Try using traditional lures and baits. Suggested Lures - Retrieve or troll small spoons, spinners, and crankbaits for successful lure fishing. The map also shows hotspots where our fishing junkies have caught lunkers and posted photos and stories. If bait fishing for pike, walleye or channel catfish, try using a dead red side shiner, smelt, Utah chub or carp meat fished off the bottom using a slip rig sinker, or suspended 25- to 30-inches below a bobber in shallower water. Also, let us know if you are successful at catching any tiger muskie. Mirror Lake Uinta Mtn Fishing (1) Moosman Lake Boulder Mtn. Weather Report Panguitch Weather Access Info Trout have moved to deeper water due to warm temperatures, so fishing from boats is best now. (04-19-19), Catchable-size rainbow trout and brood brook trout have been stocked at Lake at the Hills in Cedar City. Jig small spoons like 1/4 ounce Northland Buckshots, Kastmasters, Thomas Cyclones in chartreuse, pink, silver, or gold and tip with Gulp maggots, corn or meal worm. avoid keeping fish that need protection. 7, though the ice is getting soft and slushy along the shoreline, so use caution. Gray midges (size 18-22), white beadhead woolly bugger streamers (size 8-10), red beadhead Princes (size 18-20), orange micro eggs (size 8-10) and white zonkers (size 8-10) are producing well. Looking for some great winter fun? The upper portion (the Nebo Creek area) and lower portion (near Bennie Creek) have felt the effects of debris flows due to fire in 2018. Play. (04-19-19), There have been no recent angling reports. Use a split shot to get your line down deep before the midge hatch begins; midges are hatching on warm afternoons. Because rainbow and cutthroat trout can appear similar, it is important for anglers to learn how to tell them apart to Reminder the trout limit is 2, and only 1 may be a cutthroat over 22 inches. The reservoir is full but murky due to recent storms and runoff. Minnow mimic stick baits work well. Goals of the new management plan included: Following the spring treatment, (04-19-19), Anglers report the fishing being a little slow. Bear Lake is entirely open water and surface water temperature is 37 degrees. We recommend tipping jigs with nightcrawler. When fishing, anglers can expect to catch a variety of fish including Bluegill, Brown Trout, Largemouth Bass, Rainbow Trout and. Try using yellow or garlic/chartreuse Powerbait fished 15- to 18-inches off the bottom using a basic fixed sinker rig or a slip sinker rig. (04-19-19), The pond was recently stocked with 18- to 19-inch rainbow trout. Anglers are trolling and jigging, both methods have been working well. predator trout will be necessary. . The trout stocked in the lake include fish (Bear Lake cutthroat trout and tiger trout) that are better predators than rainbow trout and will (04-19-19), The pond was stocked this week with 10- to 11-inch rainbow trout. The Public Works Administrative Office will notify the public when access reopens. Water is very murky, which can make for tough fishing. (04-19-19), No recent reports on access, however the snow pack is much higher than in recent years. (04-19-19), Fishing is slow and angler pressure is low. The lake is known for its trout, and fishermen find neck here - breaking trout and other large fish that thrive in the cool waters. Smallmouth bass are very curious and will respond to a wide variety of baits. Panguitch Lake General Store is the place to go for dairy products and a larger selection of retail options. Water temperature is warming into the mid 50s on sunny days. Low water conditions last year reduced trout numbers, but those that remain have experienced exceptional growth. a link to jump to the fishing report for that region. Also try fishing with single hooks instead of treble hooks. If you're fly-fishing, try using dry fly midges (size #16-#18), BWO (size #16-#18), or midge clusters (size #16-#18) trailering midge emergers (size #22-#24) or small dry flies (size #20-#24). Fishing is fair and anglers are catching 16- to 22-inch trout. Water in the high 50s in the morning will warm into the 60s later in the day which means afternoon fishing is better for bass. Site description: Panguitch Lake is situated at an elevation of 8,212 feet approximately 18 miles southwest of Panguitch, Utah. (04-19-19), Spring runoff has made the river extremely turbid. (04-19-19), The reservoir was stocked this week with 8- to 10-inch rainbow trout. Sport fish numbers are very low. The water temperature is getting into the upper 50s on sunny days, meaning that bass are starting to wake up but are not yet as active as they will be once it passes 60 degrees in the next couple of weeks. Go to or call 435-784-3483 for more information. Fishing off the rocks near the dam 4 to 5 feet down has been producing. Lake trout can be caught shallow this time of year, while casting jigs along the shoreline or trolling lures close to the surface. Access is still limited by snow. Miller Flat Reservoir may be accessible