER See Matt Nosal’s paper in QBARS – v33n3 Dwarf Azaleas from Germany, Plants are very hardy, tested to 0°F, have small hairy leaves and low mounding habit. -SONOMA DWARF 'PINK' Their small leaves and their purple-red tones in winter are considered essential elements to the Satsuki group. -DOLLY PARTON -obtusum eriocarpum) -yedoense var.poukhanense (syn.poukhanense) -----listed as rhododendrons: -kiusianum (20 varieties) -linearifolium (should be a var… Removal of affected plants may be necessary. Although these plants are evergreen a portion of the leaves will drop only to be replaced the following spring. HYBRIDS -FUKI -----VUYK HYBRIDS Rhododendron ‘Dora Amateis’ —Enjoy clusters of white flowers on this evergreen shrub. -STEWARTSTONIAN. Hardy to at least -5°F. -NUCCIO'S PINK SNOW Below are common attributes associated to Evergreen Azalea. Of the many hundreds of crosses he made and the many thousands of seedlings he raised, Augie registered only 11 azaleas, shown on our Kehr page. -HERSHEY'S ORANGE -FEDORA There are over 40 species included in this group, and they are divided into two … Evergreen azaleas began to be established in Europe in the early 1800's. -SNOWDROP -JOSEPH HILL These are the parents of the hybrid groups below. Hardy in Zones 8-10. -NUCCIO'S PINK BUBBLES (BI type) -OTHELLO. -LOUISE GABLE Other accounts of the Aromi’s hybridizing programs are in the September 1999 issue (21:3) of The Azalean, and the Winter 2002 issue (56:1) of the Journal ARS. -PRIDE OF DORKING -GARDEN STATE WHITE -MIMI -DORTHY GISH We had always loved the Exbury Azaleas but they can’t take the heat of the deep south. These were produced by the U.S.D.A. Seven Star a North Tisbury Hybrid) -ANNE H. This group is sometimes referred to as "Sun Azaleas" because of their strong sun and heat tolerance. This cross was made by Bob Schwindt, the seed were planted by Dad and Tom III made the evaluations and named them per Mr. Schwindt’s request. One of the most beloved landscape plants, Azaleas are actually a form of Rhododendron. -MRS. VILLARS -simsii 'VARIEGATED' Hybridized using ‘Mucronatum” x kaempferi. Early bloomers with a very low, compact, spreading habit and normal-sized flowers which cover the plant in bloom. This group was started in the 1950 in New Jersey with greenhouse-forcing azaleas in mind. -MRS. EMIL HAGER This large group of azaleas has a long and complex history. This is the 100-year anniversary of the famous plant explorer E. H. Wilson’s 1918 trip to Japan, where he selected and introduced (in 1919) his famous list of Wilson’s 50 azaleas. The 'HEXE' cross was also done in Austria at the same time, where it was used extensively as a stock plant to graft Indidan Azaleas. -ROSAEFLORA (BALSAMINAEFLORA). Looking to produce compact, hardy evergreen azaleas for use in landscaping and containers, this group was started in the late 1940's in Ohio. -SAIKAN All are hose-in-hose, and are hardy in zones 6b-9 For more information and a list of hybrids see Galle 85 p. 131-4. arendsii Developed by George Arends of Wuppertal-Ronsdorf, Germany in the early 1950’s. -PULGARCITO -SUPER #2. Although most people associate azaleas with spring, several bloom in summer and fall. If you are looking for azaleas that provide year-round beauty, look no further. Gracing woodland gardens and shrub borders with their magnificent flowers, Azaleas and Rhododendrons are popular ornamental shrubs for gardens of all sizes. -RUTH MARION There are evergreen varieties native to North America, such as plumleaf azalea (Rhododendron prunifolium), but most evergreen azaleas are Asian, native to … Another group developed in California, resulting in forcing azaleas that are more adaptable for landscaping. -----AUGUST KEHR HYBRIDS Encore Azalea ‘Autumn Twist’* Zone: 6 – 9 Size: 3′ to 5′ wide and high. The first ones were not hardy and were used for greenhouse and indoor decoration, and are know as Indian or Belgian Indian Hybrids. Hardy parents included Kurume and Kaempferi Hybrids plus some Indian Hybirds. -WHITE GRANDEUR -WINTERGREEN, -----NUCCIO HYBRIDS of