In summation, this self-directed/self-paced correspondence course learning can be a good way for our cadets to learn about time management and self-discipline. Transforming them into confident, resilient young people who thrive in a complex world, whatever they want to do when they leave school. Note: The map, courtesy of the New York Times, shows the known locations of coronavirus cases by county. Should you have any questions about what a specific item means, please use your chain of command. Out of an abundance of caution and to allow time for proper planning of trainings, NHQ has extended the suspension of all in-person sea cadet activities through June 15, 2020 and canceled ALL overnight sea cadet activities through August 31, 2020. 3. Welcome Aboard! GENERAL ORDER #6. The USNSCC, or just Sea Cadets, is actually two programs: the Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) and the Navy League Cadet Corps (NLCC). We serve all of West Palm Beach and the surrounding areas. Another opportunity which is not on Homeport: The Naval Sea Cadet Corps in conjunction with the National Flight Academy is offering a one-week Winter training opportunity, December 27-31 in Pensacola, FL. When you join the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps (USNSCC), you will become a part of the finest youth organization in the NATION. 3. Please visit the Homeport Training List. If you are interested in becoming a part of the U.S. The NHQ staff will be monitoring the situation closely and will be continually updating its procedures with cadet and adult member safety remaining. After careful consideration, we have made the decision to cancel our International Exchange Program for 2020. Registration for a training only occurs at the unit level. We're helping to launch local young people for life today. From seamanship training to computer science, check out our great opportunities. Naval Sea Cadets from the Navy League Cadet Corps, Battleship Missouri Division-Hawaii, visit the Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam harbor patrol unit. Cadets are expected to maintain high standards of leadership, to advance in rank, maintain their fitness levels and attend trainings that help their personal growth. Our focus is to introduce young Americans to the history, tradition and legacy of the … We are sponsored by the Navy League of the United States and supported by both the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard. Submit your information by clicking on the below button. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. At the top of the page you can organize trainings by a variety of categories. PEARL HARBOR (April 13, 2013) U.S. Forgot Your Username? NAVAL SEA CADET CORPS (USNSCC) REGULATIONS, Real Sailors, Real Sea Stories Career Exploration video links, COVID19 Re-Opening and Intake Protocols v2.0, Summary of Changes to the Training and Operations Manual, Summary of Changes to the Administration Manual. Trident Patrol 65 SQ. Naval Sea Cadet Corps (USNSCC) dates back to 1958 when the Navy League of the United States wanted to "create a favorable image of the Navy on the part of the American youth". NHQ will update this Policy as needed in light of feedback from the field and the conditions on the ground across the nation. US Naval Sea Cadet HomePort; US Naval Sea Cadet Seafarer; US Naval Sea Cadet Video; US Naval Sea Cadet Brochure; Honor / Courage / Integrity / Commitment / Pride / Words we live by. Since that time the program has grown to over 380 units, has approximately 9,000+ young men … First Time User? Welcome to Ashford Sea Cadets Welcome to a different kind of adventure. We're helping to launch local young people for life today. Avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Homeport; Thanks for visiting the Las Vegas Sea Cadets! To receive, obey, and pass on to the sentry who relieves me all orders from the Commanding Officer, Command Duty Officer, Officer of the … Join our Virtual Academy to stay engaged from home! Sea Cadets is a national youth charity, working with 15,000 young people between 10 and 18 years old across the UK. Naval Sea Cadet Corps? The United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps (USNSCC) is a national youth leadership development organization that promotes interest and skill in naval disciplines while instilling strong moral character and life skills through leadership and technical programs modeled after … Homeport; Thanks for visiting the Las Vegas Sea Cadets! More training offerings in many categories and different date ranges are yet to come, including RT, POLA, and NLO. Trident Patrol Squadron 65 & TS Minutemen. Naval Sea Cadet Corps (USNSCC) is a federally-chartered non-profit youth organization for young people, ages 10 through the completion of high school. Welcome to the Wolverine Division of the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps. Someone from the unit nearest you will then contact you. One of the best parts of the Sea Cadet program is going to trainings. Copyright © 2005 Naval Sea Cadet Corps, TM & ® 36 USC 154106, USNSCC Headquarters, 2300 Wilson Blvd, Suite 200, Arlington, VA 22201-5435, USA. Updated: May 10, 2020, 11:57 pm ET. Every recruit must first attend Recruit Training (RT) which is a 9-14 day training and re-enforces everything they’ve learned in the BMR. Welcome aboard! 1. 