2007. Seen here at the base Charpentiera sp. a rich gray green dye called ʻahiahia, or puahia, made from the ashes was used for dying kapa (tapa) by the early Hawaiians. Peperomia blanda floribunda. floribunda. Uploaded by Tim1357; Author: David Eickhoff from Pearl City, Hawaii, USA: Licensing . ID - 61290. 1999. Any content should be recategorised. Directrices de la comunidad. floribunda Miq. Kunth APNI* . Kunth is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Peperomia ... Peperomia arabica var. 1. This is an excellent bedding plant or looks great around large stones in the landscape as an understory groundcover. Peperomia blanda is a northern South American species (see … 1) from the paleotropics was reduced to vari-etal rank as P. blanda var. Leaves in whorls of 3 (4–8 in a South American variety) or opposite, thin and soft, green above with venation paler, uniformly dark green beneath or in lower leaves sometimes reddish; blade broadly elliptic to obovate, 1–6.5(–8) cm. Peperomia blanda var. Saved from anpsa.org.au. 1950. Bot. Kunth from the neotropics (D üll, 1973: 110). A low-growing native herbaceous plant. Peperomia blanda var. floribunda. Peperomia blanda var. Pikimato. = Peperomia blanda var. COMMON NAMES: Hairy Peperomia … Yuncker, T. G. 1953. Search for PEPEROMIA+BLANDA+VAR.+FLORIBUNDA returned 3 results.. Related Searches. floribunda. floribunda, Queensland rubella. H. Huber Show All Show Tabs aridland peperomia Recently Mathieu (2020) showed that Peperomia blanda var. Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Madagascar. long, 0.7–3.5(–4.2) cm. Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Fruits/seeds smell and taste like black pepper. – A strong plea is made in favour of using the name P. leptostachya for a species with a wide paleotropic distribution, for which many names have been introduced during the years, 85: i–xlii, 1--2666. 2008. Peperomia blanda floribunda. China. Refine results Refine results PHOTOS FOR THIS SPECIES CAN BE SEEN AT THE LINK (Copy & Paste to your browser): https://www.flickr.com/search/?user_id=50823119%40N08&sort=date-taken-desc&view_all=1&text=Peperomia%20blanda%20var.%20floribunda, Other Nursery Profiles for Peperomia blanda var. Contr. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. Nuev. Related Plants. The Peperomia species are associated with kane (man). Synonyms: Piper blandum Jacq. En: Stevens, W.D., C. Ulloa, A. floribunda (Miq.) Schatz, G. E., S. Andriambololonera, Andrianarivelo, M. W. Callmander, Faranirina, P. P. Lowry, P. B. Phillipson, Rabarimanarivo, J. I. Raharilala, Rajaonary, Rakotonirina, R. H. Ramananjanahary, B. Ramandimbisoa, A. Randrianasolo, N Ravololomanana, Z. S. Rogers, C. M. Taylor & Wahlert. Multimedia & Additional Resources. CONABIO. Editorial FAN, Santa Cruz. Fundación Instituto Botánico de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela. Kunth var. Peperomia blanda var. The specific epithet blanda carries the meanings of "smooth, flattering, seductive, alluring, tempting." floribunda information from Native Plants Hawaii Information about Peperomia blanda var. For treatment of kohepopo, hinanawe, hopilo, and wai‘opua the stems are mixed with pith of ‘amau‘ama‘u (Sadleria cyatheoides), hala (Pandanus tectorius), ‘ohi‘a ‘ai bark (Syzygium malaccense), kō kea (white sugarcane, Saccharum officinarum), and noni fruit (Morinda citrifolia). Peperomia blanda (full view) Peperomia blanda (leaves) Leeward Community College. Checklist of the Plants of the Guiana Shield (Venezuela: Amazonas, Bolivar, Delta Amacuro; Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana). An application of a balanced slow release fertilizer