with a snow machine. (04-19-19), There have been no recent angler reports. (04-19-19), Anglers at Lloyd's Lake have had a lot of success catching rainbows. Fishing also tends to be better in the morning. If you fish it, please email me pictures and results at For catfish, try using nightcrawler or shrimp with a #6 or #4 size circle hook fished off the bottom using a slip sinker rig. The ice still measures around two feet thick with edges getting a little soft on warm days. Water levels are increasing and the reservoir should be full by the end of May. Anglers are catching lots of cutthroat and rainbow trout. Now is a great time to get out and fish before runoff ramps up. Stream fish using natural caddis nymphs (rock rollers). (03-08-19), Lower Fish Creek below Scofield Reservoir is not frozen over, but you'll need snowshoes or a snow machine to get to it. Try using 1/4- or 1/6-ounce metallic Jakes Spin-A-Lures, 1/8-once Worden's Original Rooster Tail spinners or 1/4-ounce Blue Fox Classic Vibrax spinners. (04-19-19), Angler success is high and catch rates are good. What you need to know about fishing Panguitch Lake. (03-08-19), Soup Bowl and other waters on the Manti-La Sal National Forest are currently inaccessible because of deep snow. (03-08-19), Blue Lake and other waters on the Manti-La Sal National Forest are currently inaccessible because of deep snow. Now is a good time to get fish this reach before irrigation releases start. You may also encounter very muddy roads leading to the reservoir. They are coming up to spawn on the sandy gravel near the shore, so expect good success rates. Producing mean angler catch rates of at least 0.5 trout per hour. (04-19-19), Koosharem reservoir was completely drained in 2018 for irrigation use and dam repairs, but is now mostly full and ice-free. Also, try using yellow or garlic Powerbait fished 12- to 18-inches off the bottom using using a basic fixed sinker rig, or using a bit of nightcrawler fished 20 to 30 inches under a bobber. survive, while digging the hook out will almost certainly kill the fish. (04-19-19), Average flow is 950 cfs (stable) and temperature is 39F. be harvested. If you're targeting northern pike, try using 1/6- to 3/4-ounce spinner baits with a single blade and big skirt such as Blue Fox Foxtail Super Vibrax, Panther Martin Muskie Marabuck, Mepps Dressed Agila or Mepps Dressed Black Fury lures. (04-19-19), There have been no recent angling reports. (04-19-19), Shoreline anglers have been very successful fishing for rainbow trout. Panguitch Lake Fishing. Anglers are fishing open water at the Ladders and various bays, and report catching 16- to 19-inch cutthroat trout and 15- to 18-inch rainbow trout. Call the Quiet Fly Fisher fly shop at (435) 616-2319 for up to date conditions and fishing reports. Catch your own live minnows, shiners, chubs, suckers, etc. Panguitch Lake is located in Garfield County, Utah. 7 Pound Cutthroat Caught And Released At Panguitch Lake Spring. (04-19-19), Ice fishing pressure has decreased with open water at lower elevations drawing more interest. Here are this weeks fishing reports. See the Utah Fishing Guidebook for details. (03-08-19), Wrigley Springs Reservoir and other waters on the Manti-La Sal National Forest are currently inaccessible because of deep snow. Try using a small maroon, red, black or olive midge. Try using 1/2 to 3/4-ounce spinner baits with a single blade and big skirt such as Blue Fox Foxtail Super Vibrax, Panther Martin Muskie Marabuck, Mepps Dressed Agila or Mepps Dressed Black Fury lures. (04-19-19), The reservoir is nearly ice-free, boat ramps are open, the wedge dock is installed at the main boat ramp, and the fishing is good. This has created a ring of open water 10 to 15 feet wide around much of the lake. (04-19-19), The Willow Bottom reservoirs will open to fishing on April 20. Slow fishing reported. Angler success is low and finding fish is challenging due to low visibility. Please use EXTREME CAUTION when entering onto the ice, and drill test holes. additional measures were included in the new management plan to mitigate any impacts that chubs will have when they return. Fishing is good for trout. Remember to adjust these times based on barometric pressure, and weather changes. stocking. When jigging, start in depths of 50 to 65 feet, depending on location. Joes Valley Reservoir is still easily accessible and had about 20 inches of ice near the boat ramp on Mar. Float tubes and pontoon boats are perfectly suitable for fishing these waters, but come prepared for to anchor down in weather as this is a large lake. Also, try using 1/4-ounce silver Blue Fox Classic Vibrax spinners, 1/6-once brass/red spot or chrome/red dot Lil Jake Lures, or 1/4-ounce Acme Little Cleo spoons. Information and pay here. (03-08-19), The fishing hasn't been fast at Joes Valley, but anglers are catching splake and cutthroat trout averaging 18 inches or larger. Gray midge (size 18-22), gray magic midge (size 18), white beadhead woolly bugger streamer (size 8-10), red beadhead prince (size 18-20), orange micro egg (size 14-16) or a white zonker (size 8-10). Troll with the lures off downriggers close to bottom; keep an eye on your sonar for suspended fish that may also be active at this time of year. Maintaining an average catch rate of 50 trout per net-night in annual trend nets. Light weight to medium-light tackle is suitable for all fish you will encounter at Panguitch Lake. READ MORE Just 20 minutes from Panguitch, is the magnificent, world-class attraction known as Bryce Canyon National Park. Visit the fish stocking report for more information. (03-08-19), The Knight-Ideal Community Fishing Pond is closed for the winter. (04-19-19), Anglers are reporting slow fishing for trout. (03-08-19), Catchable sized rainbow trout have been stocked. Parowan Pond has also received rainbow trout. The rainbow trout are biting on green, sparkly tube jigs. In winter, ice fishing on the lake is very popular, and there is an ice rink with skates available for $5 per day. Panguitch Lake “Big Fish” Derby. The goal is to have a enough predator fish to control the Recently, the surface water temperature is 57F, which is the kick-off temperature for bass and crappie fishing success. The word “Panguitch” comes from the local Native American indians and means “Big Fish”. They can be caught on bait but also by trolling, casting and jigging. Ice off is a great time to fish the reservoir. Typically kokanee salmon will be close to the surface in the spring where plankton is most abundant. The pond experienced a partial fish kill. Please use EXTREME CAUTION when entering onto the ice, and drill test holes. The Panguitch Big Fish Derby will be held at Panguitch Lake January 2nd, 2021! (04-19-19), The gate to Payson Lake is closed for the season. Most the snow has melted along the lakeshore at this time. Panguitch Lake has trophy quality fishing and the average sized trout will usually fall into the 14-24” range: Bait-Worms, Powerbait, shrimp, Salmon Eggs, worms and small marshmallow Light weight to medium-light tackle is suitable for all fish you will encounter at Panguitch Lake. Community ponds are stocked every one to two weeks. Fishing is slow and anglers are catching small bluegill and rainbow trout. Visit the stocking report for more information. up to date as possible but cannot be guaranteed. Finding safe parking along Highway 31 may be difficult. Also, try using 1/4-ounce silver Blue Fox Classic Vibrax spinners, 1/6-once brass/red spot or chrome/red dot Lil Jake Lures, 1/4-ounce nickel or gold Acme Kastmaster Plain Spoons, or 1/6-ounce brass/red head Luhr-Jensen Super Duper Spoons. Fishing Guides & Outfitters Fishing Lakes and Rivers (04-19-19), Midas has developed a significant leak in the pond liner and has not been receiving stocking. Very little fishing pressure due to several feet of snow and thick ice. Try using a swivel and sinker with an 18- to 24-inch leader tipped with a pea-sized ball of rainbow PowerBait. Cabins rental are available through the end of the year. April typically provides the best fishing of the year, so look for success to pick up as the water warms over the next few weeks. Otherwise, cold water techniques are still your best bet. Presented below are Tour Companies that offer guided fishing trips and/or fishing equipment rentals for lakes and rivers in and near Panguitch. (04-19-19), The river has recently been stocked with 3,125 rainbow trout averaging 9.60- to 12.44-inches in length. Further uplake, stripers behave differently by occupying deep narrow canyons with very clear water. The ice fishing season is officially over at Panguitch Lake. Panguitch, Utah is the ideal place to call home as you explore the wild and scenically diverse back-country of this region. When trolling also try pop gear and a worm or traditional lures like wedding rings or needlefish. We anticipate the snow to melt enough to get to the reservoir within the next two weeks. Try using garlic, cheese, or corn scented Powerbait or two Berkley Floating Magnum Eggs fished 15- to 18-inches off the bottom using a basic fixed rig or slip rig sinker. (04-19-19), Fishing is fair. (03-08-19), Snow on the Manti-La Sal National Forest has made the road to Fairview Lakes inaccessible for highway vehicles. Please use care and good catch-and-release techniques and obey the limits. Narrow down your tackle selection by adjusting season, water clarity, structure and technique. (04-19-19), The reservoir was mostly drained in 2018 for irrigation needs. It has long maintained a reputation as one of the best trout producers in the state. Bass and crappie will now build spawning beds/nests in about 3 feet of water. A fish can pass a swallowed hook and (04-19-19), Fishing is slow and anglers are catching 10- to 14-inch rainbow trout and 4- to 6-inch bluegill from shore. Our annual netting survey found a lot of healthy rainbow trout from two to four pounds, with the largest coming in at six pounds. The ice is between 5 and six inches thick. TIPS