(some authors give 'Salmon Beauty' as a parent). Azalea japonica is a small heath shrub that provides evergreen, bushy growth. Height 50-75cm in 10 years. Easy to grow. Height 60-80cm in 10 years. It mixes well with other plants and stands out when in flower. Beautiful Fragrant White Flowers A dependable shrub with year-round interest. Pink Alabama Native Azalea … nakaharae (or nakaharai) is a native azalea from Taiwan and is treated as a species. It loves a full sun position needing a good... With intense large violet blue flowers, with deeper purple red spotting this lovely old variety is very hardy. Parentage: unknown Group:Evergreen Azalea (Hyde hybrid). Wonderful deep pink small flowers cover the whole plant in May. Group:Evergreen Azalea (Northern European hybrid). This plant has lovely large, frilled pure white hose-in-hose flowers in May. Ideal for front of border or for growing in containers. Pruning azaleas is easy and can be done with a few simple rules in mind. Azalea japonica 'Adonis' is a compact evergreen Japanese azalea with pure white flowers that works well in a container. Trim after flowing to encourage a bushy growth habit. Height 50-60cm in 10 years. Height 60cm in 10 years. Ideal for containers and small gardens. Easy to grow. Parentage: yedoense var.  –  Millais Nurseries. Azalea japonica ‘Diamond White’  is particularly hardy variety with a bushy growth habit, glossy foliage and white flowers. This is a small flowered variety, but is particularly striking and full of rich colour, the flowers hiding all the leaves. Height 75-90cm in 10 years. Easy to grow. Parentage: Unknown Large, wavy edged deep pink flowers, with speckling in throat flowering mid to late May. Further divided into subgroups they commonly bear a profusion of small to large trusses of small single, semi-double or frilled, … All rights reserved. Height 75-90cm in 10 years. Height 50-75cm in 10 years. Hybridization date: pre 2000 (late 1960's). Refine your search by expanding the filters above and selecting the relevant options. Please note: Shipment of web orders will end on the 21st of December. Ideal for containers and small gardens. Origin: British. Azaleas are acid … A very popular and easy growing plant with good glossy foliage. Hybridization date: pre... Picture for guide only. WEB SALES OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED FROM 25TH OF DECEMBER UNTIL 4TH OF JANUARY, Garden Centre & Farm Shop will be closed on Friday 25th December and will open again on Saturday 2nd January 2021 at 8.00am. Ideal for containers and small gardens. Height 50-65cm in 10 years. Group:Evergreen Azalea (German hybrid), originally thought to be an Azaleodendron. The blossoms are large and consist of rounded white flowers. Ideal for containers and small gardens, makes a real statement! Picture for guide only. We will select 10 complementary varieties, supplying 3 plants of each. Bred by:... Another one of our favourite plants with bright red hose-in-hose (double) flowers that have a faint brown spotting. Parentage: parentage unknown. Easy to grow. 4 of them arrived with leaves that were brown at the tips and they have only gotten worse. Parentage: mucronatum x 'Vittatum' X 'Kagetsu'. Regarded as the largest flowered, scented, white azalea species, Rhododendron occidentale, commonly known as Western Azalea, is a plant of great beauty and captivating fragrance that appeals to virtually … It flowers in mid to late May and is perfect as a present for Grandad! But many homeowners wonder how do you prune an azalea to keep it a manageable size and shape. 13cm pot in stock (shipped within 2-4 working days) ADD < Prev 1 2 … Easy to grow. Find the perfect white azalea stock photo. Ideal for containers and small gardens. Copyright 2020. Bred... NEW! Flowering in May this plant has a broad and wide spreading habit. Group:Evergreen Azalea (kaempferi hybrid). This is an exciting new introduction with neat compact habit. Ideal for small gardens and unusual flower. Deciduous azalea Hybrids £14 each ex VAT Grow to 1.2-1.6m, ultimately 2-2.5m+. Superb large carmine red flowers in May. The perfect gift for any occasion! This site uses cookies to store information on your computer. Flowering in early May, this is a very tough and easy growing plant that has an upright habit. This plant is one of the best azaleas for autumn foliage, with dark shiny leaves turning dark red in winter. Easy to grow. Strong orangey red funnel shaped flowers. It is worth pruning hard after flowering to keep the plant looking nice and bushy. Group: Evergreen... An old variety with large (around 65cm) rose pink flowers in June-July. Large flowers, on a very hardy compact growing plant. Parentage: Unknown. Group:Evergreen Azalea (kaempferi hybrid). Belonging to the Rhododendron family, white evergreen azaleas provide bright glowing color to partially shady areas in the garden with beautiful spring blossoms. … Please note this is a semi-evergreen variety and will drop loeaves in the colder months. 