with minor elements every six months. To learn more about this flora, please visit the Peperomia blanda subsp. Peperomia blanda subsp. H. Huber [Piperaceae]) was vegetatively propagated using leaf cuttings treated with or without 1000 ppm indole-3-butyric acid. Arid land peperomia (Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) In M. H. Nee Fl. Chun notes that the leafbuds of ‘ala‘ala wai nui pehu are combined with ‘ilima flowers in a treatment for newborn babies. [David Eickhoff, Native Plants Hawaiʻi]. Peperomia blanda es una especie fanerógama de uno de los dos grandes géneros de la familia de las piperáceas. APNI* Description: Erect semi-succulent herb to 30 cm high. The Piperaceae of Argentina, Bolivia and Chile. Peperomia blanda var. Jan 18, 2015 - Peperomia blanda var floribunda, from Australia Trelease, W. & T. G. Yuncker. pseudodindygulensis, Conservatorio y Jardín Botánico de Ginebra, https://web.archive.org/web/20150906080403/http://floradobrasil.jbrj.gov.br/2010/, https://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Peperomia_blanda&oldid=127178911, Wikipedia:Artículos con identificadores Microsoft Academic, Wikipedia:Control de autoridades con 14 elementos, Licencia Creative Commons Atribución Compartir Igual 3.0. floribunda ('ala'ala, 'ala'ala wai nui, awalauakane, kupalii, kupaoa, arid-land peperomia, hairy peperomia) Family: Piperaceae. Flora of China (Cycadaceae through Fagaceae). For ke‘ewai and ni‘au, ‘ala‘ala wai nui is used in conjunction with ‘uala (sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas), noni bark, hāpu‘u shoots (Cibotium spp. Natural Zones (Elevation in feet, Rainfall in inches). Peperomia blanda var. Wildlife. Both Pipers are stimulants. Gard. Leaves opposite, rarely whorled, ovate-elliptic to obovate, up to 3 cm long, up to 2.5 cm wide; base cuneate to rounded; margin entire; apex obtuse or acute; usually 5-veined from base; petiole up to 6 mm long. Funk, V. A., P. E. Berry, S. Alexander, T. H. Hollowell & C. L. Kelloff. Peperomia sp tetraphylla blanda var. var. floribunda (Miq.) Peperomia blanda var. Peperomia blanda var. (2019) Conservation Status of New Zealand Indigenous Vascular Plants. Fl. Es originaria de África, Asia, América y Australia. floribunda [inactive] Cubierto por un marco de taxon para Familia Piperaceae obtenido para Plants of the World Online. nat. floribunda. Peperomia blanda var. floribunda is a synonym of Peperomia humilis. Interestingly enough, this plant does bloom and the flowers smell like black pepper. & Arn. 1–838. Food. floribunda is a small perennial with succulent stems and light green leaves. floribunda has green, pointed oval-shaped leaves. 1934), but there may be some confusion between two plants, the Peperomia species and Plectranthus parviflorus. Kunth APNI* . Species: P. blanda. Pool & O.M. (Piperaceae) (Fig. These are quite adaptable and in all the conditions I've grown them in they look like this. Düll. (Piperaceae) blanda HBK. Callejas, R. 2001. Ceylon 6: 294. 1988, syn. Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Piperaceae. floribunda (Miq.) Peperomia blanda is a very widespread species, with its two varieties growing naturally in a belt all around the warmer parts of the world. floribunda. APNI* Description: Erect semi-succulent herb to 30 cm high. Scientific Name: Peperomia Ruiz & Pavon. Results after 1 mo indicated no significant benefit of rooting hormone treatment. Binomial name. The generic name Peperomia is drived from the Greek peperi, pepper, and homoios, resembling, referring the to similarity to the true pepper, Piper. Nursery Availability Vas. floribunda (Miq.) Peperomia oahuensis, 'ala'ala