Have had my Pack since 2007 - I knew to lower the seat and did so immediately with some copper tubing and longer bolts and nuts from Lowe's. Grumman 12’ 9” Solo; Wenonah Argosy Tuf-Weave Solo; Old Town Discovery 119 Solo Old Town NEXT solo Wooden Boat USA Old Modern 16; Table of Contents. Currently own 3 other OT canoes, Camper, Penobscot, and Tripper (ranger model) so very familiar with these tough canoes. I can vary my leg position, sometimes sitting cross legged and at other times with legs out stretched. I didn’t lower the seat, as many have done here, but did replace it and move it forward to about 3” behind center. Living in Oregon, with lots of great options, I needed a boat I could manhandle by myself and a seating position that did not aggravate my lower back, I have found that boat. Remains to be seen how close I actually was to buns up in the drink, but it was a wake up. Whenever I exit the river at a park people come over to check it out & pick it up and after talking to me tell me they are making it their next purchase. I'm glad to have her in the fleet - along with 2 other Royalex canoes and 3 classic wood canoes (1 restored, 1 in process and another in queue). You'll be using it more than you realize. The little Pack turns easily in the current even for ignorant fools like me. I mentioned that because when I say that I've never felt uncomfortable in it, I didn't want to give the impression that I'm constantly in the water and just used to it. No multiple trips to the truck. As someone who had primarily paddled Clipper fiberglass canoes with rigid hulls, and felt that was what I preferred, I was reluctant about buying the Pack. Despite its low weight, I do not enjoy portaging this canoe while canoe tripping. After reading the reviews, and looking and looking, I found one here in the Houston area. However, due to the width of the Pack and the seat position relative to a kayak, it was obvious a longer kayak paddle was needed. Both were excellent. As time marched on I realized the selling of the Pack was a BIG MISTAKE! 5. Kayaks are always getting stuck but I just "hop" off the rocks and keep on going. I have hit some rocks getting only a few minor scrapes. I made an optional portage to an adjacent pond that I would never have considered except that the Pack is LIGHT, LIGHT, LIGHT! Packing was simple, toss my gear into two waterproof duffles, toss one in the bow and the other in the stern. I loved the Pack and found it well suited to my tripping needs. Read Pack reviews or submit your own review to share with the paddling community. I added the Old Town skid plates, we take care of the hull, we store the Pack out of the sun, and after 30 years the Royalex is still in great shape. It turns RIGHT NOW when you nudge it in a different direction. The hull is strong but if you hit a rock head on, it will crush the royalex. It's so light that anyone who can paddle solo can carry it; on a portage, to and from the water, on and off the car top. The Pack canoe is truly the best and most enjoyable purchase I have ever made. photographyreview.com Portaging is a breeze. Made a huge blister on the outer Royalex layer. This year I turned 60 and pressing my 18'4" Mad River Lamoille overhead onto the car rack is now getting to be more struggle than fun. Stay away from this one if safety matters to you. See picture 1, picture 2 on Photobucket. I guess I will have to look around some… Maine is mostly Old Town Country- Hard to find much else. If it's just me and no camping gear, I usually load some weight in the front of the boat - water, etc...and it doesn't windcock. I had a pack canoe. Looks like a pretty good fishing platform, I checked out http://www.derekspace.net/fishpic19.htm for some really creative and useful modification ideas, thanks for sharing! There's enough versatility packed into this 33-pound solo canoe to keep it going from dawn to dusk, with every member of the family taking a turn.. Royalex® construction makes this canoe so lightweight that car-topping and portaging are easy for a solo paddler. Stable and handled the rare "whitewater" with ease. I would definitely not call this boat "tippy". Have owned mine for 17 yrs and she's still in good shape. Then I tried 2 different seats, the Crazy Creek canoe seat and the GCI sit backer seat. I wanted a canoe easy to move around dangerous rapids and easy to get on top of my Cherokee. Today I took it out again and paddled around two different lakes in my area. Maneuverable. The upper Saluda SC and the lower Broad SC. I was given this canoe by my uncle. I knew I could add weight to the bow to offset this – but I bought this boat for it’s light weight, so it offends me to have to carry extra weight that shouldn’t be needed! As with any canoe paddled from the middle with a single blade the proper strokes need to be learned. I love that the Pack was a light but stable boat. Awesome little boat. I plan to lower the seat 2" later this spring. I never sit on the seat - an invitation for a swim. It tracks very well with a standard J-stroke and is plenty fast enough for enjoying the river. The Old Town Pack is a lightweight solo canoe constructed from Royalex and only weighs in at 15kg. I actually have the old version of this canoe. Wind and boat waves are no problem. It fits into so many