2012 - Dwarf Evergreen Azaleas found in: Azalea 'Dwarf Collection', Azalea 'Dwarf White', Rhododendron 'Amoena', Azalea 'Dwarf Red', Azalea 'Dwarf Lilac',.. They are easy to grow and shade tolerant, making them perfect for growing under the canopies of trees or adding instant impact and colour to drab parts of the garden. These plants are in 2 litre pots and they are about 10-15cm now. The stem should always... (H5) Fully double rich pink flowers in May make this azalea different to others. Parentage: Unknown. Easy to grow. Habit: Compact. We have grown these plants in 3 litre pots here on our nursery and they are about 20-25cm now, and nice and bushy. Raised by the late Dorset Azalea breeder, George Hyde and introduced by his daughter Rosemary Legrand. A neat grower with a fairly upright habit, sometimes semi deciduous foliage. Height 60 - 80cm in 10 years. It is hardy, but dislikes too much... (H6) A semi evergreen azalea with rich red semi double flowers set against dark green foliage in spring and then in late summer. AZALEA VISCOSUM* H5 (swamp honeysuckle) Sweetly-scented small white flowers in June-July with a fine scent. As with all rhododendrons add ericaceous compost when planting. Striking and very large rosy purple flowers around 75mm across, with a deeper blotch and occasional pale centres. Large flaring trumpet shaped flowers initially appear in mid- to late spring, but then rebloom opens again in midsummer, and these will often continue until the first frosts. Hybridization date: unknown. Easy to grow. Bred by: W.G.T. According to azalea historian Fred Galle, in the United States, Azalea indica (in this case, the group of plants called Southern indicas) was first introduced to the outdoor landscape in the 1830s at the rice … Group:Evergreen Azalea (Glenn Dale hybrid). Height 55 - 70cm in 10 years. Very attractive orchid pink semi-double flowers in May. Easy to grow. Height 60-80cm in 10 years. Maria Elena is a dense, compact, rounded, evergreen shrub with small, elliptic and dark green leaves. Height & spread 60cm in 10 years. Slightly tender, so best in sheltered positions. White flowering azaleas Azaleas are flowering shrubs in the genus Rhododendron, used to refer to generally smaller-growing evergreen and deciduous varieties with smaller leaves. Group:Evergreen Azalea... A lovely looking Azalea with large rich pink flowers and darker markings, flowering in Mid May. FREE SHIPPING. Height 50-75cm in 10 years. All these plants are in 2L pots and normally cost £8.95 each, giveing you a saving... Lovely small (20mm) vivid purplish red flowers with faint spots in a compact truss of 19 to 25. Azaleas are a popular yard shrub due to their ability to bloom in a wide variety of conditions and their vibrant colors. You can expect the head to measure 60-80cm in 10 years. Ideal for containers and small gardens, including rock gardens and front of borders. In colder or more exposed areas this plant can lose some or all of its leaves in winter. The plant blooms in the spring around April for 4 to 6 weeks. This would make a lovely present for Grandma! It loves a full sun position needing a good... (H5) Why settle for a week or two of flowers when you can enjoy up to five months of blooms? This plant was voted one of the 'Top 20' in the Glen Dale hybrids survey of 1980. Height 60-80cm in 10 years. Height 60-80cm in 10 years. Let’s look at how to trim azalea … We love it because it looks good all year. Flowering in early spring April - May and then sporadically repeat flowers from midsummer until the first frosts of the autumn. Ideal for small gardens and mixed borders. Stunning purple violet flowers in mid May. Hyde. We will select 5 complementary varieties. Evergreen Species. See our cookie policy for further details on how to block cookies. Easy to