wai nui, Niu, O'ahu, endemic. Tiny flowers are arranged on small erect spikes. floribunda (Miq.) Date: 01-04-1884 Herbarium: National Herbarium of Victoria View record: Peperomia blanda var. Forzza, R. C. & et al. 37 ser. [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piper_betle [Accessed 10/4/08]. A member of the pepper family (Piperaceae), ala ala wai nui seeds, has a pepper-like taste. Hui Ku Maoli Ola. H. Huber Show All Show Tabs aridland peperomia In C. Y. Wu, P. H. Raven & D. Y. Hong Fl. 2: 1–209. In Ca. Nee, M. 2004. Science Press & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing & St. Louis. Search for PEPEROMIA+BLANDA+VAR.+FLORIBUNDA returned 3 results. floribunda aridland peperomia Legal Status. N. South Amer. Peperomia blanda var. Native Plants Hawaii. floribunda Peperomia tetraphylla FAMILY: PIPERACEAE We are not famous, in this region, for shade. Peperomias, despite the name, are not related to bell and chili (nīoi) peppers which belong to an entirely different family. The goal of Native Plants Hawaii (NPH) is to create and establish a single, comprehensive and searchable online database / knowledgebase with information updated by participating nurseries and specialists. 4: 1–453. Peperomia blanda subsp. Another totally unrelated plant, an indigenous native mint (Plectranthus parviflora), also goes by the name ʻalaʻala wai nui. Catálogo taxonómico de especies de México. Peperomia blanda. Flora de Nicaragua. The name “floribunda” implies that it gets lots of flowers, but don’t get excited – this is it! leptostachya (Hook. (Piperaceae) blanda HBK. 85(3): 1928–1984. Fl. In the treatment of ‘ea, the leaves are processed with bark of the ‘ohi‘a ‘ai (Syzygium malaccense), kō kea (white sugarcane Saccharum officinarum), kukui flowers and fruit (Aleurites moluccana), ‘aka‘akai ‘oliana (onion) and kikania. Reg. 2010 Lista de espécies Flora do Brasil. floribunda was a superfluous name and that the widespread Pacific Basin plant that had been referred to it and to P. blanda was actually P. leptostachya. Peperomia blanda var. Peperomias are in the same family (Piperaceae) as black pepper (Piper nigrum) and like their famous cousins the sticky, poppy-like seeds of the fruits have a slight to sharp peppery taste. Missouri Bot. Interpreting Wetland Status. Fungal rot may be a problem usually due to poor soil drainage. ( Jacq.) desde Arabia a Sudáfrica. Source Large Mammals Small Mammals Water Birds Terrestrial Birds; Cover. Parque Nac. Peperomia blanda var floribunda Peperomia blanda (full view) Peperomia blanda (leaves) Leeward Community College. nov. Notes. The specific epithet blanda carries the meanings of "smooth, flattering, seductive, alluring, tempting.". ʻAlaʻala wai nui is prone to ants, slugs, and snails. Species (3) Taxonomic rank. Gard. Hui Kū Maoli Ola: Hawaiian Plant Specialists. floribunda can grow in a number of ways, including epiphytically growing up trees, terrestrially creeping on the ground and on shady rocks. Peperomia blanda, the arid-land peperomia, is a species of herb in the family Piperaceae. floribunda. 2010. ʻAlaʻala wai nui grows best in cinder mounds, on shady rocks, as an epiphyte on hāpuʻu or on a mossy tree trunk if it can be provided with frequent waterings. ʻAlaʻala wai nui or Arid-land peperomia Piperaceae Indigenous to the Hawaiian Islands Kīpukapuala, Hawaiʻi Island Early Hawaiians produced from the leaves and stems of Peperomia spp. ʻAlaʻala wai nui spreads to 2 feet or more. CONABIO, Mexico City. Montiel (eds. ʻAlaʻala wai nui, Arid-land peperomia or Hairy peperomia Piperaceae (Pepper family) Indigenous to the Hawaiian Islands (all the main islands except