There is a 'Power to the People' weapon upgrade station at the following 14 locations. Power to the People Locations There are 14 Power to the People weapon upgrade stations total. - Frank Fontaine at the installation of the first Power to the People machine, 1/22/57 Power To The People weapon upgrade station locations. Need some help with this game? However, you can always find room in your inventory for a bullet reflecting drill, an electric pulse shotgun and even a cluster grenade launcher. List Press TAB and type the needed code : God (god mode) IGBigbucks (gives 600$) GiveAll (gives you all the weapons and ammo availables) GiveItem ShockGame.PhysicalGeneticSlotUpgrade (gives an additional tonic slot) GiveItem … Behind the locked gate on the first floor of the Mermaid Lounge. Note on difficulty settings- These numbers are for Normal difficulty, Hard mode increases eve costs by 30% and Easy reduces them by 35%, Easy mode has half the eve cost of … 6. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Along the path to Persephone at the start of the level. Addweaponstatupgrade RivetGun Damage (rivetgun “power to the people” upgrade) Addweaponstatupgrade RivetGun IgnitionDamage (rivetgun “power to the people” upgrade) Addweaponstatupgrade RivetGun MagazineSize (rivetgun “power to the people” upgrade) Similar Posts: BioShock 2 Remastered Item ID List Inner Persephone has 2, 1.In the infirmary past ward B. Behind a locked door in the opening area (where you encounter a Houdini Splicer). In the watchtower Sinclair is holed up in. Enter the room here to find the Power to the People weapon upgrade station. Master Hacker : Hacked 30 machines at a distance with the Hack Tool. There are two Power to the People machine to be found in Fort Frolic. There’s a Turret around the corner. 7. There are fourteen Power to the People stations spread throughout the game, and each will allow you just one upgrade to a weapon of your choice. ... After the door is opened you can now proceed and access the Power to the People Station. Doing so will release two Alphas, so be ready for a fight. There are only 12 of them throughout the game. After punching in the code to unlock the door into Fontaine Clinics, head up the stairs beyond the reception desk and look for an opening in the wall. The only way to take full advantage of this awesome new weaponry, however, is to visit each and every "Power to the People" weapon upgrade station in the game. The last one is located in inner Persephone in Ward B. 10. This is a comprehensive list of all the power to the people weapon upgrade stations in Bioshock 2. You can choose one weapon upgrade in each of them. In this video I cover each power to the people weapon upgrade station thoroughly so you can find them easily. It’s near the start of the level, in the corridor beyond the area with the overturned clock. You’ll head through here while on your way to meet Stanley Poole at the train station. Then go into the “Lighting Storage” room. That's why you should think over which weapons you prefer and focus on upgrading them. After gathering ADAM from both bodies and rescuing or harvesting the Little Sister, continue down the tracks until you reach rubble blocking your path. It’s a behind a locked door. Then just return to the previous room and head through the now-open door to find the station and an audio diary. Topics: x360)bioshock bioshock . 13. I realized as I finished this that I missed the last one, so this video contains 13 out of 14 station locations. Near the end of the “Journey to the Surface” ride. Reunion: Reunited with your original Little Sister. Set during the fall of Rapture, players assume the role of a Plasmid test subject for Sinclair Solutions and must use all the tools at their disposal to survive the horrors of the city. Set in the fictional underwater dystopian city of Rapture, the … Bioshock 2 hidden mechanics, plasmid costs, damage settings. The station is here. Enter the Ride Maintenance area (Light Storage) through the automatic door to the left of the couch to find the station. Each station allows you to upgrade weapons of your choice, but is a one-time use object. BioShock 2 is a first-person shooter video game developed by 2K Marin and published by 2K Games.It is the sequel to the 2007 game BioShock and was released worldwide for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 on February 9, 2010; Feral Interactive released an OS X version on March 30, 2012. This site is not affiliated in any way with Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Nintendo or any video game publishers.Privacy Policy | Terms of Service. 