Now start the console from cold before playing Miles and unplugged my SSD. Ubisoft updates us on the Legion/Valhalla/(Fenyx?) My PS5 has crashed multiple times and it’s always been when I’ve had an external HDD plugged in. Help & Tech Support. My copy of Miles hard crashed on me 5mins into the game (literally the first thing I played on launch day) and the console didn't boot back up for a while. Sony and Nintendo, I never expect them to say anything, just deliver "stability and performance improvements" while we try to figure out if it solved the problem or not. Not sure what’s going on. (That latter is Borderlands 3 specific, no other games, either XSX optimized or BC have had that level of problem on there, so specific games definitely exacerbates some of these problems.). Published. I’m totally waiting for these bugs to be fixed before even touching this game. Cookies help us deliver our Services. — Tefty (@teft) November 14, 2020 Mine just did this with Miles Morales. It doesn't happen in any other game. I find interesting that 2/3 games I own for the PS5 (Miles and Cyberpunk) crash more or less often, since it's something that almost never happened to me with the PS4. Might fix for others but this won't work for me. Giant Bomb’s Jeff Gerstmann has reported that putting Spider-Man: Miles Morales into rest mode crashes his entire PS5, forcing a “repair your external drive” process upon start-up. Miles Morales Crash. This should stop it from crashing until there is a patch hopefully. Users are reporting on the PS5 subreddit that using rest mode while playing Spider-Man: Miles Morales is leading to bricked consoles. A number of players have been running into crashes — situations where the game hits an error and is forced to close itself. Mine crashed during the first boss fight, and then was perfectly fine until the cut scene in the demo videos of walking through Harlem. Just wanted to caution all new PS5 owners that Spider-Man: Miles Morales seems to be causing people problems, myself included. Reports of PS5 issues include crashes, software issues, a frustrating whine, and even systems being bricked. "Seems like putting a PS5 into rest mode while Spider-Man Remastered is running crashes the whole system," Gerstmann wrote, "forcing that 'repair your external drive' process when you … When he's not practising combos, he's usually getting lost in the latest 100-hour RPG, or, y'know, replaying The Witcher 3. Kotaku's own Stephen Totilo could not run Black Ops on his PlayStation 5 due to this and just deleted the game. Had Godfall crash the system 3 times within in the span of an hour. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I will also like to add, that I love the game & cannot wait for a Miles Morales 2. Otherwise it's been fine - not sure exactly what causes the crashing, but the game has not crashed on me in the other 6 hours or so I've played. Managed to break below the game world with a slam attack.. swinging around below NYC! Borderlands 3 on XSX has caused one hard crash to power off, and 3 instances of freezing and locking out controller input for upward of 3 minutes before coming back. does anyone know how to fix it? I check the release notes daily here: Got 2 crashes this morning while i was playing doing side quests. This happened to me more than a handful of times the first half (~6 hours) of my playthrough, no crashes the second half though. The Solution: Err on the side of caution and don’t use rest mode until Sony can figure out what the issue is. Share . I got a ps5 and miles morales for christmas and it has crashed my entire system three times now. I was able to close the game and reload the exact same spot in a few seconds and it never happened again. on 2020-11-17. Forza Horizon 4 caused one hard crash to power off after it was running sluggishly on startup. I was clearing an enemy base in Miles Morales, gameplay froze but the audio kept going. It takes a ridiculous amount of time to get back to playing when it happens. Gran Turismo 7 builds on 22 years of experience to bring you the best features from the history of the franchise. Same for Godfall so far. Miles Morales. That makes sense. ps5 games crashing reddit, The PS5’s DualSense controller will obviously work with PS4 games, but users can also opt to use original DualShock 4 controllers (or licensed third-party equivalents) when playing PS4 games. Same here. People are reporting all PS5 games crashing along with PS4 games Thats really not true. Developer Insomniac Games took to Twitter in order to assure a fan that crashes don't pose any risk to Sony's console. Experience the rise of Miles Morales as the new hero masters incredible, explosive new powers to become his own Spider-Man. The lack of bug testing, polish and content in this game really shows. Several players have reported that the PS5's rest mode is causing manifold issues, from shutting down the console completely to wiping saves. Luckily I haven't had a single hard crash so far in the 2 weeks of playing on PS5. Among other things, the rest mode causes the new Sony console to crash.Sometimes the game progress can be destroyed. EDIT 3 (FINAL): We’re now more than two months after I posted this thread (originally posted on PS5 launch day) and I’m still seeing new comments being posted regularly of more people experiencing crashes. How to Fix PS5 Rest Mode Crashing Issue. But easy for me to say Sitting here without having experienced any hard crashes on my new console! Especially on a shiny new PS5. It seems to me the problem is not specific to any game, but some bug in the system software. I’ve her to experience a crash while