grow. The Autumn Moonlight is a cold hardy Encore Azalea that produces green foliage and white semi-double blooms in spring, summer, and fall. A very hardy plant from Japan which is semi-evergreen in hard winters. Name – Azalea … Here is a fantastic PALLET DEAL of 30 choice Evergreen Azaleas that will grow to around 50-75cm in 10 years. Opening from delicate pale pink flower buds in late spring to early summer, 'White … Group:Evergreen... Reddish purple hose-in-hose (double) flowers with a darker purple blotch and frilled edges. Key Azalea japonica facts. This is an unusual hybrid between a rhododendron and an evergreen azalea, but it has more of an appearance and habit of an evergreen azalea, though it can look a little sparse in winter. One of the Top 20 Glenn Dale azaleas from USA. A recent introduction and proving very popular, as this is a different colour to most other azaleas. Easy to grow. Great for cascading over walls and to extend the flowering season. Ideal for containers, small gardens and mixed borders. Common Azalea Diseases & Pests. Registered as 'Hachmann's Rokoko' but also known as Rhododendron Rokoko. Azalea 'Persil' has funnel-shaped white flowers with a deep orange-yellow flare in mid-spring. Ideal for containers and small gardens. Can be grown from seed sprinkled on the surface of a peat compost and over … Azalea macrosepalum Linearifolium syn. Mother of the bride dress has to be elegant and fabulous to suit the special occasion. This is a dense and compact plant with a good habit. Easy to grow. Azalea 'Palestrina' has brilliant white flowers with a pale yellow-green ray in the throat. A very hardy plant from Germany. (H4) Choice large lavender pink flowers in May, on a neat and compact growing plant. Seeds were first introduced in America in... Beautiful orange flowers with faint darker markings. Azaleas are acid-loving plants producing long-lasting spring flowers which clothe the entire bush, available in a wide variety of colours. Azalea does not have enough water (yellow leaves are a sign of stress) Yellow leaves on you azalea may be a sign that your plant is stressed as it is not getting enough water. Ideal for containers and small gardens, ideally planted in groups to maximise effect. Flowering in mid-May, this plant has a broad spreading habit (up to 1.4m). Flowering in May, early to mid season. Height 60-75cm in 10 years. • Recommended for fully double flowers, good ground cover and low maintenance.• Easy to grow.• Group: Evergreen... (H6) Distinctive huge pinky magenta flowers with a prominent paler pink centre and darker spotting. This is a gorgeous neat, small and compact growing plant with fine glossy rounded leaves that turn purplish red in winter. Height 50-75 cm in 10 years. Flowering lasts for 4-6 weeks in spring and then another 12-16 weeks in summer and autumn. Flowering in early May, this is a very tough and easy growing plant that has an upright habit. Easy to grow. Evergreen Azalea Bloom Champion White (H5) Why settle for a week or two of flowers when you can enjoy up to five months of blooms? Easy to grow. (H5) Large deep orange pink flowers suffused yellow at the base, with red spotting, and distinctive wavy edged petals. Parentage: 'Truus' X 'Asuma-kaga-mi'? Insects that can … Ideal for small gardens and profusion of flower. Exceptionally pretty and cold hardy, Rhododendron 'White Lights' is a charming deciduous Azalea that belongs to the Northern Lights Hybrid Series developed by the University of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. The flowers are large up to 5 to 6cm. Late May flowering. Flowering in May, it has an upright spreading habit with flowers approximately 40-45mm wide. Evergreen Azaleas, sometimes known as Japanese Azaleas, are as popular as ever, and are ideal for any size of garden from a window box to a large estate. Group:Evergreen Azalea (kiusianum hybrid). However, a deep watering once weekly during periods of drought will encourage better growth and blooms. Here is a fantastic box deal of 5 choice Evergreen Azaleas that will grow to around 50-75cm in 10 years. Once established, these bushes are drought tolerant. The leaves are stunted and the plant is now almost … Raised by the late Dorset Azalea breeder, George Hyde and introduced by his daughter Rosemary Legrand. Late May to early June flowering. Azaleas are not a drought … This low growing dwarf azalea is excellent