I'm happy to answer general noob questions about the machine. Re: Decent Espresso DE1PRO v1.1 από jf12 » Κυρ. If you don't own one of my machines, you still might find the video helpful, as it goes through everything in the box, the setup, and tips for use. If you really want to nerd out with espresso, then the Decent all the way. Once released, this software will be free for all Decent Espresso users, though it does require the Group Head Controller, which we launched in January 2020, with our v1.3 machines. All times are GMT+10. You keep producing the goods. Brewing Equipment - Pointy End ($1500-$3000), https://us04web.zoom.us/j/7227204442...RTVjMrQTdrQT09, https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/wf...q_pZzkfEWqjbrG, https://www.diy.brakel.com.au/damians-lrv2/, https://decentespresso.com/c?show=all&filter=rake, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0..._title_o00_s00, https://decentespresso.com/portafilter_stand, If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the, we're increasing the cost of new models of machines by USD$200, because of increases costs due to COVID, while we price machines in USD, we do charge 15% more for Australia and EU, because we have had to set up service centers in those countries. Φεβ. Once released, this software will be free for all Decent Espresso users, though it does require the Group Head Controller, which we launched in January 2020, with our v1.3 machines. Although my prior experience was limited to a PID'd Gaggia Classic, as an engineer the pull toward Software Defined Espresso was hard to resist. The package price is 52% less than a new equivalent v1.3. SOWTECH Espresso Machine, 3.5 Bar 4 Cup Steamer Coffee Maker Cappuccino Machine with Milk Frother Wand for Espresso, Cappuccino, and Latte Macchiato, Suitable for Home and Office Use Different Flavors of Coffee: Espresso coffee maker with milk wand, whatever your preference, choose your strength with classic Espresso, cappuccino. He is also recommending grinding the NZ straight into the basket and not the ritual transfer of grinds from the container and flipping into the basket. Decent Barista Kit. By applying the engineering chops of Seattle's high tech community, we aim to extend the vision of what an espresso machine can be. to extract more coffee material at the very start of the shot, when the best tasting stuff is extracted. The extra 15% for Australia/EU is due to the @#$@#$@#$ customs hell that those countries put us through. Video: unboxing the v1.3 Decent Espresso Machine I've made a new unboxing video, this one is for the current v1.3 machines. This has probably been asked and answered, but 156 pages.. What a great development, John! yep, we've found about a 2% greater EY% using the technique that Rao describes, with no increase in inter-shot variation. Realtime control with the Decent Espresso machine New in v1.3, starting in February 2020/ No more waiting for Decent Espresso Throughout the 3 years we've been making espresso machines, every buyer has had to wait. 512 Likes, 26 Comments - Decent Espresso Machines (@decentespressomachines) on Instagram: “DE1XL v1.3 black and white⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣Here are shorts pans of the new v1.3 DE1XL Decent Espresso…” 27, 2019 7:32 pm Όχι, αυτή η μηχανή δεν είναι για ένα μέσο χρήστη. Our goal is the espresso quality you get from Italian professional espresso machines such as La Marzocco, but in a machine made for your home. We ended up finding several great options if you like to buy coffee beans online. Some things it points out, while (mostly) avoiding English Going deep, we've found to be risky, as it increases inter-shot variation a lot. Here’s the deal: You don’t need to spend a lot of money to get world-class coffee. Anything more than that will really need to wait until I get the whole espresso thing dialed in from end to end, and I get some real hours on the DE1Pro. The Decent Bazaar is where we list scratched, refurbished and discounted espresso machines. Contact us if you would like access to it. Re: Decent Espresso DE1PRO v1.1 από Gataros » Δευτ.  I agree there are improvements, in consistency and taste - if there wasnt any I would have stpopped doing this but I have continued - eagerly. This page was generated at 1 minute ago. that resonates for me! Μαρ. 191 Likes, 13 Comments - Decent Espresso Machines (@decentespressomachines) on Instagram: “Video: unboxing the v1.3 Decent Espresso Machine⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣I’ve made a new unboxing video, this one is…” The 5 map pins protrude about 8mm from the handle end of the brush which prevents digging too deep into the PF grinds and in homage to the top %25 recommendation from Rao.Very pleasently surpised by the improvements such a simple idea has made. Really helpful. Decent as a company is more than decent and have been really, really great at communications and Customer service. COVID has caused virtually all our costs to increase. Decent Unboxing Directions Decent Engineer Alex made these IKEA-style directions for unboxing your Decent Espresso Machine. Australian customs is, along with Germany, the most annoying to deal with on the planet. It has so many features, and the steaming isn’t that bad either. The Best Espresso Machine Reviews for 2020. by dating site better than craigslist | Best product guides, Espresso Machines. So, we now repair machines in Germany, and in Brisbane. Re: Decent Espresso DE1PRO v1.1 από jf12 » Δευτ. I dont quite understand how this prevents over pressure? What was interesting, in the Scott Rao link, was his comment in Instagram, that his technique, using this device, is to only distribute the top 25% of the puck whereas I used to go full depth. without this bump the shot starts 2.5ºC under temperature, reaching the goal around 7 seconds. The v1.3 concept images he showed me do not have an obvious way to do that, but I think he's working towards something similar based on capacitive touch. Re: Decent Espresso DE1PRO v1.1 από Gataros » Τρί. DECENT v1.3 news We just finished building the first, final v1.3 Decent Espresso machine, and it's on its way to me now. Congratulations John, the approval is worth the cost difference alone. 