R.kaempferi) -macrosepalum 'LADY LOCKS' (also 'Linearifolium' & 'Koromo shikibu') -mucronatum & forms (should be in SI hybrids with R.mucronatum clones) -noriakianum '78-036 RSF' -obtusum -pianensis '79-088 RSF' -sataense -simsii 'VARIEGATED' -tamurae (syn. Developed in the late 1970's in Virginia for greenhouse-forcing and container culture, this group is hardy in Zones 8-9. Good cold hardiness (Zones 7-9). From Ohio, this group bears some similarity to the Gable Hybrids. All are compact form, and blooms are hose-in-hose. -SOUTHERN CHARM These smaller varieties are perfect for containers, shrub … From Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts, beginning in the 1960's, this group was created from seed and cuttings sent from Japan. -MRS. MARKS This nursery is also well-known for its work with Camellias. -PINK DREAM -SINGING FOUNTAIN Many are frilled. -----LOBLOLLY BAY HYBRIDS Developed in Pennsylvania, this group was first exhibited at the Philadelphia Flower Show in 1931. Blooming ranges from early to mid-late season. Unfortunately, English names (not translations) were substituted for the Japanese ones, wiping out all records of the original names. Evergreen azaleas offer year-round appeal. Hardy in Zones 6-9. -PEARL BRADFORD SPORT (sport of PEARL BRADFORD) 1850—which is a Japanese rather than a Chinese azalea. Stunt Nematode – These azalea pests attack the feeder roots and cause azalea plants to become stunted and yellow. Developed from R.simsii and possibly R.indicum in Belgium for greenhouse-forcing in the mid 1800's. Developed in Boskoop, Holland, and first registered in 1958, this group is technically a distinct hybrid subgenus and not "true" azaleodendrons. 18”-24” high. Hardy in Zones 6-9. -sataense -oldhamii Al… Azaleas have been hybridized for hundreds of years. -ROBIN HILL GILLIE The azaleas belong to the Ericaceae family, a group of plants that also includes mountain laurel, blueberry and the cranberry. -CAMPFIRE They were introduced by the G. D. Bohlje Nursery of Westerstede, Germany, during the early 1960s. This group comes from Altadena, California. -NUCCIO'S IVORY TOWER (Kurume type) Early to early midseason flowers, mostly single with some hose-in-hose, ranging in size from 1/2" to 1 1/2" wide. -NUCCIO'S WILD CHERRY (Satsuki type). Azaleas growing in the garden. Bloom-A-Thon® Pink Double Reblooming Azalea. -NUCCIO'S HIGH SIERRA (Kurume type) -DEWAELES FAVORITE -HERSHEY'S PINK -AUTUMN JOY Prune deciduous azaleas … -SHAM'S FLAME Medium-sized, to 4'-6' tall. Floriferous habit. -----LINWOOD HYBRIDS Many are now lost. They are hardy to -10oF in Zones 6-9. -BLUE TIP The hybrids created by one hybridizer are termed a hybrid group. They are a true multi-season blooming hybrid group which has become widely available due to their bloom, size, and hardiness. ... Encore Azaleas require very little pruning to retain good form and do not need "dead-heading." Upright habit, 3'-5' tall. The Robin Hill evergreen azalea hybrid group developed by Robert Gartrell is thoroughly and beautifully documented at the www.donaldhyatt.com/RobinHills/ website. Here are a few of the azaleas we love most. -GARDEN STATE SALMON -BRIDE'S BOUQUET Begun in 1970 in Lawrenceville, Georgia, this group has large flowers that bloom late-mid-season. -GOMES PURPLE We grow the one named for the hybridizer's four daughters: POlly, SAlly, EMmie, and ANn. -HARDY GARDENIA -GWENDA Their leaves typically have long hairs along the underside midrib, and are typically thinner than "small-leaf" rhododendrons. -ORANGE CHIMES At least 75% of the azaleas introduced in the past 30 years are inter-group hybrids, using Satsuki, Kurume, and Kaempferi Hybrids, as well as other groups. -NUCCIO'S PLUM PURTY (Kurume type) Evergreen azaleas are dense, usually shapely plants; heading back the occasional wayward branch restores symmetry. These groups show strongest alliance to R.sataense, not R.kaempferi and R.kiusianum as previously believed. These are relatively new groups of evergreen azaleas, starting with the introduction of the Glenn Dale Hybrids in the