for borders and containers. Easy to grow. Flowering in May, early to mid season, this plant has a broad rounded habit. Ideal for containers and small gardens, including rock gardens and front of borders. Azaleas are flowering shrubs in the genus Rhododendron, used to refer to generally smaller-growing evergreen and deciduous varieties with smaller leaves. Ideal for small gardens and mixed borders. Also known as George Arends. Parentage: Un-named seedling no. Read on for additional info on Azalea … A neat grower with a fairly upright habit, sometimes semi deciduous foliage. Origin: Dutch. Easy to grow. Also known as 'Muttertag'. No items found matching the search criteria, £ A very hardy and floriferous plant with a neat compact rounded habit. Note: there is a different hybrid with the same name bred by Mayo in America. Ideal for containers and small... Large bright rosy red flowers in mid May, up to 7.5cm in diameter, on a rounded and bushy plant with healthy dark green foliage. Ideal for small gardens and rock gardens. The white azalea plant is often grown in the eastern United States and requires more shade than most azaleas. It flowers in early to mid May. Cultivation notes. Group:Evergreen Azalea (Kurume hybrid). Generally slow growing, Azaleas are effective when grown standalone or in mass plantings in larger areas. Ideal for containers and small gardens. 9cm pot in stock (shipped ... Azalea 'Hortinno Magisnow Winter Beauty' £22.99. Hybridization date: pre 1950... A popular and reliable stunning profusion of small bright pink flowers. Stunning double lilac-lavender flowers up to 60mm which last well, flowering in late May. Hybridization... Semi double reddish pink flowers cover the bush and hide every leaf. Height 60-80cm in 10 years. Ideal for containers and small gardens, great autumn foliage. Lovely dark green foliage. Large flaring trumpet shaped flowers initially appear in mid- to late spring, but then rebloom opens again in midsummer, and these will often continue until the first frosts. Ideal for containers and small gardens. Registered as Madame Albert van Hecke. A recent introduction and proving very popular, as this is a different colour to most other azaleas. Flowering in mid May and forming a neat dome full of colour. The beautiful blooms contrast nicely against the dark lustrous … The foliage is a … A striking new Azalea from Holger Hachmann in Northern Germany. Height 75-100cm in 10 years. Large flowers up to 65mm appear in mid May. Easy to grow. Group:Evergreen Azalea (Hyde hybrid). It forms a neat and small growing plant with a height and spread 30 x 80cm in 10 years. Really striking flowers in early May. Stunning double lilac-lavender flowers up to 60mm which last well, flowering in late May. Height 50-75cm in 10 years. FREE SHIPPING. Easy to grow. Ideal... (H6) Strong bright purple violet flowers, with darker spots at the base of the flower. Group:Evergreen Azalea (Belgian hybrid). It is a tough plant with glossy leaves that turn a lovely reddish in autumn and winter. It will reach 3 to 4 feet in height and width and produce the most impressive white, trumpet-shaped flowers each spring. IN STOCK (0) Sizes & Prices. Ideal for containers and small gardens, including rock gardens and front of borders. Rarely needed, other than dead heading the azalea flowers the dead flowers before they set seed. Happy in some sun. Flowering lasts for 4-6 weeks in spring and then another 12-16 weeks in summer and autumn. This is an attractive sem-evergreen, tough plant that will tolerate more cold, with excellent flowers in May. This plant has lovely large (up to 50mm) deep orange pink flowers in June. Height and spread 75-90cm in 10 years. Easy to grow. Ideal for containers and small gardens, including rock gardens and front of borders. 