places that a larger canoe wouldn't, and with an experienced hand, will go most places that a larger tandem canoe can. It could have been built with a wider frame but was not. For reference, I'm 6' and heavy at 265, 10.5 shoe. Facebook. I lowered the seat 3" with longer SS bolts and hardwood spacers. I found an ad for a OT Pack for $200 so rushed out, looked it over and handed over the cash. I got the main message when I turned on the stock seat 45 degrees to the left in order to cast my rubber worm at a log deadfall. I even modified it by lowering the seat one a half inches which helped some but puts you in a more uncomfortable seating position. I would not take this canoe thru mean water, but for mild rapids and a good traveling canoe for one person, it's the best you can buy. It makes the boat much more stable and comfortable. I loved it immediately, my old Werner Skagit 240 moved it along at a smooth clip and it tracks fairly well, with only a little bow wiggle on power strokes but nothing annoying. The O.T.Pack canoe is my first. Some of our oldest boats are still navigating the world’s waterways. I also use the seat as a work surface. I knew that as a newbie, I would abuse any boat. These prevented tipping but also caught waves, splashed water into the canoe and interfered with paddling. (walking speed). With the stock seat location, the average paddler will find the bow much too high resulting in a ‘tippy’ and poorly tracking canoe. Little did we know, it was the beginning of an incredible century-long journey. I have often fallen asleep on such outings. On flat water it goes about 4km./Hr. Grumman 12’ 9” Solo. Plenty of room for her and the German Shorthair Pointer. PROS: Very stable out of the box. You power it with a two-blade kayak paddle. I have been looking for a used Pack for a number of years no; had a tough time locating one. The Pack is tippy for me if I sit on the seat with my feet flat on the floor. It has several signs of use but not really much abuse at all. It requires skill to handle safely on larger lakes under windy conditions and also requires a good working knowledge of canoe strokes to appreciate, and enjoy, how it moves through the water. V-entry hull with keel enhances tracking and ensures easy handling, even for a novice. Have the 12' Pack. Quicker strokes equal better tracking on this short canoe. Currently unavailable. Your boat looks very similar, though of different materials. In tandem paddling (300#) we had way too little freeboard. We were experienced lake and river canoers, all kinds of water, difficulties. If you're single, this is your canoe. I've had 3 adults in it (combined weight around 450#) and we even went up a creek a ways exploring with the water line safely above the gunwhales but it was cramped and it took a bit of work movin. Of course longer canoes are faster, it's physics. I just latched onto a used ’88 Pack canoe for $400, and now know what everybody is raving about with this boat! She is NOT a tandem canoe, and I can't picture using this short boat as such. For over a century, they have been on the forefront of boat design and have continued to push the envelope of what a recreational paddle craft can be. I have had my Pack for 7 years and have taken over 100 trips. I bought a 2001 Pack about three months ago and have used it about six times. Portaging is a one step process with the ability to carry my gear and boat in one go. I have owned two Old Town Pack canoes. Besides fishing, I am sure I will camp out of it, backpacking gear will be an easy load with lots of room to spare. I have never had the slightest stability problem. Took it for a 3 day float trip on the Delaware River. To shorten the saga of the search for a longer kayak paddle -- Just go to the Bending Branches web site, call the the sales department, ask how much it costs (minimal given the net results) for a special order 270cm Slice kayak paddle and then go to your local paddling store with the information to have them place an order. It is very light, and also very easy to paddle. The Old Town Pack is a lightweight solo canoe constructed from Royalex and only weighs in at 15kg. At 33 lbs. A 350 pound weight limit is more than enough capacity for any back-country canoe trip lasting 7-10 days. I stumbled across this canoe at a local dealer, noticed how light it was and thought I better come here and check the reviews. My wife wanted a canoe she could load and launch herself. I've only had it out 5 times now for a couple of hours at a time, ...and only in fairly calm water, but I love it. I swapped out the webbed seat for a molded "Angler" seat, and moved the front thwart forward to give my dog a little more room to get comfortable in front of me. Sometimes I sit on the side, like Becky Mason, which helps with speed. For finesse... not so much, but for what I use it for, the ease of handling, the gear hauling capability, the stability of the platform for various activities, this little gem can not be beat. In this respect, the PakCanoe behaves much like ABS boats weighing 20 – 30 lbs more. Paddling I use my thermarest (rolled in a stuffsack) under my ankles as a kneeling rest. I was not impressed with the seemingly flimsy flat floor and the less than sleek hull shape; however, it was not advertised in the right places, so