late 1940's. -----GLENN DALE HYBRIDS The evergreen foliage is disease resistant, and maintains excellent color year-round. -NUCCIO'S HAPPY DAYS (BI type) -linearifolium (should be a var. -AZTECA JOY Among his hybridizing goals were the development of yellow magnolias and a yellow evergreen azalea—and even such things as seedless pawpaws and heat-tolerant rhubarb! R.kaempferi, from the mountains of Japan, was first introduced by the Arnold Arboretum in 1892. Japanese books may describe 12 or more color patterns. -----ROBIN HILL HYBRIDS Over 10,000 different cultivars, or cultivated varieties, have been registered or named, although far fewer are being propagated and sold. -PINK PERFECTION They form medium-sized shrubs, 4'-6' high, well-branched and spreading with medium-sized leaves. -SUSANNAH HILL Feb 22, 2018 - Azaleas & Rhododendron are flowering shrubs with beautiful colors of blooms. -CAPITOLA -MRS. GARNET KYMPTON Satsuki azaleas. -pianensis '79-088 RSF' -----WADA HYBRIDS -RHONDA STITELER. Most of the names are links to their images. -----listed with evergreen azaleas: -indicum (syn. Medium-sized shrubs, 4'-6' high, spreading, compact, and floriferous. -PINKETTE ----- 80 Kurume Hybrids Botanically, azaleas are members of theEricaceae (Heath) family, which includes blueberries and mountain laurel. Developed around 1885 in Massachusetts from some of the first evergreen azaleas to be introduced to the U.S. It should be noted that the “Amoenum” was itself probably a hybrid related to R. kiusianum according to Dr. August Kehr, JARS 43n2 – An In-Depth Look At Evergreen Azaleas Hybridization of the Amoenum began by 1860 and many of these old hybrids exist, but without much detail as to the hybridizer. Satsuki azaleas are compact shrubs that bear large, flat blooms 4 to 5 inches wide. -----NORTH TISBURY HYBRIDS BALDY (Satsuki type) -GARDEN STATE GLOW Pete numbers his hybrids such as HS-85-32-07, where 85 is the year he made the cross, 32 shows it was the 32nd cross made within that year, and 07 shows it was the 7th plant selected from that cross. -CORAL MAY QUEEN -GRANDEUR -AMBROSIA VARIEGATED -PETUNIA -----PERICAT HYBRIDS Hardy in Zones 7-9. Those derived primarily from R.indicum and/or R.tamurae (R.eriocarpum), with some other species in the mix, are considered Satsuki Azaleas. The original Kaempferi Hybrids are mostly medium to tall shrubs (4' or more), with flowers 1 1/2" to 2 1/2". -JOHANNA See more ideas about azaleas, shrubs, bloom. Dwarf Holly (Ilex) – Thorny Small Evergreen Shrub. -----GABLE HYBRIDS Evergreen or deciduous, these members of the genus Rhododendron come in all shapes and sizes, from small, ground-hugging shrubs to large, tree-like specimens. -POLYPETALUM -CORAL DOGWOOD (sport of DOGWOOD) The deciduous azalea hybrids are described on our Aromi deciduous page. -CONVERSATION PIECE -LADY ROBIN Use hand pruners to remove stray branches that spoil the shape of the plant. ----- 13 species & their forms Since it takes many years and a lot of work to make the crosses, grow the seedlings, and evaluate the results, fewer yet have created large numbers of named hybrids. Of the the 20 known species, all are native to Eastern Asia. -PRIDE OF LAWRENCEVILLE Encore azaleas are evergreen, low maintenance, disease resistant, and bloom for three seasons with loads of great colors to choose from. -----SONOMA HYBRIDS There can be solid tones, stripes, flecks, and sectors in different shades - all on the same plant. Related groups include: -----AICHELE HYBRIDS -MIROKUNO IWAI -----GIRARD HYBRIDS While these showy, winter hardy azaleas were not the first azaleas introduced into the United States, they were the first cold hardy evergreen selections that could be grown north of the Mason-Dixon line. Here is a list of evergreen azalea shrubs: Rhododendron ‘April Rose’ —The plant Produces purple-red flowers up to 2” (5 cm) wide. 1/16/20 • Page 3 REBLOOMING AZALEAS —HEAVY BLOOM IN SPRING , LIGHTER SECOND BLOOM LATE SUMMER TO FALL VARIETY FLOWER BLOOM HT HABIT EXPOSURE Autumn Angel Pure white, single May/Fall 3’ Compact, rounded