04, 2019 7:39 am Το σχεδιάγραμμα που βλέπεις είναι αρκετά μεγενθύμενο. The first question on the most recent Decent Zoom call was about the reliability (or not) of our Decent Espresso Machines. Brewing Equipment - Pointy End ($1500-$3000), https://decentespresso.com/c?s=343+1+344+1, If this is your first visit, be sure to We achieve rock-solid temperature and pressure with technology, instead of a large metal boiler. It's never been less than a month, frequently 3 months, and some waited much much longer. John your company generally seems to empower and champion those work with and for you. Thanks John. 03, 2019 7:57 pm Κάθε φορά που συναντιέμαι με τον Δημήτρη μαθαίνω καινούρια πράγματα και πραγματικά σε ευχαριστώ που έχεις την υπομονή και όρεξη να … With an espresso machine. we convert the USD$ price to the A$ price for a model when it's launched, and then we do not touch the AU$ price for the life of that model. Could anyone that owns the DE1XL and does not have the machine plumbed please comment on how much of an issue this is? I’m concerned that it will be annoying to remove the water tank in the DE1XL because I’d have to remove the back cover first. They're offering a great software program for guiding Decent users through real time control. DE1+ brushed panel (black) DE1PRO mirror lip (black) DE1XL mirror (black) DE1XL mirror (white) optical quality of the "true mirror" are superior to polished stainless that we did before. We do have a lot of improvements planned for software, in the field of the tablet app, firmware, and cloud services, and these will be available to all Decent owners, for free. The machine is 20% discounted, there is no tax or shipping, and I am including 7 baskets, and the refill kit, for free. A bit off topic... but I have one DE1PRO v1.1 model (with refill kit), lightly used, in. Repairing machines back in HK generally causes either massive paperwork to avoid double-duty-paying, or paying duty twice, which we were paying for customer. Such is life. If you click on a link on this page and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I also explain how non-Decent espresso machines can be dialed in to make this sort of drink (it's possible, Rao did it 20 years ago!). In fact, we set out on a journey to research and review some of the best espresso coffee you can buy. Quite right, there's already come out with three new models - 1.3, 1.4 and now 1.5 - since I started thinking about getting one. Great product development. Great and informative posting. You choose partnerships which are usually mutually beneficial. this won't be the case. if you scratch the mirror, it can be removed and we'll send you a free replacement with your next shipment from us, that you can stick on yourself. The Decent Espresso Machine includes a Scott Rao authored pour-over program, which has been optimized for this basket. They're offering a great software program for guiding Decent users through real time control. Italy, meet Seattle. Got my DE1PRO v1.1 last week and been shaking it out. He will be able to tell you what he's trying to get to for capability vs just getting UL approval. Met totally get your frustration now! when we priced the v1.4 model, the value of A$ has decreased vis-a-vis the USD$ from a year ago, and so that is why there is more than the USD$200 difference (converted to AUD) between v1.3 and v1.4. we keep shipping machines, instead of bashing our head against the wall trying to achieve perfection. Decent Espresso DE1+ v1.3 - slomo lever style pour - YouTube Re: Decent Espresso DE1PRO v1.1 από KostasBarista » Τετ. Does the spring snap out over a certain force? I seem to recall you commenting on one of Scott Rao’s blog posts that your engineer afternoon shot competition showed grinding into a cup like the Niche’s and shaking produced consistently better shots. In South Korea they called us "the genius machine that nobody can buy". ... standard (v1) 30% off grooved (v1) 30% off without the suitcase. John had his own ideas and tweaks that would make the machine easier to use and more feasible to manufacture. What could be better than waking up to a delicious espresso-based drink brewed from fresh ground coffee? The Rao Allongé is my other favorite technique (allonge with Blooming Espresso) for light and ultralight roast coffee. This costs us extra money to set up. Tamping Kit - 30% off Everything you need to tamp espresso perfectly. Choose a Decent Espresso model. All times are GMT+10. There is an unboxing video that we send when each machine ships, but this 1 page reminder will be included in the suitcase. Like many other r/coffee folk, I backed the failed ZPM Espresso kickstarter. Μαρ. 05, 2019 1:20 pm Δημήτρη ξέρεις καλύτερα ότι οτιδήποτε μπορεί να χαλάσει, ανα πάσα ώρα και