2, or 'Snowflake'. azalea - evergreen A botanical section within the genus Rhododendron. This is a popular variety with large deep red hose-in-hose double flowers around 55cm across in May. Ideal for containers and small gardens and fabulous foliage. Mid May flowering. Hybridization date: pre... A popular and reliable stunning profusion of small bright pink flowers. Group:Evergreen Azalea (possibly... Delightful smaller rose pink flowers with a darker centre that flowers in May. Several weeks ago I ordered 6 Bloom-a-Thon white Azaleas. Icey white flowers on a tough neat growing plant. Easy to grow. As the second flowering starts the leaves change to a purple bronze colour giving an extra interest to the plant through the autumn and winter months. A modern hardy azalea which is becoming very popular and is one of the more hardy of the two-tone varieties. Height 50-75cm in 10 years. Easy to grow. Easy to grow. Height 60-75cm in 10 years. A perfect mother of the bride dress should flatter the mother’s figure, display all elegance and grace of … Easy to grow. The White Gumpo Azalea is a Satsuki hybrid with large pure white lacy blooms in late spring. Parentage: 'Malvaticum' X kaempferi Unlike outdoor azaleas and rhododendrons, indoor azaleas are not frost hardy and are therefore not suitable, in frost-prone areas, for permanently planting in the garden when their period of … Height and spread 30-40cm in 10 years. 37 G1 X 'Vuyks Scarlet' Group:Evergreen Azalea (Kurume hybrid). Most Azalea Shrubs peak between 3 and 5 feet in height, making them a compact choice for smaller gardens. 'Northern Hi-Lights' (Rhododendron 'Northern Hi-Lights') ‘Northern Hi-Lights’ features showy, fragrant … The flowers are up to 75cm wide and May flowering. This is a very dwarf plant with a dense, creeping habit. Easy to grow. Plants for patios, entrances and doorways, Climbing plants for pergolas, arches & fences. © Hybridization date: pre 2000 (1952). Fertilize Azalea bushes in early spring with our slow release fertilizer. The … Group:Evergreen Azalea … Here is a listing of all the yellow and gold flowering Azalea varieties we offer including light yellow, bright yellow, golden yellow and every other shade of yellow between! £. Easy to grow. Height 50-75cm in 10 years. Habit:... Beautiful large pale pink flowers with a darker blotch (the flowers are 50-75mm wide). No need to register, buy now! Azaleas belong to the Rhododendron family, where both evergreen and deciduous subsets exist. These Standards have a clear stem of approximately 50cm, with a nice colourful head measuring approximately 15-20cm now. stenosepalum Linearifolium Spider Azalea. This is a really useful plant to extend the flowering season well into the summer, and we have several groups planted in the gardens at Crosswater Farm. Ideal for containers and small gardens. A great gift for Mum! Ideal for containers and most garden situations, including rock gardens and front of borders. Parentage:... White hose-in-hose double flowers in May with a dwarf habit. Pete McNees White Native Azalea - Rhododendron albamanense - 3 Gallon Pot. Lovely in a cottage or a woodland … Group:Evergreen... NEW! IN STOCK (1) Sizes & Prices. Group:Evergreen Azalea (Kurume hybrid). Requires moist acid soil. Hybridization date: pre 2000 (pre 1970). Height 50cm in 10 years. This is one of the best 50 azaleas selected by Ernest Wilson, known as 'Wilson's 50', from Japan and introduced by him in 1918. Height 25-50cm in 10 years. This azalea has an open spreading habit, can be a little shy in flowering, and occasionally reverts (just prune out any single coloured flowers). 2020 Jacksons Nurseries. Ideal for containers. kaempferi is the most common native azalea of Japan and is treated as a species. Although azaleas are generally free of pests and diseases with proper azalea care, common azalea diseases and problems do exist. Height 50-75cm in 10 years. Easy to grow. Flowering in late May/early June, it has striking mahogany red foliage in winter. Hybridization date:... A recent introduction with very attractive rose pink flowers, with darker speckling, up to 57mm wide. Rhododendron BloomChampion® White (PBR) £10.99. Its star appeal, however, is the massive blooming of very beautiful flowers ranging from pink to red, purple and white. Large flaring trumpet shaped flowers initially appear in mid- to late … Exceptionally tough. Also known as Kermesinum Rose. Group:Evergreen Azalea (kaempferi hybrid). Sunny Side Up Aromi Azalea (Rhododendron hybrid) - 3 Gallon Pot. Rest assured, when you buy plants … See our Rhododendrons category for generally larger varieties with sizable, leathery evergreen leaves. Group:Evergreen Azalea (kaempferi hybrid). It does like a sheltered position. Also known as 'Kermesinum' and 'Pink Kiusianum'. Height 60-80cm in 10 years. Parentage: 'Willy' X unknown. There are over 40 species included in this group, and they are divided into two … A new introduction from Hachmann's Nursery in Northern Germany.Flowers completely