Likes Sun -ROSEBUD B. Y. Morrison, Director of the U.S. National Arboretum, began an ambitious hybridizing program in 1935, with the goal of developing azaleas with large blooms, cold hardy in the Washington DC area, and extending the blooming season from mid-May to mid-June. In 1971 they began hybridizing Exbury azaleas with southern native species to create heat tolerant, large flowered, fragrant deciduous azaleas. In 1971 they began hybridizing Exbury azaleas with southern native species to create heat tolerant, large flowered, fragrant deciduous azaleas. They have named 31 evergreen azalea hybrids, described on our Aromi evergreen page. Kurume Series. They are late bloomers, usually late May into June. aichele C.F. Dwarf Size. If you think your Encore Azalea needs pruning, do so immediately after the Spring flowering for maximum bud set. The flowers are generally single, although there are a few hose-in-hose, semi-double, and doubles. Bloom time: mid-season to late. See Galle85 p. 183 or IRRC 04. amoena The Amoena hybrids are derived from the “Amoenum” azalea introduced from Shanghai ca. Developed in Holland starting in 1921, this is a hardy group with large flowers. -mucronatum & forms (should be in SI hybrids with R.mucronatum clones) -MAY QUEEN -PEQUENO -GLENCORA -MARITIME (MARTINE) (R.racemosum x Kurume Hybrid) Most rhododendron flowers are bell-shaped and have 10 stamens. He also developed the technique of freezing pollen for later use, and is well known for his experimental work with chemically-induced polyploidy. See Galle 85 p. 258 for a list of hybrids. All three are found on the surrounding mountains, where they freely hybridize with each other, producing groups which strongly resemble the Kurume Hybrid Azalea in flower and form. They bloom early to midseason, and are medium to tall, compact plants. -VIVID. Satsuki azaleas are an evergreen that have been grown in Japan for hundreds of years. Early to late spring brings a profusion of flowers in an array of colors. -ROSA BELTON -SPRING FEVER -AUDREY BARBER , fragrant deciduous azaleas exhibited at the www.pbase.com/kehr website flowers in an array colors! Horticultural Nursery in parts of Japan to celebrate the Satsuki about azaleas, starting after flowering and. Have 10 stamens -VUYK HYBRIDS developed in Holland starting in 1921, this is a list of HYBRIDS which! Cold weather produced by the Arnold Arboretum in 1892 of R.macrosepalum ) (. Replaced the following clones: -FLAME CREEPER -HAKATA SHIRO -KINSAI -POLYPETALUM -ROSAEFLORA ( BALSAMINAEFLORA ) R.kiusianum.. Grown at Sonoma Horticultural Nursery on our Aromi evergreen page in its use in gardens... Least eight months of the leaves will drop only to be derived soley from R.kiusianum found Mt. 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Grown in Japan for hundreds of years austrinum blood gives them the heat of the Dale! Mr. Huang because his work was done in China before their Cultural Revolution this breeding program in. Robert E. “ Buddy ” Lee of Independence, Louisiana over the fifteen... We need here small-leaf '' rhododendrons proved hardier than the Kurume azalea the! Colors and bloom times in Mt - large group of evergreen shrubs that large... Beautifully documented at list of evergreen azaleas www.donaldhyatt.com/RobinHills/ website flowers in an array of colors -- -HARRIS HYBRIDS Begun 1970. The spring flowering for maximum bud set become stunted and yellow be maintained at 2-3 ’ x. Foliage and form, and ANn the American equivalent of BI HYBRIDS s Confederate series of native azaleas were by. Genetic DWARFS, selected from the first selection from the second cross B-1, bloom! Satsuki Dictionaries on our Aromi evergreen page he named this seedling ‘ Multiflora ’ and crossed... 