Barfield was not surprised that his initial approaches to Israeli authorities and archeologists were met with skepticism. The Copper Scroll may be our closest witness to the Ark’s fate. As his source, Hertz cited in his introduction a Tosefta Mishnayot (Rabbinic writing) which was unknown to modern Talmudists until twenty years ago. In 2009, he was able to put his theories from the copper scroll to the test. All Rights Reserved © 2020 The Jerusalem Connection Report | Developed by. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. II Maccabees tells the story of the prophet Jeremiah receiving a divine warning about the Babylonian invasion to come. Others hold that the Ark is in Aksum, Ethiopia, or that it is buried in a tunnel under the Temple, or that it is in a cave beneath Golgotha (also known as Calvary), the hill on which Jesus Christ was crucified. In answer to a caller’s question, Neese described the Ark’s importance to the Jewish faith as "a material connection to an immaterial God." However, using the properties of the Ark as described in the Bible would give also a clue to its location. He is confident that the objects depicted by the detector are indeed the much-sought-after Temple treasures. Now this is one of the strongest candidates on the list. The official from the Israeli government, when presented with all of Barfield’s evidence, became very interested and supportive. Found in 1952, like the other scrolls, the Copper Scroll was found in a cave near the ruins of Qumran and was thus attributed to the Essenes. What’s important is that I faithfully carry out His will for me, as I understand it.”. I have written about the Ark of the Covenant and its location in my book Ipso Facto and in a specific article on the subject to trigger a documentary and possible search for the artefact in the foothills of Mt. {mp4}tna-2018-bill-jasper-jim-barfield-copper-scrolls-project-hd{/mp4}. It was the last of 15 scrolls discovered in the cave, and is thus referred to as 3Q15. Dubbed the “Copper Scroll ”, it was kept in secret and the contents of this discovery were withheld from the public for four years. The account in II Maccabees reads: You shall also find it set down in the dispositions made by the prophet Jeremias, that he bade the exiles rescue the sacred fire, in the manner aforesaid. Furthermore, it is unique for more than its copper plates. The resting place of the Ark of the Covenant may now be known! Besides being an outsider, without the archeological credentials and experience of other noted authorities in this field, there are tremendous political sensitivities and rivalries involved that complicate any excavation effort. The Copper Scroll Project: In Search of the Ark of the Covenant, Readers of the Old Testament are familiar with the Ark of the Covenant, the sacred golden chest carried by the Israelites during their wanderings in the desert and finally placed in the temple built by King Solomon. The Copper Scroll is an anomaly in the Dead Sea Scroll Collection. The Ark of the Covenant is a chest that, when originally built, was said to have held tablets containing the 10 commandments. Found in a cave near Qumran, the "Copper Scroll" is one of the most unusual of the Dead Sea Scrolls. When He dung in the cave, no Ark was found. As its nickname implies it is a scroll written on thin copper sheets. However, because of political instability in Israel at the time and security concerns, he asked us not to post it at that time. The Copper Scroll is the treasure map and like in the Da Vinci code Jon and Erin are on the hunt. Jim Barfield and the Copper Scroll Project team reveal breaking news. In 1952, a fragile scroll made of copper was discovered in a cave above the Dead Sea at Qumran. "For nearly 2,400 years the Copper scroll laid in a cave near Khirbet Qumran high above the shores of the Dead Sea until 1952. The search would use satellite imaging and infrared scanning to discover the canyon, which was partly filled in by a landslide or rock fall which hid the cave from view. Hi, Don! The Copper Scroll is materially unique in that it was written on thin, hammered copper, rather than the less-durable papyrus or parchment, which were the materials used for all of the other scrolls. The Copper Scroll describes a hoard of precious metals and coins estimated to be worth around two billion dollars today. Mt. Emeq HaMelekh warns that the Temple items will “not be discovered until the day of the coming of Moschiach, son of David.”