10-13 Year Olds. A cadet is assessed an annual $90 … Welcome to the Homeport of the U.S. The intention of Virtual Sea Cadets is to provide a way for units and/or districts to continue to engage with their cadet and parental community. Welcome to Winsford and Middlewich Sea Cadets Welcome to a different kind of adventure. Circles are sized by the number of people there who have tested positive, which may differ from where they contracted the illness. Cadets age 14-17 are assigned to the Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) USNSCC is a volunteer youth program funded by donations from organizations and individuals. The Sea Cadet Corps requires new cadets to attain that same knowledge and physical fitness as well. Click here to Register. AURORA DIVISIONUnited States Naval Sea Cadet Corps USNSCC Sign in Gateway Quarterdeck Homeport, Polaris, and Magellan Enrichment Opportunities Virtual Academy Virtual Unit Support Rules, Regs, and Procedures NSCC Policy Rules that govern the USNSCC. A cadet is assessed an annual … Also included under the USNSCC umbrella is our junior program the Navy League Cadet Corps (NLCC), for young people ages 10 through 13. Information about each training can be found by clicking “Details” on the far right of a selected training from the list. When you join the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps (USNSCC), you will become a part of the finest youth organization in the NATION. We have made a plethora of online resources available through our Sea Cadet Virtual Academy to help keep all of our cadets busy during this program-wide suspension. Further updates to this Policy will be made, as necessary. The purpose of the OMSG is to walk adult volunteers through the various USNSCC Policy Regulations and Manuals, so there is nothing to study prior - it’s an open book quiz which guides you though… Thank you for your message, we will respond as soon as possible. Search for an NLCC TRAINING SHIP (ages 10 through 13) or NSCC unit (ages 13 through 17) near you by entering your address or zip code. The unit CO or their designated officer then registers the cadet for the desired training. E.T., May 12. Enrichment… Sources: State and local health agencies, hospitals, C.D.C. Copyright © Naval Sea Cadet Corps, TM & ® 36 USC 154106, FOR INFORMATION ON THE RESPONSE OF THE US NAVAL SEA CADET CORPS ON COVID-19, PLEASE VISIT OUR, Selecting icons below will redirect members to external websites, U.S. 2. Cadets follow a similar ethos, training plan, and ranks, to the Royal Navy, and are recognised by the UK Ministry of Defence. Located at the intersection of community and life, Chattanooga Sea Cadets is a life-affirming journey that builds on the richness and power of lifelong values. It has over 400 units across England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Malta and Bermuda all run by 9,000 volunteers. We want to remind our volunteers, cadets, and parents that the best way to prevent the spread of illnesses such as COVID-19 and influenza is to: Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Submit your information by clicking on the below button. 14-17 Year Olds The USNSCC, or just Sea Cadets, is actually two programs: the Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) and the Navy League Cadet Corps (NLCC). The U.S. Today, there are more than 12,000 young adults in the U.S. Welcome to Winsford and Middlewich Sea Cadets Welcome to a different kind of adventure. Want to join the U.S. We're helping to launch local young people for life today. TS Minutemen. NOTE: Due to changes on Homeport links here are currently broken...these will be updated. Updated: May 10, 2020, 11:57 pm ET. All the correspondence courses, training manuals, and parent’s handbook can be downloaded from the USNSCC Homeport at As such, there are basic operational fees assessed to cadets. Transforming them into confident, resilient young people who thrive in a complex world, whatever they want to do when they leave school. Naval Sea Cadet Corps for the Southern New England Sea Cadets! Located at the intersection of community and life, Chattanooga Sea Cadets is a life-affirming journey that builds on the richness and power of lifelong values. Naval Sea Cadet Corps. Out of an abundance of caution and to allow time for proper planning of trainings, NHQ has extended the suspension of all in-person sea cadet activities through June 15, 2020 and canceled ALL overnight sea cadet activities through August 31, 2020. COVID-19 Temporary Policy Change: This Policy sets forth the USNSCC’s response to the novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”) epidemic. “The U.S. Sea Cadets provides children with many opportunities that serve to increase their vocational skills in the future. Chattanooga Sea Cadets has been at the forefront of making a difference in the lives of our youth since November 2000. I would like to take this opportunity to provide everyone with the information about the mandatory correspondence courses for each cadet and the reason why they are important and beneficial… Data as of 7:19 p.m. This Policy seeks to strike a balance between maintaining as many of the rigorous training standards as possible—because these are what set our program apart—while at the same time offering opportunities to our cadets and ensuring the health and well-being of our members and their families. Naval Sea Cadets from the Navy League Cadet Corps, Battleship Missouri Division-Hawaii, visit the Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam harbor patrol unit.  The U. S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps offers young Americans ages 10-18 a wealth of opportunities Cadets learn leadership, management, organization and discipline while developing honor, courage, and commitment. The U.S. 1. Someone from the unit nearest you will then contact you. Enrichment… Username: * Password: * * * Forgot Your Password? The "Officer/Midshipman Study Guide" is an online "quiz" for adult volunteers who are seeking an appointment to Officer or Midshipman rank. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, and then throw the tissue in the trash. Cadet and parents/guardians must follow the guidance of their home unit for registration of trainings. In the mean time, make sure to stay in contact with your Unit Commanding Officer and visit our webpage,, Out of an abundance of caution and to allow time for proper planning of trainings, NHQ has extended the suspension of all in-person sea cadet activities through June 15, 2020 and canceled ALL overnight sea cadet activities through August 31, 2020. With the unfortunate but necessary requirement to exercise social distancing, and the risk of transmission of this highly contagious virus, NHQ has made the difficult decision to dramatically modify administrative, training, and advancement requirements to accommodate the best interests of our cadets. Cadets age 14-17 are assigned to the Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) USNSCC is a volunteer youth program funded by donations from organizations and individuals. Transforming them into confident, resilient young people who thrive in a complex world, whatever they want to do when they leave school. Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Welcome to your Homeport, the only online source for official policy and references to administer the Corps. PEARL HARBOR (April 13, 2013) U.S. Advanced Summer Trainings: Cadet trainings: We are pleased to announce that several virtual trainings are now available for registration. We will not be participating in any outbound or inbound exchanges this upcoming summer. “Experience one of the most exciting and immersive learning adventures in the world aboard the world’s largest simulated aircraft carrier. AURORA DIVISIONUnited States Naval Sea Cadet Corps USNSCC Sign in Gateway Quarterdeck Homeport, Polaris, and Magellan Enrichment Opportunities Virtual Academy Virtual Unit Support Rules, Regs, and Procedures NSCC Policy Rules that govern the USNSCC. Homeport. Cadets are expected to maintain high standards of leadership, to advance in rank, maintain their fitness levels and attend trainings that help their personal growth. As such, there are basic operational fees assessed to cadets. Welcome to the Iwo Jima (LHD7) Division of the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) based in Palm Beach County Florida at the Palm Beach Maritime Academy, Lantana, FL. Information about Correspondence Courses for All Newly Enrolled Sea Cadets and their Parents. Naval Sea Cadet Corps (USNSCC) dates back to 1958 when the Navy League of the United States wanted to "create a favorable image of the Navy on the part of the American youth". Naval Sea Cadet Corps then you are not alone! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Transforming them into confident, resilient young people who thrive in a complex world, whatever they want to do when they leave school. This information includes minimum age/rank, cost, number of billets available for the training, dates, location, event details and possibly a link to the training website, if one exists, and any applicable attachments. We're helping to launch local young people for life today. 2K likes. Naval Sea Cadet Corps? 2. Parents; Training Information and Awards; Uniforms and Helpful Links; Fundraising; US Naval Sea Cadet. Sea Cadets provides children with many opportunities that serve to increase their vocational skills in the future. Want to join the U.S. The United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps (USNSCC) is a youth leadership development program sponsored by the U.S. Navy. Search for an NLCC TRAINING SHIP (ages 10 through 13) or NSCC unit (ages 13 through 17) near you by entering your address or zip code. Some people who traveled overseas were taken for treatment in California, Nebraska and Texas. Since that time the program has grown to over 380 units, has approximately 9,000+ young men and … While we know that this will be disappointing news for many of you, we want to ensure that we place your health and safety first. The Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) program is for young people ages 13 through 17. We want to emphasize that these changes are temporary and are designed to keep our program moving forward even during a prolonged suspension of in-person activities. Chattanooga Sea Cadets has been at the forefront of making a difference in the lives of our youth since November 2000. Our mission is to build leaders of character. The only Naval Sea Cadet Corps aviation unit in South Florida. We are the Jupiter/Langley Squadron and our homeport is in the northern Palm Beach County area of Jupiter Florida. Sea Cadets Virtual Training. Welcome to Portland Sea Cadets Welcome to a different kind of adventure. And NLO use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer the top of the United States and supported by both the Navy! All the correspondence courses for all Newly Enrolled Sea Cadets you can organize sea cadets homeport by a variety of categories for. The decision to cancel our International Exchange program for 2020 serve all of West Palm Beach and the areas... Attain that same knowledge and physical fitness as well provides children with many opportunities that serve to increase their skills! Trainings are now available for registration of trainings nearest you will then contact you training! ( “ covid-19 ” ) epidemic adventures in the lives of our youth since November 2000 … Homeport ; for! 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