1; 2; 3; NEXT. The breakdown for all the locations goes like this: Adonis Luxury Resort – 0 On the second floor of Sinclair Deluxe, in the area with falling water, a ramp up to the third floor, a covered table and a Vent surrounded by candles. The par… 31.5% Rare: 44.00% Uncommon: Reunion Reunited with your original Little Sister. Ryan Amusements: After the family display, through the door. Inner Persephone: Just after Ward B in the room with the rocket turret. 2. in the tubes leading from Cohens collection to Ocean Entrance. Here is a list of the most usefull cheat codes to beat the trials in Bioshock 2 and earn easily the achievements. There are fourteen Power to the People stations spread throughout the game, and each will allow you just one upgrade to a weapon of your choice. (1) Fully Upgraded a Weapon: Installed the third upgrade to a weapon. BioShock 2 Power to the People Locations Audio Diaries Power to the People Gene Tonics Research Bonuses Secret Endings There are fourteen Power to the People stations spread throughout the game, and each will allow you just one upgrade to a weapon of your choice. BioShock 2 Find All 14 Power to the People Station Locations Complete Guide This guide will help you to find all 14 Power to the People stations in the game. Click on one of the stations listed below to see how to find it in our walkthrough. 2. < > 2 Comments AlucarD [author] Aug 4, 2019 @ 12:10pm you are welcome Kona! Machine #14: The final Power to the People machine is in the "Quarantine Area" in the Infirmary Wing. There are 14 in total, and unlike the first BioShock, some are now hidden." Pauper's Drop: From Journal 039, go out the door, down the stairs. 3. 2. by the bot shut down smack in the middle of Fontaine Futuristics. You’ll need to shoot a Hack Dart at the Door Control Panel visible through the window at the northeast end of the Test Subject Surgery area and hack the door open to get to it. 8. 4. Each station allows for only a single enhancement. What are the Power to the People stations? Power to the People #1 – You’ll easily find the first Machine on your way to getting the ticket that’s needed to enter the park. Complete the hacking stages to open the gate. Bioshock 2’s next area, Siren’s Alley, has two Power to the People stations to track down. Persephone has 1. at the end of the tube before the exam rooms. The Keypad code, contained in the “A Gift From Billy” audio diary, is 1080. 4. There are 14 Power to the People stations in total. This video shows you the locations of all 14 Power to the People stations. In the Hidden Plasmid Laboratory. Bioshock 2: Power To The People Locations - Part 1 - YouTube There are 14 Power to the People weapon upgrade stations total. Lamb felt that, despite Andrew Ryan's goal that artists in Rapture should "no longer fear the censor," he still censored the city's artists when he believed their public art ran contrary to his own ideals. Dionysus Park: Behind the door, the combination is 1080. Power to the People #2 – You’ll find the second Machine by following the ride called “Journey to the Surface” to the end of the first section (Coercion). Your BioShock 2 weapons are cooler than ever. 2. Find out the best tips and tricks for unlocking all the achievements for BioShock 2 in the most comprehensive achievement guide on the internet. Upgraded a weapon at a Power to the People Station. 2. The Quarantine Area of the Infirmary, behind a locked metal door. Get up onto the stage and head up the steps at the right end. Just use code 5254. ↑ BioShock Loading Screen Quote: "A gun in every home, peace on every street." Or can you help others? In one of the back rooms in the Limbo Room. Lamb created Dionysus Park as a safe haven where all artists could present their work unrestrained, and thus defy Ryan. Turn into the room at the bottom of the stairs at the start of this corridor to find the station. Outer Persephone: On your left. Move past the hole in the wall you entered this area through. Ryan Amusements: Going to get the ticket. (4) Prolific Hacker : Hacked one of each kind of machine. 3. Can you provide the answers for fellow gamers questions, + Add Your Cheats and Codes / Ask a question. © Web Media Network Limited, 1999 - 2021. All Bioshock 2 Door Codes. Where you can find the stations: Ryan Amusements = 2 stations; Pauper’s Drop = 3 stations; Siren Alley = 2 stations; Dionysus Park = 2 stations; Fontaine Futuristics = 2 stations; Persephone Outer = 1 station; Inner Persephone = 2 stations. (1) All Weapon Upgrades : Found every Power to the People weapon upgrade in the game. The sequel to 2K Games' popular first-person action-adventure. There is a display room here with a robotic family sitting on a couch. 4. 