στιγμή. Mission: Italy, meet Seattle Our goal is the amazing drink quality found in Italian professional espresso machines such as La Marzocco, but in a machine made for your home. You can use this basket on any espresso machine, as long as you can use 58mm standard baskets. The ideal for me would be the V3 with a calibration click. This page was generated at 1 minute ago. Not everyone watches the video. Here they're imitating a shot from the Profitech Pro800. Now considering the PF stand for the Niche and bypassing the cup - probably home made (ply offcuts) at first. Μαρ. I know that it seems minor, but these are the sort of things that can sometimes bother me. check out the. View it: "If have shot that is channeling no matter what you do, try lowering pressure. Flow control will likely be the default during a shot, because it allows you to control both pre-infusion and the main espresso extraction. If you want to really take your espresso to the next level, and you want to focus mainly on the espresso, go with the decent. Just wondering if a company in the Ebony business is your best partner? Decent Espresso isn’t just ZPM under a new name. Thanks for the explanation John. It would be pretty poor form to have different margins in different regions if that is the case and not an accident. And Brisbane salaries for repairing machines are MUCH MUCH higher than in HK. Amazing espresso machines for serious baristas. The linea mini, as you said, is reliable and has great steaming power. simply: the v1.4 model is based on current USD vs AUD exchange rates, whereas the v1.3 model is based on the currency exchange rate from a year ago. With other espresso machines, you will have to program your pour over program on your own. Been trying this at home with a stirrer fashioned from an old natural wood paint brush handle and map pins with the plastic heads cut off (15mins, zero cost to make). Some changes are more profound than others: grouphead controller for 1.3, higher power source for v1.4, resin water dispersor and perhaps temperature profiling (software) for v1.5. In the unlikely event you wanted a tester for Melbourne conditions, I’d gladly put my hand up for one ? Here they're imitating a shot from the Profitech Pro800. The video for this Zoom event was recorded. to compensate for the cooling effect of the room temperature grounds. The v1.4 machine will be USD$200 more expensive than v1.3. eg if you use a Baratza Sette grinder, and go to 9 bar, you're probably going to channel" - Boy!! 25, 2019 8:12 pm Νομίζω Φώτη οτι πρέπει να είσαι ο πρώτος κάτοχος της συγκεκριμένης μηχανής Πανελλαδικά! One reason for this standard can be traced back to Andrea Illy’s book, Espresso Coffee: The Science of Quality written in 1995.In the book, Andrea suggests that espresso extraction should be around 30 seconds with a 1:2 ratio. Is this just unnecessary with the Niche due to the even pyramids it creates? Thank you. Good points about ebony, thanks for the advice. The theory goes that a lower temperature later in the shot is advised, to avoid extracting too much unpleasant flavors. A few other people on the call make their own Allongé and we discuss the charts, tastes and areas for more research. Here's a demonstration of controlling pressure in real time, on the upcoming v1.3 Decent Espresso Machine. though Australia adds some of its own wrinkles, just for fun. By applying the engineering chops of Seattle's high tech community, we aim to extend the vision of what an espresso machine can be. I lost my money and so did many of the rest of you. The current standards for espresso across the United States can arguably be defined by 30-second shots using a 1:2 coffee-to-water ratio. I have V2 of the self-leveling tamper and it has been a godsend for getting a level tamp and has radically reduced channeling for me - I do use it in conjunction with a distribution tool. I've pulled that answer out into a separate video, seen here: John, im wondering if you can clear something up for me with regards to the new pricing for just the DE1+ 1.4v. with this bump, the shot immediately starts at the goal temperature, and then goes up to 1.5ºC over temperature as it settles back to the goal temperature over the course of the shot. Next week, I'll be making videos with it, such as: The previous unboxing video was 18 months old, and for v1.1 machines. We're also working on real time flow control. Finally: Australia mostly tracks EU consumer protection laws, which are expensive to comply with. Been playing around with various profiles -- the default that came preloaded, my own, and some posted by the Basecamp DE community. Finally, FINALLY! Not a whole lot! Φεβ. improves the flavor of the espresso, especially removing harshness, significantly changes the temperature curve the first 7 seconds of the espresso. What a team. As long as you can use this basket our head against the wall trying to world-class... Other favorite technique ( allonge with Blooming Espresso ) for light and ultralight roast coffee shot from the Profitech.! Over a certain force money to get to for capability vs just getting UL approval backed failed... Stuff is extracted, my own, and some waited much much.. Engineer Alex made these IKEA-style Directions for unboxing your Decent Espresso machine πάσα... Just getting UL approval about the reliability ( or not ) of our Decent machine... An issue this is tell you what he 's trying to get world-class.... 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