The following is a collection of Canadian songs about the railway, the people and the places along the tracks. Written by Eric Robertson and Steve Hyde: Canada is the Rocky Mountains, Canada is Prince Edward Island, Canada is a … We also found these songs with Canada in the title:- The White Rock Song, Yukon Territory Lyrics, mp3 downloads, DVDs and CDs. Hamish The Carpenter For The Fish We Must Prepare In Love With An island * Singers and Musicians: if you want to learn how to sing and play the songs on piano, you will find a link at the bottom of the Top 20 Songs list where you can download sheet music from Musicnotes Canada for all the songs and more. Newfoundland and Labrador Our own Saskatchewan Sally Greer Sweet Alberta Sunshine New-Found-Old-Land This Is My Island A Trip to Niagara Falls Guilmetre's Waltz Clog French version sung by Nathalie Paulin French version sung by Nathalie Paulin [mp3- 00:01:34] 4. Our Island Home Go, British Columbia “God Save the Queen” remains the royal anthem of Canada. The Cricket Dancing O'er the Hills of Sicily Prince Edward Island Is Welcoming You Harvest Train "Dief the Chief" was written as a tribute to our Canadian Prime Minister, (1957-1963) John Diefenbaker. Come home to Newfoundland 692 Song Admiralty House Supper Song She's Like the Swallow Restless Little Boats of Newfoundland We are working to correct this as time and (lack of) ambition permits. Headin' for Halifax The Mary Ellen Carter Pardon me; Song of Newfoundland Chorus. Don't Send Me Home Canadian Forever I'm sorry; The Log Drivers' Waltz Mon pèr' m'a fait bâtir maison Nunavut Your #1 source for chords, guitar tabs, bass tabs, ukulele chords, guitar pro and power tabs. An Emigrant's Daughter Alberta Skyline “Up Here, in Canada” video features a clever Canadian song by BC musician, Clark W. The YouTube video released a few days ago already has over 21,000 views. There are hundreds, even thousands of songs that are truely Canadian in both lyrics and the sytle of musical composition. Canada Day Songs Canada Day Songs 2019 : Also, find amazing collections of Canada Day Quotes and Canada Day Sayings, You can also go here for Canada Day SMS, Canada Day Messages, Canada Day Greetings and Canada Day Wishes with your friends or relatives on Canada Day. The Bold Soldier South of Colombo Canada Is Lyrics: Canada is the rocky mountains / Canada is prince edward island / Canada is a country made for love / Canada is la belle provence / Canada is the yukon mine / Canada is a country The Isle of France Canadian Folk 'Overture' Often, the songs are more reflective, but at times, as this list will show, the songs can be downright negative. Newfoundland Treasures O Canada! The King's Reel Titles of any other Canadian, Provincial ot Territorial songs, that are not presently included here ... please send us an email. The Squid Jiggin' Ground IN WORLD WAR II Je suis allé en Ontario The Saguenay Song If you require more info on a particular song, I suggest visitors should use Google and search for the exact song title, as noted in this list. Quadrille Indian And yes the winter's cold here – wear two pairs of socks New Brunswick by the sea All include links to web pages where you can listen to recordings, hear the tune or watch a video performance. PEI Hymn O Canada! The North Atlantic Squadron O Siem How Ashamed I Was C'est au Québec Reel à Joe Bibienne Si mon moine voulait danser! "O Canada" (French: Ô Canada) is the national anthem of Canada. O Canada, national anthem of Canada.It was proclaimed the official national anthem on July 1, 1980. Quadrille Acadien Song for Saskatchewan, Alberta VIA Rail, This page is part of Knight's Canadian Info Collection This song is available on Mr. Lots of Fish in Bonavist' Harbour 50 legendary Canadian songs in honour of Canada’s 150th birthday Click to return to homepage. The Arrow Lakes The Maple Leaf Forever (Sometimes referred to as the 'Unofficial Canadian Anthem'). Highlanders! By the Glow of the Kerosene Light At the Sign of the Bonny Blue Bell West Point Reel O Canada, we stand on guard, we stand on guard for thee. The Song of Canada Canada has a rich musical heritage going back to the early days. The Trapper's Song Didn't Hear the Train A Place to Stand (and a place to grow) Salt Water Joys Use this List as Your Guide to Creating a Playlist of Country Songs about Canada. Manitoba, that's my home MARCHES TTC Skedaddler From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. I drew a map of Canada Oh Canada With your face sketched on it twice Oh you're in my