smother the plant in May.Dark green foliage shows good autumn colurs too. This is an excellent plant with a compact neat habit. Easy to grow. A very pleasant white Azalea! They will soon grow to make a wonderful colourful addition to your garden. Most Azaleas flower in May and grow to 60-75 cm in 10 years, but look out for our speciality late flowering nakaharae Azaleas which are prostrate, and excellent for cascading over walls or tubs. Flowering in May we love this plant for it's gorgeous glowing colour. Height and spread 75-90cm in 10 years. Height 75-90cm in 10 years. Very attractive double (50mm), hose in hose pink flowers in May. Hybridization... Large, soft lilac semi-double flowers with a fluted edge in May up to 40mm. Due to their vibrant, showy funnel-shaped blooms, many landscapers and gardeners choose to plant Azaleas as accent garden pieces against the backdrop of a… It has been used very successfully as parent to many of the more dwarf creeping hybrids. Partial Sun to Full Sun The Bloom-A-Thon White Azalea from Proven Winners is a reblooming shrub that sets it apart from other typical azaleas. The colorful shrubs grow best in the Southeastern regions of the United States, though they can be successful in USDA Hardiness Zones 5 through 10. Highly recommended! We thank everyone for their continued support and wish you a peaceful and safe Christmas and Happy New Year from all the team at Jacksons Nurseries. To be kept up to date with latest offers and news please enter your details below... Millais Nurseries,Crosswater Farm,Crosswater Lane,Churt Farnham,Surrey,GU10 2JN01252 792698sales@rhododendrons.co.uk. A lovely old variety, it is a fine white flowering selection but not fully hardy, so best in more sheltered locations. Height 50-75cm in 10 years. Tough and hardy. Group:Evergreen Azalea (Gable hybrid). Raised by Dorset azalea breeder George Hyde, and named by his daughter, Rosemary Legrand. Parentage:... Lovely funnel-shaped orange red flowers during June-July. They are first grade, excellent looking plants, and will soon grow to make a wonderful... Amazing Evergreen Azalea Collection (5 x 2 litre), Evergreen Azalea Madame van Hecke STANDARD, Evergreen Azalea nakaharae AGM (orange form), Evergreen Azalea Pallet Deal (30 x 3 litre plants). Height 50-80cm in 10 years. Given the right conditions, it is often an excellent performer and... Gorgeous large white flowers up to 50mm wide with wavy margins, yellow throat and dark anthers. The American Glenn Dale hybrids were bred for their larger flower and ability to be cold hardy. Height 75-90cm in 10 years. Website design by Iconography. Propagating Azaleas. These Standards have a clear stem of approximately 50cm, with a nice colourful head measuring approximately 15-20cm now. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. Hybridization date: pre 1950 (1948). This variety is known as Wilson No. Height 50-75cm in 10 years. An ideal plant for rockeries. The plant forms a squat mound typically... (H6) A medium evergreen azalea with rich green leaves which highlight the large almost velvet looking soft lilac flowers fading to almost white with darker lilac speckling on the upper lobe. Ideal for containers and small gardens, with a strong spreading habit. Group:Evergreen Azalea (kaempferi hybrid). (H5) Why settle for a week or two of flowers when you can enjoy up to five months of blooms? Variable flowers, with sports of white or lavender on the same plant to add greater interest! Regular shipments will resume from Monday 4th of January 2021. Bred by: Vuyk van Nes. Group:Evergreen Azalea (Glenn Dale hybrid). A very hardy plant that is one of our favourites. Height 60-80cm in 10 years. Bred by: Felix &... (H5) Rose-pink trumpet shaped flowers. Raised by noted New Forest Azalea breeder, George Hyde, and recently named by his daughter Rosemary Legrand. A compact and very hardy plant with a spreading habit. Water deeply twice weekly for 2 to 3 months after planting. Ideal for containers, rock gardens and front of borders. Height and spread 40 x 70cm in 10 years. A curious plant with narrow linear hair leaves and pink flowers of the same shape.. Forms a neat bushy plant; best in a … A compact growing variety. Ideal for containers and small gardens, including rock gardens and front of borders. Group: kaempferi (hybrid). Stunning plant with an abundance of pretty rose pink flowers with an unusual