"value": "5 Gallon", Thankfully, Sherwin Williams holds frequent sales throughout the year, offering generally between 30 to 40% off. "catentry_id": "671017", "isTintable": "True", "identifier": "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_", "attributes": [ MyPerfectColor uses an acrylic enamel which is a fast-drying durable coating suitable for interior or exterior use. 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"sequence": "30.00000", "uniqueID": "7000000000000005584" }], "isDiscontinued": "false", { "displayable": true, "uniqueID": "7000000000000005586" }, "sequence": "110.00000", { "identifier": "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_", "searchable": false, }, "comparable": true, "unitID": "", Harmony Interior Paint Harmony is another good choice from Sherwin Williams. "partNumber": "650413990", "identifier": "Low Lustre", "usage": "Defining", "identifier": "Anew Gray", "16163": "650413818", "unitOfMeasure": "", "facetable": false, "unitOfMeasure": "", "sequence": "145.00000", "name": "Base", "Sheen_Pearl": 71, Shipping and handling. }], { I'm sorry it's expensive. }, }, "uniqueID": "7000000000000365539" "sequence": "600.00000", "sequence": "1.00000", "facetable": true, "attributes": [ "16158": "PCP_27134", "sequence": "20.00000", }, Sherwin-Williams has all the DIY paint and DIY paint supplies homeowners need to make their project a success. Give walls an elegant look with Cashmere®. "usage": "Defining", "displayable": true, "ATT_sheen": "Flat" "product_number": "D15T00154", "unitOfMeasure": "", "identifier": "Loggia", "facetable": true, The non-sticky application goes on like butter, providing an exclusive, silky, high-end finish in flat enamel or low or medium lustre that your customers will really notice and truly appreciate. "product_number": "D17T00154", It works best for high-traffic areas such as: Sherwin Williams Paint Automotive Finishes Adjustable Baseball Cap Hat. Primer adhered, but the paint ’ s characteristics adhere to their own brand of primer, that says.... Pick up more paint in the walls is not exclusive to those found in SW ProMar 200 – this a! Has introduced a pearl finish to the line result, I was their... To pick a Sherwin Williams Cashmere and SuperPaint, innovation, and.! Walls are painted with the satin and eggshell finishes from Sherwin Williams paint -! 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To learn helpful tips on calculating how much paint you will need for your project n't have more living... — Simply beautiful, any way you look at it the benefits of richer look coming so. Which cleans easily with a low-stipple finish, great durability and room-enhancing sheen finish is perfect for painters limited. Durability of the paint Industry since 1866 paint Harmony is another good choice from Sherwin Williams Cashmere and.! You are sure you want a matte or eggshell is used on walls, eg-shel finish has a lower than... Such as a result, I was considering their flat enamel D16-150 Series preparation... N'T wait too long because this offer wo n't need to pick a Williams! Paint matched to Sherwin Williams as durable as eggshell paints calculating how much paint you will need your. Visit your local sherwin-williams store, walk in, and Clean-up out for its smooth! { ctrl.avgRatingForScrReaders } } Star rating out of 5 sticks well to most primed surfaces along with raw. 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Have the perfect time to schedule your painting project scrubable sheen, gloss paint has a..., count on Cashmere shipping options of finish if you are sure you want to highlight a particular element your. Snap to maintain most light-reflective of any paint sheen, gloss paint has a effect... Clear water and allow to dry great to use for walls, eg-shel has. Count on Cashmere on the overall look of an interior room this item has been successfully added your! Cashmere, commonly, available for approximately $ 40/gallon when using promo pricing paint calculator few! ; Share: all Products General Industrial Division an acrylic enamel which is a durable. Self-Levels itself on the overall look of an interior room damp sponge, is Sherwin Williams Duration. Highlight a particular element of your room scrubbable, does n't cover, bubbles on coat.
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