playing 50+ hours of Demon’s Souls and 10+ with ACV. Im playing miles morales on disc so that might be one reason I also have the disc version of the game and had two crashes so far since I got my ps5 on the 15th of last month. I’m sure they’ll scramble to have a patch together within a couple days. . If Spider Man Miles Morales crashes Insomniac says fear not your The PlayStation study ensures that the sudden closure of the game due to an error does not affect the health of the console. If it was software issues it would be affecting way more consoles. I also have Destiny 2 on my PS5 and it has worked perfectly. Mine hasn’t been as bad as some people’s. OTOH, PS5 seems to be having way, way worse crash level issues if you couple those with the rest mode+external storage issue. Use my ps5 on vertical mode. Restarted the game and it’s been ok since. The Problem: PS5 has been reported to crash unexpectedly when entering rest mode. Waited for firmware update and Miles update before playing again. No one likes crashes, and if you're not totally sure what's causing them, they can be quite scary. I really hope there is nothing wrong with my ps4. save. I had another weird thing happen the night before last when I popped in my Resi 2 disc. But then I managed to turn it back on and since then no crashes whatsoever with Miles or any other game. I am usually fairly relaxed about bugs, but we are at the point i am getting annoyed. EDIT: Update 1.003 seems to have fixed the issue. Just wanted to caution all new PS5 owners that Spider-Man: Miles Morales seems to be causing people problems, myself included. It also notes that it’s still in cahoots with Sony to fix any lingering crash bugs. Ive just completed the game, and had no problems whatsoever-so I was one of the lucky ones. The fix, give a fresh restart from the main menu and then don't let it go into sleep mode until it's patched. Rather, some users have run into problems with their PS5s following the system’s debut. Miles Morales, Black Ops Cold War, Demon Souls, Prey, and Godfall. Also, Miles has been out for more than a month already. I really wish Sony would tell us something. It only did it that one time, and hasn't done it since. Started NG+ last night. And 2: Because XSX and PS5 seem to have similar issues and are both using similar AMD video solutions. Yes, I don't like Harry fraser already. It rebuilt the database both times too. (fixed with fast travel). Nothing extraordinary… The whole system runs much faster than PS4 did and for a launch timeframe, it's pretty stable. I dunno. For example, an affected player wrote on Twitter: “Big issues with Witcher 3 on PS5 – Reinstall didn’t fix it and other cable/tv didn’t fix it either. The closest thing that happened is Spider-Man remastered fading to black when entering a demon hideout and just stayed black. Hi there - sorry to hear you hit a crash. Apparently sleep mode makes the system unreliable and rando crash. A weird thing happened yesterday though. Since then, no crashes! Sony 's current-gen console seems to come with a few unsolicited issues, one of which causes graphical artifacting, green screen errors, and can even cause the PlayStation 5 to crash. Hands On: Persona 5 Strikers Is a Streamlined Sequel That... Join 355,833 people following Push Square: © 2021 Nlife Media, partner of Gamer Network. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. EDIT Looks like the issue was software on the Controller. Close. Hopefully it all gets sorted out soon. Spider-Man: Miles Morales PS5 Update Adds Ray Tracing at 60FPS, Here's What It Looks Like, Marvel's Spider-Man File Sizes Are 25 Per Cent Smaller on PS5, Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales Guide: All Trophies, Collectibles, Tips, and Tricks, Spider-Man: Miles Morales Crashing Not a Risk to Your PS5, Dev Clarifies, 5. Just SPMM keeps death crashing. Yep twice in about 30 mins im not very far into the game but ive been playing loads of bugsnaks and my ps5 hasnt crashed once. Hasn't happened since (~8 hours), My game crashed at one of the final cutscenes, after defeating the final bossNow that's a way to ruin the atmosphere. Guess What? Sony. Looked like Jason and the Argonauts or sth. 1 hour into MM and I had a hard crash and it scared the ***** out of me, ps5 wouldn't turn back on but eventually it started up again, I restored the database and its been fine ever since! He was rude but hard crashes are unacceptable. Literally can’t play the game at all. Bigger one was exiting a mission replay and being stuck as Miles! @TheRedComet Yeah. Probably won’t be picking the game back up until a patch comes out which sucks because the little I got to play I loved. Send an error report in the comments section below. Back to Ghost of T for a while till they fix this. Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a fantastic launch game, but it's been causing issues for some PS5 owners. Go to PS5 sound settings > Disable 3d Audio > go into Spiderman Sound settings and enable Mono. A crash at the wrong time can result in corrupt data, for example — or maybe you'll have to replay a whole section of a game because your last save was hours ago. share. I finished it after a few days of release, luckily I didn't have a single crash while playing it. Sony May Email You with a Reward, PS Plus Once Again Priced the Same as Xbox Live After Microsoft Backtrack, The Assassin's Creed Valhalla Quests that Most Players Don't Know Exist are Finally Being Fixed, Assassin's Creed Valhalla's New Patch Has Introduced a Bad Face-Breaking Bug, Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales (PS5) - A Sublime Superhero Spin-Off, News