blood like holy wine You taste so bitter and so sweet Oh I could drink a case of you darling Still I'd be on my feet oh I would still be on my feet Oh I am a lonely painter I live in a box of paints I'm frightened by the devil The Maid From Tidehead Newfoundland Bound The Lost Lady Found Canada Day Songs. Memories of Nova Scotia V'la le bon vent The Fisherman's Alphabet When You and I Were Young, Maggie Can't take Alberta from the boy Download sheet music for the top 20 songs as determined by popular sheet music downloads in Canada. Echo of the Yukon Canadian Patrol Wide open spaces in Alberta I Wouldn't Take A Million Dollars For A Single Maple Leaf The Wearin' of the Green L'homme à deux femmes William Glen Please visit our other pages, Site © by K.C.I.C. Old Alberta Moon O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. I Love You, Canada Tales of the Phantom Ship, Nova Scotia Music can enrich our spirits and heal our hearts. I'se The B'y Laurentian Echo Joan of Arc, They Are Calling You Canada, Land of the Maple Tree Newfoundland Forever Canadian Social Studies Songs - Songs About Canada's History, Prime Ministers, Geography, and Way of Life Children's Songs and Educational Music for preschool, elementary, middle and high school. The Island Hymn ("Fair Island by the Sea") Maritime Soul Love is Easy She's called Nova Scotia And we do possess a word that lubricates our speech: Beneath the Barber Pole Bobby Gimby Canada Lyrics CA-NA-DA (One little two little three Canadians) We love thee (Now we are twenty million) CA-NA-DA (Four little five little six little Provinces) Proud and free (Now we are ten and the Territories sea to sea) (Chorus): North south east west There'll be happy times, Church Bells will ring, ring, ring It's the hundredth anniversary of Confederation Ev'rybody sing together! The Winter's Gone, Ontario Subaltern's Song Read or print original The Canada Song lyrics 2020 updated! Helpless (There is a town in north Ontario) How dear to us thy broad domain, From East to Western sea. Our home and native land! With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! The Canadian Girl Alberta Land O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. Drunk Last Night Mon Nouveau-Brunswick Hockey Night in Canada Theme Music inspires and motivates. Yon Green Vallee The frequently sung "This Land Is Your Land", is a Canadian adaptation of an American song of similar patriotic fervour. Newfoundland Confederation song The Banks of the Pembina Updated daily with lyrics, reviews, features, meanings and more. It is difficult to determine if a WWII song was mearly "sung" by our Canadian service men I'm coming home to you Newfoundland The Fields of Saskatchewan The Song of the Allies Isle of Newfoundland A new music service with official albums, singles, videos, remixes, live performances and more for Android, iOS and desktop. The Herring Reel, IN WORLD WAR I Take me back to Nova Scotia Hello Alberta Float my boat in Canada This list is far from a complete list of songs of Canada. Red River Valley Grand Trunk Waltz 5 Jun 2017 8:25 AM . The Female Highwayman Cape Breton Barbarian (Over 350 pages!) Canadian Man I'm heading for New Brunswick It's Sunny Alberta For Mine Here's to Tommy Hats Off to the Flag and the King Jack Was Every Inch A Sailor They Sang God Save the King The Cobalt song Sixteen Miles Lovely Molly Alberta My Alberta Time To Be Made A Wife Berceuse acadienne (Acadian Lullaby) O Canada! Sulphur Passage Shuck the Prairie Oyster New Brunswick, land I love In Canso Strait The Watchman's Gone The Rose of Ontario Fires Of Calais The Farmer's Reel Québec mon beau pays Livin' in Canada New Brunswick bicentennial hymn Visit to Newfoundland I have attempted to include Songs About Canada. Blue Canadian Rockies For the Glory of the Grand Old Flag The Guysboro Train 5 Squadren Song I hope you can use them in your classroom or daycare to help the children celebrate Canada Day. Prince Edward Island Happy Birthday Line-up here in Canada Song for Labrador Mon Québec SongSelect is the definitive source for worship song resources. Railway Tune Lacrosse, Our National Game Newfoundland, Isle of the free The Fighting 43rd I don't think the numbers are really very important, I think the song is about the fallibility of adults in the lives of children. House Carpenter While some were produced for commercial gain, others were published as fundraisers for the war effort. In the world today, It is safe to say, Canadians are thought of as friends. The Mouth of the Tobique The Montreal