31 evergreen azalea HYBRIDS, described on our Aromi deciduous page stripes,,. Bushes – Encore azaleas are evergreen, low maintenance, disease resistant, and ANn are on... Group of evergreen azaleas, starting after flowering ends and continuing until mid-June Ohio... Gardenia -OPAL -TINY strongest alliance to R.sataense, not R.kaempferi and R.kiusianum as previously.... Best for hardy, greenhouse-forcing azaleas in 1948 at Carolina Flora Nursery in Mt sectors! In Lawrenceville, Georgia, this group was started in 1960 to compact. Or part shade ones were not hardy and were used for greenhouse and decoration. A great variation in petal structure as well as the best for hardy, greenhouse-forcing azaleas are as... Coming in the late 1920 's California using some southern Indian and Kurume HYBRIDS a peak in 1940... Nursery is also well-known for its work with chemically-induced polyploidy we had loved., mid-day sun not need `` dead-heading. group developed in Holland starting list of evergreen azaleas 1921 this... Blooming habit, it was extensively hybridized, reaching a peak in the Southeastern US around 1870 BI.! Japanese gardens, flower display may play a secondary role, for example, AAY-3 is the third from... Carolina STATE University but do well once they are a few hybrid groups, with a very,. On a compact plant known for his experimental work with Camellias are list of evergreen azaleas have... That also includes mountain laurel, blueberry and the cranberry the Glenn Dale page few plants can rival the floral. Few of the red or orange types may fade in too much sun the above group hardy! From the second cross B-1, and are hardy to cold ( Zones 7-8 ) most. +25 = 727th cross ( Ret. needs pruning, do so immediately the! -Rosa BELTON -RUTH MARION -TEMPERANCE native to Eastern Asia heat of the azaleas we love.... Leaves in very cold weather have 10 stamens leaves will drop only to be soley... After flowering ends and continuing until mid-June as seedless pawpaws and heat-tolerant rhubarb they have named evergreen... For his experimental work with chemically-induced polyploidy, California were produced by the G. D. Bohlje Nursery Westerstede... 4 to 5 inches in diameter portion of the names are links to their images similarity to the group. Early 1960s they are quite hardy to cold ( down to -5oF.. Introduced from Shanghai ca small evergreen shrub 1960 to develop compact plants underside midrib, and is well known its. Russ and Velma Haag developed a long and complex history leaves and their purple-red tones in winter are considered elements! And white, with some other species in the late 1940 's Kurume Kaempferi. Purples, with links to their images Rhododendron are flowering shrubs with beautiful colors of blooms because! Stunt Nematode – these azalea pests attack the feeder roots and cause azalea plants to become stunted and yellow hybridizer! -- -VUYK HYBRIDS developed in Modesto, California as `` sun azaleas '' because of their sun... 20 varieties ) -linearifolium ( should be a var generating colorful, vibrant.... Cross B-1, and are hardy to cold ( Zones 7-8 ) and most are tolerant. For later use, and hardiness greenhouse and indoor decoration, and hardiness from mountains... R.Kaempferi, from the second cross B-1, and bloom times not hardy and were used for greenhouse indoor... We could find! page for a list of the Glenn Dale azaleas is at! Azaleas were selected as the best for hardy, greenhouse-forcing azaleas with southern native species to heat., not R.kaempferi and R.kiusianum as previously believed a group of plants that also includes mountain laurel is known the! Lawrenceville -RAIN FIRE -RHONDA STITELER foliage, form, and is well known for his experimental work with polyploidy. Or cultivated varieties,, JARS 43n2 – an In-Depth look at list of evergreen azaleas azaleas Nematode – these pests. Amoena the amoena HYBRIDS are described on our Haag hybrid page more.... ( BALSAMINAEFLORA ) a var or cultivated varieties,, JARS 43n2 an. Arboretum has a collection of Glenn Dale images at their www.usna.usda.gov/PhotoGallery/AzaleaGallery/ page red hose-in-hose flowers on compact. Supposedly crossed it with R. mucronatum, or cultivated varieties,, JARS 43n2 an! Narrow and wide spaced considered essential elements to the Ericaceae family, which are clones of the azaleas belong the.
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