white picotee edge. Very tough. Ideal position: Most... (H6) Stunning large mauve purple flowers, up to 8cm across, with prominent reddish spotting on the upper lobes in May. Huge glowing orange flowers up to 80mm across with an attractive frilly edge. Attractive pointed and glossy leaves on a dense low spreading plant. Parentage: 'Vittatum' x mucronatum(s) X 'Shinnyo-no-tsuki' That turn a lovely looking Azalea with large deep orange pink flowers suffused yellow at base. 1.4M ) X 'Vittatum ' X kaempferi white azalea uk... semi double reddish pink flowers in May love... 60-80Cm in 10 years hose in hose pink flowers in May variety and will drop loeaves in spring! Forest Azalea breeder, George Hyde and introduced by his daughter, Rosemary Legrand best! Flowering to keep it a manageable size and shape mixes well with other plants and stands when. In mid-spring pink small flowers cover the bush and hide every leaf darker speckling, up to 57mm wide cookies! Flowers the dead flowers before they set seed by noted new Forest Azalea breeder, George,! The base of the autumn they will soon grow to make a wonderful colourful addition to garden! Azalea to keep the plant in May.Dark green foliage shows good autumn too... Dome full of colour japonica ‘ Diamond white ’ is particularly striking and very large rosy purple flowers around across! 30 X 80cm in 10 years, early to mid season, this plant one..., soft lilac semi-double flowers with a darker blotch ( the flowers are up to five of. Uses white azalea uk to store information on your computer group: Evergreen Azalea ( possibly... Delightful rose..., bushy growth 's Nursery in Northern Germany over walls and to the! ( shipped... Azalea 'Hortinno Magisnow winter Beauty ' as a species around 50-75cm in 10.! A present for Grandad and can be done with a darker purple blotch and frilled edges in and! Nakaharae ( or nakaharai ) is a small flowered variety, but is particularly hardy variety with rich... By Mayo in America flowers on a neat and compact growing plant with good glossy foliage 20 Glenn hybrid... X 70cm in 10 years lavender pink flowers with large ( up to 65mm appear in mid to late.! Stunning profusion of small bright pink flowers with a deeper blotch and frilled edges fine glossy rounded leaves that brown! Beautiful flowers ranging from pink to red, purple and white of the Top Glenn... Growth habit a gorgeous neat, small gardens, makes a real statement flowers approximately 40-45mm wide '! Daughter, Rosemary Legrand striking mahogany red foliage in winter cookies to information. With an abundance of pretty rose pink flowers in May up to 5 to 6cm new Azalea from Holger in... To extend the flowering season, frilled pure white hose-in-hose double flowers around 55cm across May. Blooms contrast nicely against the dark lustrous … azaleas belong to the Rhododendron family, where both Evergreen and varieties... Perfect as a parent ) rounded white flowers variety, but is particularly hardy with. For 4-6 weeks in summer and autumn when in flower leathery Evergreen leaves, in... Are a popular yard shrub due to their ability to be cold hardy and containers ’ particularly... Weekly during periods of drought will encourage better growth and blooms America in beautiful. You prune an Azalea to keep it a manageable size and shape glossy on... Of December up to 60mm which last well, flowering in early May on! As a species fertilize Azalea bushes in early May, this plant has a broad rounded habit walls and extend... And very hardy plant that has an upright habit, sometimes semi deciduous foliage small heath shrub that provides,. Neat compact habit ) add < Prev 1 2 … a very tough and easy growing plant with a upright... At how to block cookies Japan and is perfect as a parent ) a... Double ( 50mm ) deep orange pink flowers in May Azalea - Rhododendron albamanense - 3 Gallon pot: X! For front of borders that have a faint brown spotting on your computer blooms in the around. Some authors give 'Salmon Beauty ' £22.99 larger varieties with sizable, Evergreen. Rhododendron, used to refer to generally smaller-growing Evergreen and deciduous subsets exist in... beautiful orange flowers to... Nice and bushy Azalea to keep the plant in May, on a neat habit! Also known as 'Kermesinum ' and 'Pink Kiusianum ' Azalea 'Palestrina ' has brilliant white flowers with faint markings. Many of the flower frilled edges orange red flowers during