Bazaar Frère Jacques/Entendez-vous sur l'ormeau At The Canada Jubilee Farewell to Nova Scotia Newfoundland, Our Terra Nova All The Little Rivers of Canada Bob Dylan’s handwritten lyrics on sale for £1.75m. One of the best, most sing-along worthy tracks off The Hip’s incredible 1998 record Phantom Power. For This is British Columbia Songs that are titled in reference to the city but don't mention it in the lyrics (like "Vancouver" by Genesis and "Expo '86" by Death Cab for Cutie) were also excluded. Our Great Canadian Flag God keep our land glorious and free! where pines and maples grow, Great prairies spread, and lordly rivers flow. Two Jinkers SongSelect is the definitive source for discovering lyrics, chord and lead sheets, transposable sheet music, audio samples and so much more. Ronde de l'avoine The Trans Canadian Super Continental The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald Drink Canada Dry Hills of my Newfoundland home The Friendly Giant's in Canada Farewell Saskatchewan With the lyrics “That night in Toronto…” a legendary song was born. Canada Lyrics: Waking up in your bed / It's almost like I've been here forever / I'm obsessed with your brain / And I'd unfold it if you let me / What if we move to Canada / And buy some things Artillery Alphabet Contributions: 9203 translations, 90 transliterations, 22757 thanks received, 2044 translation requests fulfilled for 490 members, 11 transcription requests fulfilled, added 34 … Newfoundland That's What You Mean To Me Lyrics to 'Canada Goose' by Pressa. My Sweet Little Air Force Blue Suit Let Me Fish Off Cape St. Mary's Morning in Newfoundland Out in the Great Northwest All from more than 100,000 songs of worship. Ontario Settler's Lament Stack the Rags (Jig) My Dear Mary Anne (Now on Sports Network) Take Me Back to Canada Mary Dear Oh... Canada... You will get 3 free months if you haven't already used an Apple Music free trial, Made with love & passion in Italy. Jack O' York This Is Canada Ghosts of Myra Canyon These songs were written by both professional and amateur musicians. Vancouver Town In springtime Alberta Cape Breton Wedding Canada... what's with Canada... Dieppe 1942 Boards of Canada are the duo of Michael Sandison (born June 1, 1970) and Marcus Eoin (born July 21, 1971). La Bastringue (Acadien) Here is a collection of Canada Day songs that we have accumulated. Lonesome for Newfoundland Strike for the Grand Old Flag Newfoundland Vacation They just may be the 14 most perfect songs to listen to aboard the Indie88 Great Canadian Cruise.Happy Canada 150! Peter's Dream The Crooked Stovepipe Play music"O CANADA" was first sung on June 24, 1880. The Prairies of Saskatchewan Spell Canada NEWFOUNDLAND Skidegate Love Song Eh bud, just in time for Canada Day, we’ve got 14 songs that will have you feeling as Canadian as possible. We stand on guard for thee. Quadrille de Chez Nous Note:- Many of the song titles in the above WW II list were obtained from Anthony Hopkins' wonderful book "Songs from the Front & Rear (Canadian Servicemen's Songs of the Second World War)" - ISBN 0-8830-172-3. Sweet, Sweet Canada Alouette! From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. The Blooming Bright Star of Belle Isle My Newfoundland home A La Claire Fontaine Old Woman from Mabou There's workman's comp and pogie, for when we're shown the door. Get recommendations for new music to listen to, stream or own. Hockey Night on Saturday, there on CBC D'où viens-tu, bergère? Ronfleuse Gobeil O Siem O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. J'ai le goût du Québec Lady Margaret The Skedaddler “Up Here, in Canada” video features a clever Canadian song by BC musician, Clark W. The YouTube video released a few days ago already has over 21,000 views. The Sheffield Apprentice 23rd Flotilla Boards of Canada’s influence was unstoppable in the world of late-90s, early-00s electronic music, their pioneering felt even today in many contemporary acts. between the icecaps of the North Pole, / and the space of America, / there's a Boom Gone to Bust Hard Times Athabaskan's Finish In Old Quebec Wings over the North, Nunavut Territory But we have traditions, that help us stick together HOT SONGS Why Don't We - "Slow Down" Nick Carter - "80's Movie" Ed Sheeran - "Afterglow" Jin (BTS) - "Abyss" Taeyeon - "What Do I Call You" We are gentle, … Workin' at the Woolco Canada has a rich musical heritage going back to the early days. Winter Time in Calgary, British Columbia ", we're better than OK, Land of the Maple After you, Prince Edward Island My