Kahoʻolawe) Photo: Oahu (Cultivated). Venezuela 1–860. floribunda Catalogue number:MEL 1579024A State: Queensland Locality: Isaac (R) Collector: Armstrong, W. s.n. 55: 1–584. However, there are other well known local relatives of peperomias and they are ʻawa, or kava, (Piper methystichium), and the mis-named betle nut (Piper betle), which is chewed with the nut of the areca palm (Areca catechu). Herb. H.Huber (In use by NZOR) Taxon Concept NZOR Concept Id 7948bfc0-b8c3-40be-b02e-1b16aff093e5 According to Department of Conservation ed. Peperomia blanda var. Stevens, W. D., C. U. U., A. Succulent herb up to 30 cm tall with erect stems becoming decumbent and rooting at the nodes, with sparse to dense trichomes; internodes up to 22 mm long and 6 mm diam. Peperomia blanda var. floribundaProfile Page. Es originaria de África, Asia, América y Australia. Syst. Peperomia. The leaves can be green to dark green with a paler underside which is sometimes reddish, reddish purple or with reddish streaks. Peperomia blanda es una especie fanerógama de uno de los dos grandes géneros de la familia de las piperáceas. Stem. Leaves You are free: to share – to copy, distribute and transmit the work; [2]. Peperomia remyi, 'ala'ala wai nui, endemic. To learn more about this flora, please visit the Peperomia blanda subsp. Peperomia blanda var floribunda. Nursery Availability Hawaiian Ethnobotany Online Database notes: "There are a number of medicinal uses of the plant called ‘ala‘ala wai nui (see Abbott 1992:102; Chun 1994:31–38; Handy et al. Peperomia blanda (flowers, leaves) Bot. Top Level Regions; Hawaii: FACU Related Links. Monogr. floribunda (Miq.) Retroalimentación. Peperomia blanda var. Plants can be spaced from one to two feet apart for groundcovers; further apart as an accent or to showcase the plant. Note: This category should be empty. The shade of green varies depending on the level of light it receives. Inflorescence terminal or axillary in upper axils, up … Date: 01-04-1884 Herbarium: National Herbarium of Victoria View record: Peperomia blanda var. Piperac. Synonym: TRO: 2012-04-18: Peperomia blanda var. Esta página se editó por última vez el 23 jun 2020 a las 18:19. Gard. 2011. ), kō kea, and kukui. home | browse plants | search plants | nursery | contact | login, [Search by Genus, Species, Subspecies, Variety, Forma, Hawaiian and Common Names, or Synonyms]. Monogr. 2009. This peperomia is found growing on rocks, cliffs and ʻaʻā lava in dry to mesic forests and but rarely in the wet forest from near sea level to 5,495 feet. Poor drainage can be a problem for this plant since it likes moist to drier conditions. Department of Conservation, Wellington. Section. Missouri Bot. floribunda (also knows as Arid-land Peperomia) is the only peperomia that is native to the Hawaiian Islands. Type: Description: Download: Image: Leaves (?species GM 4/2004) 46KB: Image: Leaves and flowers (?species GM 4/2004) 46KB: General Information. The justification was its ‘strong resemblance’ with P. blanda (Jacq.) This will connect local nurseries to landscape architects and home growers to promote the use and understanding of local native plants. University of Hawaii. This tag should be used on existing categories that are likely to be used by others, even though the "real" category is … There is some in our rainforests and gullies, though, and it provides us with some very good plants for growing in those difficult shady places in the garden. (1988) A Revised Handbook to the Flora of Ceylon 6: 294. The generic name Peperomia is drived from the Greek peperi, pepper, and homoios, resembling, referring the to similarity to the true pepper, Piper. Pool & O. M. Montiel. Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Introduction About 45 years ago, after having served anybody’s need for more than 140 years, Peperomia leptostachya Hook. Kunth var. Ayuda. [4]. Bot. Both stem and leaves are covered in hairs. Se encuentra en los bosques fluviales y barrancos, bosques tropicales de hoja perenne y en las nebliselvas, por lo general en las rocas cubiertas de musgo en lugares húmedos y en las cercanía de la espuma de las cascadas, también entre la hojarasca en el suelo de los bosques y, en ocasiones como epífitas en los troncos de los árboles del género Diospyros, a una altitud de 250-2200 m alt. Leaves opposite, ovate to obovate, 1–5 cm long, 1–3 cm wide, apex obtuse to acute, base cuneate to rounded, margins entire, pubescent, usually 5 … Synonyms: Piper blandum Jacq. Peperomia blanda var. It belongs to the same family as black pepper which is the Piperaceae family. floribunda. Hui Ku Maoli Ola. Peperomia sp tetraphylla blanda var. & Fosberg, F.R. floribunda Catalogue number:MEL 1579022A State: Queensland Locality: Rockhampton (R) Collector: O'Shanesy, P.A. African Flowering Plants Database - Base de Donnees des Plantes a Fleurs D'Afrique. Try to mimic the shadier and somewhat dry environment where the ʻalaʻala wai nui naturally grow in the wild. Amboró Bolivia. With a total of 25 native species in the Hawaiian Islands, the featured species and Peperomia tetraphylla are the only two indigenous peperomias, with the … Cat. Peperomia blanda var. Flora of China Editorial Committee. Jun 29, 2020 - Peperomia blanda var floribunda, from Australia | 1000 Hairy Peperomia. The Latin varietal name floribunda literally means many or abundant flowers. & Fosberg, Revised Handb. Rights Management | About this Site | Contact
With a total of 25 native species in the Hawaiian Islands, the featured species and Peperomia tetraphylla are the only two indigenous peperomias, with the remainder being endemic. Kunth. Scientific Name: Peperomia Ruiz & Pavon. Magnoliidae, Hamamelidae y Caryophyllidae. a rich gray green dye called ʻahiahia, or puahia, made from the ashes was used for dying kapa (tapa) by the early Hawaiians. Medicinally, the juice was used as a tonic and for inner ear disorders. México. Regresar a Peperomia blanda floribunda; Detalles de taxonomia para Peperomia blanda var. Peperomia leptostachya Hook. 0(0): 0–0. Peperomia blanda var. floribunda (Miq.) Being in the same family (Piperaceae) as black pepper (Piper nigrum), the sticky, poppy-like seeds of the fruits have a slight to sharp peppery taste. floribunda (Miq.) From the leaves and stems of Peperomia spp. H.Huber WildNet taxon ID 7614 Alternate name(s) native peperomia Nature Conservation Act 1992 (NCA) status Least concern Conservation significant No Confidential No Endemicity Native Pest status Nil Other resources The … In treatment of ma‘i wai kohepopo a nawai hele a lena ka walewale, flower, leaf and stem are ground and mixed with niu, and eaten with a "sticky" banana (Chun 1994:31–35)." Hokche, O., P. E. Berry & O. Huber. Peperomia blanda (flowers, leaves) Wetland Status. Peperomia blanda (Jacq.) Es una planta herbácea Only the variety floribunda of Peperomia blanda is native here. floribunda. 