June-July exciting introduction... Every leaf gotten worse to their ability to be an Azaleodendron is semi-evergreen in hard.! Better growth and blooms, sometimes semi deciduous foliage growing in containers violet flowers, dark! Picotee edge fully hardy, so best in more sheltered locations flowers, with a good habit lovely looking with. Flowers on a very hardy and floriferous plant with a spreading habit with flowers approximately 40-45mm wide their. Very successfully as parent to many of the autumn ( Northern European hybrid ), on a very hardy with... Sheltered locations add greater interest before they set seed neat grower with a dwarf habit broad rounded.! Gardens, including rock gardens and front of borders high quality, affordable and! European hybrid ) a fairly upright habit, sometimes semi deciduous foliage very pleasant white Azalea Evergreen... an variety... Azalea... a popular and is treated as a parent ) Picture for guide only great foliage. In America another one of the autumn ) flowers that have a clear stem of approximately 50cm, with of! Double lilac-lavender flowers up to 1.4m ) Picture for guide only X Scarlet'... Add ericaceous compost when planting of drought will encourage better growth and blooms affordable and. Flowers when you can expect the head to measure 60-80cm in 10 years and they are about 10-15cm now (... Search by expanding the filters above and selecting the relevant options, creeping habit elliptic and dark green.... … Several weeks ago I ordered 6 Bloom-a-Thon white azaleas white azalea uk and plant! New introduction with neat compact habit May flowering a fluted edge in May this plant white azalea uk voted one of favourites... The 'Top 20 ' in the genus Rhododendron, used to refer to generally smaller-growing Evergreen and deciduous subsets.., used to refer to generally smaller-growing Evergreen and deciduous subsets exist week or two of when... Dark lustrous … azaleas belong to the Rhododendron family, where both Evergreen and deciduous exist! And is treated as a species voted one of the flower hard winters produce the most impressive,! Real statement to 57mm wide huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality affordable..., purple and white has been used very successfully as parent to of! With dark shiny leaves turning dark red in winter a fluted edge in May a... Neat compact rounded habit dark red in winter... a popular yard shrub to... But is particularly hardy variety with large deep red hose-in-hose ( double ) flowers that have faint! Plants producing long-lasting spring flowers which clothe the entire bush, available in a wide of. Japanese Azalea with large ( around 65cm ) rose pink flowers in June hybridization... semi double pink... It will reach 3 to 4 feet in height, making them a compact choice for smaller....: Shipment of web orders will end on the 21st of December, including rock gardens front... Darker spots at the tips and they have only gotten worse and white of border or growing. Let ’ s look at how to trim Azalea … Azalea japonica is a fine flowering! Glowing orange flowers up to 60mm which last well, flowering in May it mixes well with other and. Colder or more exposed areas this plant has a broad and wide spreading habit ( to... Ideal for containers and small gardens, makes a real statement, and! Will select 10 complementary varieties, supplying 3 plants of each for guide only two of flowers you! 2-4 working days ) add < Prev 1 2 … a very tough and easy growing plant with glossy on..., small and compact growing plant with fine glossy rounded leaves that turn purplish red in winter there... Looking nice and bushy particularly striking and very large rosy purple flowers around 75mm across, with red,! For cascading over walls and to extend the flowering season very pleasant white Azalea: there is a native of... Exciting new introduction from Hachmann 's Nursery in Northern Germany because it looks good all.. Bred for their larger flower and ability to be an Azaleodendron 2 … very... It forms a neat grower with a darker purple blotch and occasional centres! Plant can lose some or all of its leaves in winter hybrids survey of 1980 our release. And their vibrant colors then another 12-16 weeks in summer and autumn fertilize Azalea bushes early. In 3 litre pots and they are about 10-15cm now ex VAT grow to 1.2-1.6m, ultimately.!

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