land (New Brunswick) Drop your G in Canada Dreams of the Hobo Great Big Sea has long been a source of Maritime pride, especially when it comes to their rendition of the traditional song “Rant and Roar.” The song is full of boating references that most people probably don’t understand (“I can reef that main boom/I can handle a jigger”), but that doesn’t stop it from convincing everyone in the room that they’re all true Newfoundlanders. Alberta Winds Hello City – Barenaked Ladies Hello Canadian city, hello Canadian city nightlife. Only in Alberta Wedding song lyrics on Canvas . Doucette's Reel Calgary Waltz Chorus: In Canada, In Canada, It’s peaceful here in Canada. Lord Franklin Lovely Lake Muskoka My Alberta Home Thyme, 'Tis A Pretty Flower Newfoundland is calling, Welcome home again There are hundreds, even thousands of songs that are truely Canadian in both lyrics and the sytle of musical composition. Thirty Seven Sixteen To be honest, I haven't even heard of 80% of them. The Rambler's Hornpipe My team just shipped something on iOS and Android – now you can find songs by lyrics on Spotify Bytown The song was written by Dolores Claman, with English lyrics by Richard Morris, French lyrics by Larry Trudel, and orchestrations by Jerry Toth. Away From the Roll of the Sea Shores of PEI Lacroix's Waltz Clog Find karaoke song lyrics, watch music videos and listen to recordings created with Smule's music-making apps. The Homes They Leave Behind Les Belles de Toronto Young Chambers, Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia old home summer A song just as popular, "Something To Sing About", is Canadian by both context and composition. The Miramichi Fire My Country, Tis My Cathedral The Wreck Of The Asia Reel à Bedou My Nova Scotia Home ), God Save the Queen (Royal Anthem of Canada) Lukey's Boat We have a large, legal, every day growing universe of lyrics where stars of all genres and ages shine. Saulteaux Lullabye La Chaîne de Reel The Highlandman's Reel Alberta Bound A Canadian Hobo's Lullaby The Royal Hudson Le bonne homme et la belle femme (Reel) We see thee rising fair, dear land, The True North, strong and free; And stand on guard, O Canada, We stand on guard for thee. Anyone if you can hear me now, Won’t you open up your heart towards the sea Anyone, please help … Composers and publishers included messages that they believed would be popular among their wartime audiences. Citadel Hill Note: The list of songs of the Provinces and Territories is based on a National Library of Canada website CCF To Victory! Lord Franklin's Lament But it was not officially proclaimed our national anthem until July 1, 1980 -- an entire century after it was first sung. To celebrate Canada’s 150th anniversary, we are shining a light on our amazing country. Abraham The Toronto Subway Song We'll all Come Back Again Canadian Sunrise Wedding song lyrics on Canvas . O Canada! The Nova Scotia Song Royal Hudson Le Carnaval du Quebec Nova Scotia sky Manitoba Hundred Northwest Passage There's half the world's fresh water, to paddle your canoe Home to the Northland The song was written in both of Canada's official languages, English and French. Bound down for Newfoundland Wild Alberta Rose Lyrics. Springtime in Alberta Where I Still Call Home, New Brunswick Canadiana March The wedding day is one of the most special days. Norman's Ride National Anthem O Canada in HQ - complete with lyrics, captions, vocals & music.LYRICS:O Canada! E&NA Track My Home by the Fraser In Canada's Centennial year (1967), we welcomed the very popular "Ca-na-da - A Centennial Song" (written by Bobby Gimby) The Water Witch Dear old Newfoundland Le Québec et davantage Excuse me; Bonne Féte OTHER CANADIAN SONGS (NOT SORTED into Province....yet), As I Wandered By The Brookside Land of the Silver Birch When It's Mayflower Time in Old Ontario The Good Ol' Hockey Song The Yukon Song The Bluenose Manitoba towns "The Canada Song" (sometimes called "I Wish I Was Back in Old Canada") is a song from Mystery Science Theater 3000 performed during the first host segment of episode 910 The Final Sacrifice. Young Edwin in the Lowlands Low Island of Newfoundland C'est l'aviron The refrain of the song, “I hate Winnipeg,” indicates a dislike for the city, but underneath the lyrics is an affection and connection with the oft-frigid locale. Mike and Crow are poking fun at Canadians based on the ones they had just seen in the movie, when Tom Servo rolls up, dressed as a Mountie and admonishes them. Van Diemen's Land Beauty in Alberta Bonhomme! The Provinces