FOR RELEASING FISH IN THE SLOT (15 to 22 inches): If a fish swallows the hook, please cut the line to avoid mortality. an identification guide. Also try looking for fish in 50-70 feet of water near main channel points and ridges. Believe it or not, but you can find fish in this narrow stretch of open water as long as the depth is at least a few feet. Adjust your approach according to water temperature. It should reopen by Memorial Day. We anticipate a fish kill, though we do not know the extent of the kill at this time. This size class of fish also makes exceptional table fare.Kokanee salmon: Fishing been exceptional this spring. (03-08-19), Huntington North Reservoir had about 16 inches of ice on Mar. Submit any photos to (04-19-19), Fishing is good and anglers are catching 14- to 20-inch rainbow trout, 12- to 16-inch broodstock and 14- to 20-inch channel catfish. Try using white or green tube jigs or paddle bugs tipped with chub meat. (03-08-19), Access to waterbodies on the La Sal mountains may be limited because of recent snowfall. Mixed reports of fishing success have been received, with fly anglers doing best lately. If those times won’t work for you, 12:00AM to 12:00AM looks promising. The Quiet Fly Fisher fly shop reports slow to fair fishing using midge patterns. For trout, try using garlic or corn scented Powerbait fished 12- to 18-inches off the bottom using a basic fixed rig or slip rig sinker, or a bit of nightcrawler and a kernel of corn fished 20- to 30-inches below a bobber. The reservoir was recently stocked with 10- to 12-inch rainbow trout. Anglers are catching 10- to 14-inch rainbow trout and 18- to 25-inch brown trout. (04-19-19), Fishing is fair. (03-08-19), The Carbon County Community Fishing Pond is closed for the winter. Posted October 23, 2020. Visit our DWR fish stocking report for more information. Sinking line is recommended when fly fishing … Narrow down your tackle selection by adjusting season, water clarity, structure and style below. over 60,000 10-inch rainbow trout were stocked, as well as an additional 150,000 smaller rainbow trout. Try using garlic or cheese scented Powerbait or two Berkley Floating Magnum Eggs fished 12- to 15-inches off the bottom using a basic fixed rig or slip rig sinker, or a bit of nightcrawler with a kernel of corn fished 20- to 24-inches under a bobber. Catchable-sized rainbow trout are providing fair to good fishing from shore and boats. Also, try tolling at 1.9 MPH along the west shoreline. Highway 65 is closed for the winter, however; you can still get to the park via I-84 Morgan or Henefer. We haven't received any recent angling reports. It is possible to look down and visibly see large schools. Fishing is slow and anglers are catching small rainbow trout and small bass. Once water temperatures reach above 55 degrees, the fishing catch rates will increase. A fly and bubble combination will also provide good action. Looking for fish stocking reports? For walleye, try trolling at 2.5 to 4 MPH with a wedding ring; small blades or white curly tail jigs. Bonneville cutthroat trout are abundant throughout Clear Creek and its tributaries. Try using hares ears, copper johns, gunslingers or zebra midges. Panguitch Lake Resort, UT - Weather forecast from cut bait (shiner, chub, sucker) also provides good action. Now is a good time to get out before irrigation releases start. (04-19-19), Fishing is good to fair. We recommend fishing near the inlet. (03-08-19), Try using a white or green tube jig tipped with chub meat, mealworm or nightcrawler for catching tiger and cutthroat trout at Millsite Reservoir. Tip the lure with sucker/chub meat, recharge glow frequently, and jig the presentation a couple inches from the bottom. Starting Jan 1, the trout limit has been reduced to four – same as the statewide limit. Fishing is fair to good for rainbow and brown trout. Fishing should be fair to good. We will not stock brown trout or rainbow trout in 2019 — we hope to be begin restoring the fishery in 2020. Get registered for another great tournament!Lake trout: Very few reports. This popular high mountain fishery in Southern Utah lives up to its Paiute name. Anglers are catching 16- to 22-inch brown trout and 13- to 16-inch white fish. (03-08-19), Willow Lake and other waters on the Manti-La Sal National Forest are currently inaccessible because of deep snow. Who have been cleared from the tributaries ) 577-2168 for up to date possible... Catchable-Sized rainbow trout are getting more active and are feeding in the has... To see the current year fishing guide before fishing any Utah water fishing equipment for! Very muddy roads leading to the boat and fishing reports UT - weather forecast Low flow fish can be found in Late Summer/Fall patterns kayak or a. Cutthroat over 22 inches must be released immediately are quality sized dry fly fishing any Utah water shore. Mealworms or chub meat warming into the afternoon “ Panguitch ” comes from the year! 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