. As part of the Dead Sea Scrolls collection, it is unlike any of the other ancient documents. The Copper Scroll and the Excavations at Qumran Copper Scrolls with Coded Symbols (hi-lighted), view large file view medium file Go to actual Copper Scrolls, view large file view medium file How the Scrolls were cut. At any rate, it has been “missing” for well over two millennia, its location known only to God. Jeremiah replied “the place shall be unknown until God gathers His people together again and shows His mercy.”, In 1922 an eighteenth century writing called Emeq HaMelekh written by Rav Hertz, an authority on oral Torah, was found in Amsterdam. The 1981 adventure/fantasy film. Albert Wolters, a professor of Religion and Theology in Ontario who focuses on the Dead Sea Scrolls, makes an argument that the proper translation for the last hiding place of the Copper Scroll reads “the Cavern of the Shekinah.” Shekinah when used in the Bible designates the Divine Presence as it inhabits the Tabernacle (Exod. Is the Ark of the Covenant in Ethiopia? Nebo. According to Barfield, their detector showed “massive amounts” of nonferrous metal objects in precisely those locations. The Scroll’s script and word construction has eluded many paleographers (experts in ancient script) because it is unlike any of the other Dead Sea Scrolls or texts from the suspected period of production. In addition to the Palestinians, there are also influential Israelis who are opposed to the project. He, when they told him of it, rebuked their eagerness; Nay, said he, the place must remain ever unknown, till the day when God brings his people together once more, and is reconciled; then, divinely, the secret shall be made manifest. Jim Barfield believes the Ark of the Covenant is in Qumran, the area of the Judean Desert where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. That’s where the detector gave off the biggest readings for nonferrous metals, indicating to him they had found the Ark and the other most important gold and silver Temple objects. We believe our readers may find it intriguing, if not fascinating, especially in light of the recent developments concerning President Trump’s focus on Jerusalem. But one has proven itself to be more enduring since a copper scroll was unearthed on the coast of the Dead Sea in 1952. The Copper Scroll, which dates back around 1,900 years, and is made of copper, shows several "striking parallels" with the newly translated treatise, Davila said. According to the translation of John Allegro, the first person allowed to study the Copper Scroll, the text opens with: “In the desolations of the Valley of Achor, under the hill that must be climbed, hidden under the east side, forty stones deep, is a silver chest, and with it, the vestments of the High Priest, all the gold and silver with the Great Tabernacle and all its Treasures.” Mishkan is the Hebrew word used for the Wilderness Tabernacle, the Tabernacle that the Israelis carried during the forty years of wandering and the contents of which were later transferred to the Ark. Excluding Jones and Barfield, however, few Copper Scroll experts have given the connection any merit—mostly because archeologist frown upon using ancient literary texts to aid in finding artifacts. The Copper Scroll is an anomaly in the Dead Sea Scroll Collection. Jim Barfield believes it is in Qumran, the area of the Judean Desert where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. “It might not be Jim Barfield whom He uses to reveal it, but that’s not what’s important — I’m not important. The Copper Scroll Senior editor William F. Jasper is an author/journalist/commentator/documentary producer with a well-earned reputation as one of America’s top investigative reporters, most renowned for his in-depth, years-long investigation of the Oklahoma City bombing and its aftermath. Your email address will not be published. That same year the Copper Scroll was found in Cave #3 at Qumran, West Bank, which listed the hiding places of 64 sacred articles which included the Tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant. Jews in the land and in the Diaspora had brought substantial wealth to the Jewish temple through regular free-will offerings. It is based around the treasure hunt of the riches described in this scroll and ends with them finding it and the arc of the covenant. The Copper Scroll is the first archeological discovery that sheds light on the issue and could even lead to the Ark’s recovery. The Ark did indeed disappear, but not following World War II, as Hollywood portrayed, and not into a top-secret warehouse. The Copper Scroll Project is a relative newcomer to the modern treasure hunt. After Jeremiah sealed the entrance his followers complained they could not find the site. Could the Copper Scroll now sitting in a museum in Jordan be the Luach Nehoshet? Whether or not he has truly discovered the Ark of the Covenant will likely only be revealed by time — and a shovel. The possibility is tantalizing. The New American magazine, published twice a month in print and daily online, is the essential news source for freedom-loving Americans. Now, let’s go further. Finding the lost Ark of the Covenant. Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total}), Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}. That movie ends with the Ark disappearing in a large crate, along with thousands of other similar crates, into a huge U.S. government warehouse. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. His treasure map for the past 35 years has been the Copper Scroll, the one scroll among the Dead Sea collection engraved on a roll of copper rather than parchment. The Copper Scroll is the first archeological discovery that sheds light on the issue and could even lead to the Ark’s recovery. It seems certain that faithful priests had hidden the ark when Nebuchadnezzar was camping beyond Jerusalem’s Walls in preparation to destroy the city. Required fields are marked *. Please join us in petitioning Israel to … With the help of an ancient document found in Qumran together with the Dead Sea Scrolls, known as the “Copper Scroll”, Dr. Jones is convinced he has pinpointed the location of the Ark … Date Sunday - January 13 2019 Host Richard Syrett ... Barfield now believes that the Ark of the Covenant is hidden nearby "in a cave." Photo: courtesy of The Copper Scroll Project. Jim Barfield has worked on the Copper Scroll Project for more than a decade. Explorer Vendyl Jones, among others, believes that an artifact found among the Dead Sea Scrolls, the enigmatic “Copper Scroll” of Qumran Cave 3, is actually a treasure map of sorts detailing the location of a number of precious treasures taken from the temple before the Babylonians arrived, among them the lost Ark of the Covenant. The two deteriorating rolls lay side by side on a stone outcropping in the cave hidden, according to records, by a desparate team of holy men seeking to preserve their faith. He has experienced many delays, setbacks, and roadblocks, as well as more than his fair share of detractors. My address is Found in 1952, like the other scrolls, the Copper Scroll was found in a cave near the ruins of Qumran and was thus attributed to the Essenes. The 1981 adventure/fantasy film Raiders of the Lost Ark by Steven Spielberg and George Lucas introduced a Hollywood version of the Ark to a much larger global audience outside the Jewish and Christian traditions. Until this book, I had never heard of such a thing - the dead sea scrolls, but not this one. “The political and religious ramifications of this are huge,” he told The New American in a recent telephone interview. with Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II plundering and destroying Jerusalem, slaying most of the Israelites, and taking most of the survivors into captivity. The Ark of the Covenant has not been seen since the destruction of Jerusalem by Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar. The Copper Scroll Project tells the story of an Oklahoma arson investigator, Jim Barfield, who sets off on a decade-long quest to uncover Qumran’s secrets―the lost treasures of the Jerusalem temple―and show the world that the Dead Sea Scrolls were merely the tip of the archaeological iceberg. Nebo where Jeremiah hid it. The Holy Grail, The Ark of the Covenant, The Fountain of Youth, and The Philosopher’s Stone – Whether the objects are of legend or history, certain ancient mysteries arrest the imaginations of every generation. The Copper Scroll treasures were almost assuredly from the Second Temple, but the Ark of the Covenant was not ever discovered after the First Temple. “On our last visit to Israel — in September last year — we had a very good meeting with a top Israeli archeologist and a high official in the Israeli government,” he told The New American. The Babylonian’s detailed list of stolen Temple items makes no mention of the Ark; the Bible offers no resolution on whether the Ark was stolen, lost, or destroyed. The burning question is how something so holy and central to Jewish worship could disappear without explanation. Nebo. Most exciting of all, he says, were the detector readings for the cave location where he believes the greatest treasures, including the Ark of the Covenant, are hidden. by Steven Spielberg and George Lucas introduced a Hollywood version of the Ark to a much larger global audience outside the Jewish and Christian traditions. That movie ends with the Ark disappearing in a large crate, along with thousands of other similar crates, into a huge U.S. government warehouse. In 1952, a fragile scroll made of copper was discovered in a cave above the Dead Sea at Qumran. Though the genizah document predated Emeq HaMelekh by a thousand years, it gave the same story as Rav Hertz about the Temple rescue operation, named the same five holy men, and referenced the copper plate. The only place in ancient Israel that would have had access to so much wealth was the Temple treasury. A Long Way to Shiloh (known in the USA as The Menorah Men so as not to be thought a Civil War novel) is a thriller by Lionel Davidson, published in 1966, whose plot follows the finding and contents of a similar treasure scroll. Scholars translate it differently. I’d like to know more about the Ark of the Covenant. Vendyl Jones—an explorer who has devoted thirty years to studying the Copper Scroll—and Jim Barfield—a retired fire marshal who believes he has cracked the code on the Copper Scroll (see my Copper Scroll articles from the last two issues)—believe the Second book of Maccabees and two other extra-Biblical texts give the background to the Copper Scroll. The relic also reads like a coded map. Its content has baffled and confounded the biblical fraternity ever since, because the scroll listed 64 locations where vast quantities of gold and silver treasures were buried. Sell-By date in a cave above the Dead Sea at Qumran by Babylonian King.! 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