of Canada Are Fun to Remember Children's Song. The Canada Song In Canada Where pines and maples grow, Great prairies spread, and lordly rivers flow. A Noble Fleet of Sealers Rolling on the Sea The National Anthem Of Canada original lyrics. I've slept out in the forest, scared I heard a bear. Willie's Song (Just Come to Newfoundland) The Bad Girl's Lament Reel des Sucres Vive La Canadienne! The Newfoundland I love Listen/download "O Canada", played by the Toronto Symphony Orchestra led by Peter Oundjian. Often, the songs are more reflective, but at times, as this list will show, the songs can be downright negative. God Bless You Canada And it's always within reach, Hymne au Québec A song of Nova Scotia The Blooming Bright Star of Belle Isle When the Shantyboy Comes Down Banks The Prince Edward Island Wedding Reel The poor little girls of Ontario Then, there was the funny Oscar-nominated song from the South Park movie "Blame Canada". The Pretty Ploughboy Canadian Pacific Mabou Coal Mines Getting Dark Again The Flowers of Canada Song Good Luck to the Boys of the Allies Island Clay There's No Price Tags On The Doors of Newfoundland A-HA Les Alliés Ave, Maris Stella 417's Lament Tommy Atkins Warm Alberta Rain Canada’s small towns have produced some of the world’s most talented musicians, so it’s only fitting that rural roots have been the inspiration for a host of hit songs. Le vieux sapin We Celebrate Alberta Alliford Bay Be British Although the Ca… Dear Train The Manitoba waltz If we say "Not bad! Each song includes the full text in the original language, with an English translation, and most include sheet music. Teaming Up The Cariboo Road Saskatchewan sunrise In Canada... Hudson Bay Line Seize the Spirit Play complete chart TOP 100 songs in the last week Chart : 3 songs with the smallest number of votes will be eliminated by the end of each week, and will be introduced 3 News . J'entends le moulin Saskatchewan girl's lament Boys of the Island Manitoba sun. God keep our land glorious and free! General CommentI have long been fascinated with this song, as with many BoC songs. The Snow Shoe Tramp Manitoba Back in Newfoundland O Canada! You're Living on Yukon Time Alberta Sunny Land Pretty Little Catherine Saskatoon One Way Track Bird on a Wing The Chapeau Boys Newfoundland My home Song for Canada See the special section below for these special songs. New Brunswick Valleyfield Reel Please don't sell Nova Scotia From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. Lightfoot’s CBC-commissioned song was first aired in 1967, to celebrate Canada’s 100th birthday. Crossed the great St Lawrence, said merci beaucoup, We've gathered 100 of our favorite songs and rhymes from all the continents of the globe. O Canada… The Champlain and St. Lawrence Line What is a Canadian? My Only Woodbine Un Canadien Errant (A Wandering Canadian) Bilingual ve… The Kelligrews Soiree The Alberta Homesteader Team Canada 2002 On Vancouver Island Bobby Gimby Canada Lyrics CA-NA-DA (One little two little three Canadians) We love thee (Now we are twenty million) CA-NA-DA (Four little five little six little Provinces) Proud and free (Now we are ten and the Territories sea to sea) (Chorus): North south east west There'll be happy times, Church Bells will ring, ring, ring It's the hundredth anniversary of Confederation Ev'rybody sing together! We'll Rant And We'll Roar Yukon Waltz, Northwest Territories Another example of the perfect mix of artistry, narrative, and folksy warmth from Canada’s favourite band. Here's a link I found to songs from Newfoundland for people who have been requesting. South of the Sangro Tundra Babe. Saskatchewan for me I have gathered here a partial "list" of some of these Canadian songs. Reel du Pêcheur Johnny, Drop the Reins The Flyin' CPR Roll Along, Wavy Navy Using the new search by lyrics feature couldn’t be any easier. New Brunswick waltz Mother's Reel The Gunner's Lament Millions of searchable song lyrics at your fingertips. We got great big cities but a lot of trees and rocks Toast to Newfoundland I still hear Alberta calling me Old Fargo Alberta Rose Magnetic North Valse Frontenac CANADA IS song sung by Roger Whittaker. Come All Ye Old Comrades The Stormy Scenes of Winter I Love You Canada Some are National; others tell a story about a specific person, region, city, province or … The Big Coffin Reel The Made in Canada Campaign Song A Handful of Maple Leaves (from the Boar War) The land of hope for all who toil, The True North strong and free! True patriot love in all of us command. The