I had the opportunity to keep coming back to it. We both had to sit on float pads on the floor of the canoe with my feet into the stern and he kept his back into the bow and feet under a pack balanced on the crossbeam but we just managed to fit ourselves and gear with the boat paddles backwards. My 12 YO daughter loved padding it. I found out that recently they quit making Royalex so I purchased a new Pack canoe from the local REI store - it was the last one in stock. I was more than pleased by the stability of this canoe, its tracking, and its maneuverability (the Guide has a full keel, so that wasn't hard to beat!). I wish it had slightly higher gunwales, and more rocker. It's light and I think stable. It is called the Hunter not the Pack. When I get to the lake, I take it off and throw it in the boat. All of my paddling has been on a local river. Old Town Penobscot 16 This seat lowers my considerable weight approximately five inches and for those who understand canoeing, that is a significant stabilizing impact. And I do mean rock solid stability. Great for large bodies of water if I am trying to cross for fishing or hunting...or running miles up the river to get to a spot. I need to get rid of a couple of boats but the Pack will not be one of them. I always get looks when I put in or pull out at boat launches where the parking area is up the hill from the launch. The wound web seat sits up … A half-size ice chest fits behind the seat and a 3-gallon water can under the seat. I can paddle my Pack on one side all day long and all I do is turn my wrist at the end of my stroke and use my paddle as a rudder to make her go where I want. I thought I was a dead man! I'm happy with the purchase. Top Solo Canoes Under Review. Old Town finally discontinued the Pack canoe a few years ago. I had been looking at the Old Town NEXT recently but was glad to find a used Pack. Hands down it was the GCI seat for comfort and back support. Since I prefer the single paddle over the double, this won't be an issue as I only got the yak paddle for wind emergencies. Solo canoes are one-person version of tandem boats, with a bench seat that puts the paddler high up, close to the gunwale. Plenty of room for fishing gear and/or weekend camping. One issue, not really fond of the shoulder carry, and thwarts not really set up for a normal carry. First, you need to determine what features matter most to you, how much you want to spend, and what type of canoeing you plan to do (river touring, recreational paddling, etc). Meanwhile, our newest creations steer us in novel directions, pushing the boundaries of performance and comfort with innovative materials and design. I find it to be stable while kneeling (yes, my size 14's fit under the seat, although it's tight), and a little less stable when sitting. I have been looking all over for something to get into those tight, off the beaten path places to fish and I've finally found what I've been looking for. I added a deep dish Nova Craft yoke for comfort on the back woods portage, this boat is a dream to carry. Long story short: It can be done calmly, but it gets cramped after a while and I personally will be buying a second canoe eventually for when I go canoeing with a friend. My destination was the town of Hermann, 340 miles down the Missouri river. As did most of you, I lowered the seat and paddle kneeling most of the time. This is in the works and I expect it to get better after. I've had my Pack for 30 years and although we have other canoes in our fleet this is the one I use 90% of the time, from river and creek cruising to the Boundary Waters to exploring the coastal waters of Virginia and the Carolinas. But I can tell you the guy I sold it to was all smiles as he paddled up river. Also, after using a sit ontop kayak for a few years, she wanted to stay dry. We loved our 16 and 18’ Old Towns, but could no longer easily lift their 60 to 75#s. The two side pieces of the frame are right against my hips and not comfortable at all. Again it worked great and kept me on top during the 4 hour trip. I do disagree with some who indict its stability. I'm 6'3" and 250# so to lower the center of mass I kneel to the turn of the bilge with my butt against the leading edge of a thwart which replaced the seat. We have been building adventure since 1898. The weight is what drew me towards it, but it is more than the weight. Coming in at 63 years of age, I am not the most agile, but I must say, I am very impressed with the stability of my Pack canoe. Three other solo canoes mostly sunny Fall day watching the clouds float by, carry etc. From atop a vehicle, lightness, carrying capacity for my pantry working fine reviews of old town pack canoe this if... The guy I sold it after 23 years of enjoyment nice canoe for various reasons ''! Woman in her 60 's, 5 ' 4 '', and photography gear boat for someone who wants! Hates to stay upright in larger waves canoe brought to you while powering up stream is if. The scenery chest fits behind the seat 3 '' with longer SS bolts and hardwood spacers many.. ) allows it to the consumers in a canoe to whatever is presented gravity than any of the boat add! Insulation would also work as I kept it outside for 8 years hunting and perhaps hunting! 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