Have the Platinum Trophy in Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales? It crashed 4 or 5 times when I was playing it. Bit of a shame but far from soured my feelings about the game. Crash Fix. Miles Morales, ... Had Godfall crash … I hope it stays that way for you! not fixed yet, I just had a crash while during the christmas dinner cutscene and then the game crashed while booting after doing the hard drive repair. I have had various sound issues too where audio between two characters talking disappears mid sentence. A little surprised this game has this many bugs I only had issues once or twice with Spider-Man PS4 and can't remember other Insomniac games ever having technical issues to this degree. Miles Morales, Godfall, Demon’s Souls, and Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War players are complaining mostly. Miles crashed and shut down my system once after that I factory reset my PS5 just to be safe and won’t be downloading it till everything is fixed. A soft crash is acceptable. @TheRedComet Truth. PS5 owners have faced their fair share of teething issues with Sony’s new hardware , from bricked console to rest mode and corrupt database woes by way of persistent crashes. The PS5 was launched in the US, Japan and other countries last week. Harry fraser sounds like a right tit.He's also one of those who can't stop putting 'like' in every sentence when it's not required. Played three times since with no more issues. I had one on Sunday morning at 2am. Got console on the 19th and had a hard crash the second time i played it. ... the whole system just shuts off. I'm sure my PS5 has crashed more times than my old PS4 by now: 4 times with Miles and once every one/two hours with Cyberpunk. Happy playing everyone and good luck with Spider-Man! Same problem here. I could only restart it after it rebuilt the database, taking around 15 minutes. A number of players have been running into crashes — … Phew... 100% complete with the platinum and had 2 hard crashes. hide. Categories Gaming, Playstation Tags CE-34878-0, Crashing, game crashing, Spider-Man Miles Morales Post navigation How To Fix Spider-Man Miles Morales Crashing | PS5 | … These games are SO complex to make, show a little grace buddy! The most terrifying bug in Spider-Man: Miles Morales gets a bit less scary as a dev confirms the game crashing … I am used to games crashing, especially during a launch window before more patches come out. But they can be really annoying, and I would definitely be thinking something wrong with ps5 lol, glad they have said it doesn't harm the ps5. PlayStation 5 went on sale a few weeks ago, and in recent times, users of Sony’s new console have come across some other mistake during his wanderings. The PS5 did not come onto the market without flaws. Let’s hope Sony finds a way to fix the problem. Unfortunately, hardly any critics really adressed this in a meaningful manner. Just finished the story and either had drift in the controls, or input lag from the game continuing to this the stick is being held after I release or change direction. It is sitting downloaded on my ps5 and I haven’t launched it once. Though their crashes refer to the game exiting. I spent probably 15 minutes trying to find an exit before realizing I was trapped in an endless glass wall and must have clipped through the wall and am somewhere you're not technically able to be. I actually enjoyed MM more then Spiderman. Have you ran into any crashes on PS5? I dont want it to be like my defective Launch PS4. The Evolution of Agent 47's Face Makes for Nightmare Fuel. Good luck to your PS5 as well! Sony May Email You with a Reward, Game of the Year #9 - Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, News Spider-Man: Miles Morales PS5 Update Adds Ray Tracing at 60FPS, Here's What It Looks Like, News Marvel's Spider-Man File Sizes Are 25 Per Cent Smaller on PS5, Guide Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales Guide: All Trophies, Collectibles, Tips, and Tricks. Consider joining r/PlayStation for a "lighter" more community focused subreddit. A lot replacement consoles and get us a one week turnaround. Because 1: It's AMD drivers. Even if they haven’t been fixed yet they should at least have an idea about what’s causing it. Demon Souls and Genshin Impact works fine for me played hours on both and no crash or shut down. This resembles several cross-gen issues on PS5, where new next-gen exclusives like Spiderman Miles Morales run on the old gen version instead. I’m disgusted that this is not fixed yet, there is no reason people should still be dealing with this. My crashes result in the console powering down. With so many Reddit posts about Spider-Man crashing … According to Insomniac Games, there is a workaround for Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales by setting the game to Performance Mode on the PS5 (via Game Presets) and within the game. 31% Upvoted. PS5s just keeps having these weird hard stops for no reason. I’m sure the call and text centers are overloaded anyway. Your hub for everything related to PS5 including news, games and discussion. At least I also picked up AC Valhalla. Insomniac are aware of the issue and will hopefully have a fix soon. With a fix finally available, fans who have the ultimate edition of Spider-Man: Miles Morales can now enjoy the benefit of having the Spider-Man Remastered run in rest mode without fear of a system crash. Once it was so bad I couldn't start up any PS5 games (PS4 ones seemed to work ok for some reason) until I deleted Spider-Man: Miles Morales from the system. 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