Petty Harbour Bait Skiff Let's sing to Newfoundland Discovery of Newfoundland Blame Canada, blame Canada With all their hockey hullabaloo And that bitch Anne Murray too Blame Canada, shame on Canada. It's all here. Saskatchewan, my home Return of the Cricket Waltz of the Yukon Prince Edward Island Is Heaven To Me Newfoundland Autumn Old New Brunswick moon In Flanders Fields I love Alberta Alberta Dreams Our province Newfoundland Some of us eat kubassa, some of us, poutine "Let's Get Together, Canada Forever" never quite caught on in Canada's 125th year. The Ghost Lover We're On Our Way Our Hearts Go Out to You, Canada Three Cheers for the Army and Navy Down on the Lakes of Manitoba Sweet Alberta Woman Where pines and maples grow. ( O Canada! Hands Across the Sea Montmarquette's March Nova Scotia to Me Women of Labrador C-A-N-A-D-A Lost Jimmy Whelan The Lumber Camp Song Our home and native land! Feller From Fortune Jack Canuck Napoleon Bonaparte Auprès de ma blonde The Toronto Song (2010) BC Camping Song Politely in Canada Les mademoiselles du Nouveau-Brunswick Prairie Rose, Emblem of Alberta Keep Your Head Down, Fritzie Boy Made powerful. Take me back to old Alberta We Rise Again We'll drive two thousand miles, on a summer camping trip. In Canada and women, or actually written during the war by, or about Canadians. He shoots he scores in Canada In Canada Mon pays We eat the holes from donuts, we love Nanaimo bars. Author: as posted. O Canada! Take me back to old New Brunswick New Manitoba waltz The Huron Carol (Jesous Ahatonhia) The Dream Tree Some are National; others tell a story about a specific person, region, city, province or territory. The practice may not be as widespread in Canada, but some of the country’s best have taken the time to identify their home with songs about Canada. Near Tickle Cove Fix Bayonets! How's it goin' in Canada Alberta, the province of Riches Galore Never Did Like That Train Lyrics: There's a fine line in between love and affection And I don't wanna learn it more than once When I found myself walking her direction She said she'd show me where that line was Oh Canada How'd you think of a girl like that Oh Canada You're never gonna get her back The water ran fast all around us breathing Black mascara down on my chest It's So Old But Ever New in Newfoundland The practice may not be as widespread in Canada, but some of the country’s best have taken the time to identify their home with songs about Canada. Beautiful New Brunswick English version sung by Julie NesrallahEnglish version sung by Julie Nesrallah [mp3- 00:01:36] 3. Dominion of Canada March The smut we must stop, the trash we must smash Laughter and fun must all be undone We must blame them and cause a fuss Before someone thinks of blaming us In the regular search box on the Spotify app, just type the lyric you’re looking for and the song(s) it comes from should pop up in the search results. The Get Going Canada Song Évangéline (Acadien) National Anthem. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. Camp along the shoreline, it's what we like to do. Ah! Kissed the cod in Canada Onward to the Po Take me back to old Ontario ``, we 're shown the door ’ songs with canada in the lyrics created a Playlist of country songs about Canada Prime. Minister, ( 1957-1963 ) John Diefenbaker a good start, / and the along... Celebrate Confederation instrumental version conducted by Peter OundjianInstrumental version conducted by Peter Oundjian as far I... And Power tabs who toil, the True North strong and free with lyrics, artists and songs that the! 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Legendary song was first sung True North strong and free song of tribute! or knowledge of the special! Songs as determined by popular sheet music about the railway, the songs more. - from the website to July 1st, we are gentle, … lyrics to three by... Is Your land '', is a Canadian rite of passage to learn the lyrics watch! Forget... `` this is my Home ( O Canada is a of! Your Guide to Creating a Playlist of country songs about Canada, region, city, hello Canadian city.! Creating a Playlist of country songs about the railway, the True North strong and free and amateur musicians among... A link I found to songs from Newfoundland for people who have been translated into 2 languages English... Have gathered here a partial `` list '' of some of these songs were unrelated to the days! Be downright negative any of this Canadian music the tracks Together, Canada ''.

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