9 Date: 10-03-1868 Herbarium: National Herbarium of Victoria View record: Peperomia blanda var. ʻAlaʻala wai nui is rare as an epiphyte in dry to mesic forests. © 2009 All Rights Reserved. The Latin varietal name floribunda literally means many or abundant flowers. Refine results Refine results. Peperomia is a large genus containing over 1000 species with a pan-tropical distribution. H. Huber Taxonomic Serial No. [4] http://www.k12.hi.us/~waianaeh/HawaiianStudies/index.html [accessed 8/21/07], [5] "Hawaiian Ethnobotany Online Database" http://data.bishopmuseum.org/ethnobotanydb [Accessed 2/5/13]. Peperomia blanda var. floribunda--including details regarding plant, flower, and leaf characteristics; pests and diseases; growth requirements; and environment--is provided by Native Plants Hawaii. Peperomia blanda var. U.S. Natl. [3] Various parts of the plants with other ingredients were used orally for fetid vaginal discharge, debilitating consumption, relapse after recovery from illness, severe asthma, and possibly for various stages of appendicitis. 2001. H.Huber Huber, H. in Dassanayake, M.D. : 895517 (Download Help) Peperomia blanda var. [3] "Native Planters in Old Hawaii--Their Life, Lore, & Environment" by E. S. Handy and Elizabeth green Handy, page 239. floribunda, 'ala'ala wai nui, Ohikilolo, O'ahu, indigenous, Peperomia macraeana, 'ala'ala wai nui, Kalua'a Gulch, endemic. Reason: For BioLib & Catalogue of Life, Peperomia blanda var. [1], The juice was used as a tonic and for inner ear disorders. The firm and fleshy downy leaves of ʻalaʻala wai nui range from under an inch to about 2 1/2 inches long. Foliar feed with a kelp or fish emulsion, or a water-soluble fertilizer with a dilution of one-half to one-third of recommended strength, every month. H. Huber : Common Name(s): arid-land peperomia [English] Taxonomic Status: Current Standing: accepted Data Quality Indicators: Record Credibility Rating: verified - standards met AFPD. 2008. floribunda - View Profile | View Gallery var. Hawaiian Names: Monogr. Syst. Peperomia blanda var. Leaves opposite, ovate to obovate, 1–5 cm long, 1–3 cm wide, apex obtuse to acute, base cuneate to rounded, margins entire, pubescent, usually 5 … ʻAlaʻala wai nui is an excellent plant for containers, hanging baskets, as an epiphyte, an understory herb or a groundcover over/around large stones, logs or stumps. University of Illinois Press, Urbana. Symbol Key - PEBLF. floribunda Catalogue number:MEL 1579024A State: Queensland Locality: Isaac (R) Collector: Armstrong, W. s.n. blanda: Synonym: TRO: 2012-04-18: Peperomia blanda … H.Huber WildNet taxon ID 7614 Alternate name(s) native peperomia Nature Conservation Act 1992 (NCA) status Least concern Conservation significant No Confidential No Endemicity Native Pest status Nil Other resources The … ), Flora de Nicaragua. Syst. floribunda H. Huber. Missouri Bot. Also a great plant for containers or hanging baskets. floribundaProfile Page. The species has a natural pan-tropical distribution that encompasses Asia, Africa, Australasia, Polynesia and the Americas. Related Searches. floribunda Hawaiian Name: Kupaliʻi, Kūpaoa, ʻAlaʻala, ʻAlaʻala wai nui, ʻAlaʻala wai nui kupa liʻi, ʻAlaʻala wai nui kāne, ʻAlaʻala wai nui pehu, ʻAlaʻala wai nui pōhina, ʻAwalauakāne & Arn. [David Eickhoff, Native Plants Hawaiʻi]. En los bosques fluviales y barrancos, bosques tropicales de hoja perenne y en los bosques en las zonas de niebla, por lo general en las rocas cubiertas de musgo en lugares húmedos y en la espuma de las cascadas, también en la hojarasca en el suelo de los bosques y, en ocasiones epífitas en los troncos de árbol. Peperomia blanda var. floribunda, Queensland rubella Lilloa 27: 97–303. Peperomia blanda var. Relación: Desconocido Acerca de. Common Name - aridland peperomia. floribunda (Miq.) This one is hairy peperomia, Peperomia blanda var. Hüber in Dass. ʻAlaʻala wai nui has numerous flower spikes. Peperomia blanda var. floribunda (Miq.) Kunth var. [5], [1] "Plants in Hawaiian Culture" by Beatrice H. Krauss, page 65. & Arn.)
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