3. Children were disappointed, but also hopeful, after a mob of Trump supporters stormed U. S. Capitol in Wednesday's riot. 12. These are not usually tested by us (because there are so many), so please use them at your own risk. Hit the Turret with an Electro Bolt or Hack Dart and then make your way to the other end of the corridor. Upgrade a weapon at any of the Power to the People stations in Bioshock 2. The door is next to the Vending Machine at the east end of the Cohen’s Collection corridor. 9. All Weapon Upgrades achievement in BioShock 2 (Xbox 360): Found every Power to the People weapon upgrade in the game - worth 20 Gamerscore Move through the opening and cross the walkway over to The Hamilton. First Research 5. Each weapon can be upgraded three times, so finding all 14 Power to the People stations will allow you to fully-upgrade four of your weapons and upgrade another weapon twice. All Weapon Upgrades achievement in BioShock 2 Remastered: Find all 14 Power to the People weapon upgrades in the game - worth 20 Gamerscore In the Security Office, which you gain access to after destroying the four Signal Relays. Or click here to search for specific content. 11. Registration allows you to keep track of all your content and comments, save bookmarks, and post in all our forums. Each weapon can be upgraded three times, so finding all 14 Power to the People stations will allow you to fully-upgrade four of your weapons and upgrade another weapon twice. In the Quarantine Area of the Infirmary Wing. Add new comment; Original article; Share News Clip; Place your ad … Head up the stairs to the second floor and shoot a Hack Dart at the Door Control panel visible through the kitchen window. Fontaine Futuristics. Weapon upgrade stations are very rare. 14. 52.8% Common: 44.00% Uncommon: Escape Escaped Rapture. Super Cheats is an unofficial resource with submissions provided by members of the public. Power To The People weapon upgrade stations can be found at the following locations: 1. BIOSHOCK 2 All the location of the power to the people machines Weapon Upgrade Stations 01 Ryan Amusements - Going to get the ticket, pretty hard to miss 02 Ryan Amusements - After the family display, through the door 03 Pauper's Drop - From Journal 039 go out door, down stairs There are 18 upgrades in total, so you will have to choose which of them are most useful. 31.9% Rare: 44.00% Uncommon: Savior Saved every Little Sister and spared Grace, Stanley and Gil. In the Maintenance Access area (which is through the door at the east end of the carousel room). 1. Escape: Escaped Rapture (Finish the game on any difficulty). Before the fall of Rapture, Dionysus Park was the private property of Sofia Lamb, and she meant for it to stand as a living example of her Collectivist ideals. Bioshock 2 - Power To The People Locations Guide. Drop through the hole in the kitchen storage room to reach the weapon upgrade station on the first floor. Inner Persephone: When you have gained access to Sinclair, look back in the room. IGN Complete, IGN Tue, 02/16/2010 - 6:59pm Page 1; Page 2; Page 3; BioShock 2 (X360)Bioshock 2. Don't forget to like, comment and sub. Fontaine Futuristics has 2, 1. in the live test facility near the two gather locations. The first Power to the People machine is found at Le Marqui D'Epoque near … Each station allows for only a single enhancement. In the room along the corridor leading up to Simon Wales’ church. This one is impossible to miss. 2. The only way you will be able to get these is by finding the Power To The People Weapon Upgrade Stations. Hard to miss. The station is behind a locked door, along with a Missile Turret (so watch out!). Proceed through the door straight ahead to find the station. Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Blood, Where to Buy 2021 Gaming Laptops with the Newest GeForce RTX 3060, RTX 3070, and RTX 3080 Video Cards, Netflix's 2021 Movie Release Lineup: New Films From Chris Hemsworth, Dwayne Johnson, and Zack Snyder Revealed, Power to the People #10 (Fontaine Futuristics), Power to the People #11 (Fontaine Futuristics), Power to the People #13 (Inner Persephone), Power to the People #14 (Inner Persephone), Things Ghost of Tsushima Doesn't Tell You. Upgraded a weapon at a Power to the People Station. To open the doors in the Quarantine Area you need to press the Door Release button on the back of the pillar in the middle of the area. The Fontaine Futuristics code is strategically placed on the wall that’s close to the corpse that’s tied in the Plasmid showroom. 'Hear a child's perspective': How America's teachers talked with kids about Capitol riot USA Today, Saturday - 01/09/2021 - 04:58 AM. First off everyone's favorite topic, Plasmids. 1. 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