Stable, beautiful hull design. I have taken it crabbing on the Eastern shore, given "rides" to my two labs (they swam a lot anyways but never tipped the boat when they jumped off! It is no Wenonah or Bell, but it was within my price range and is bomb proof (kid proof too). This boat is a tank, and a stable one at that. Soloing the Explorer with a load of gear is even better. Due to it's flared hull you don't get spray inside canoe. I couldn't be happier. Maybe I could have had better speed with sit and switch paddling, but it seems more energy-intensive overall. This '77 Explorer just came in this morning. My 2 boys and I have taken it in quiet lake waters and on some rivers. It works best in a moderate moving river with some gear or another person loaded in front. Mad River Explorer (16 Royalex) - Solo- und PolingerfahrungenDer Mad River Explorer ist ein durchschnittlich geräumiger Tandemcanadier mit einem durchgehenden V-Boden als hervorstechendes Merkmal. Für denjenigen, der häufiger solo im Tandemboot unterwegs ist gibt es womöglich geeignetere Boote. (Mohawk folded two years ago.). MSRP new with wood layup is $1679.00. Some canoes, especially "family" and lake canoes, have high initial stability -- they feel firm and non-tippy. The Explorer is a highly sought-after canoe for its agility, durability and relative light weight.It is a capable canoe for flat water to Class III.If you are looking for a great family canoe, one to hunt or fish from or one to run the rapids, this might be the boat for you.The current 16` Mad River Explorer model starts at 1,949 and goes up depending on options.httpswww.madrivercanoe. The Adventure 16 Square stern canoe from Mad River provides smooth, stable paddling performance at a price that appeals to both the entry-level paddler and those looking for a second family canoe. This is a trip of 3,800 miles. The handling characteristics are excellent with good secondary stability. We did have a few close calls but never went in the water, which is saying a lot for the stability of this boat. I never had or used a spray skirt with this boat. This one is very user friendly. Obviously, when in white water or open water, common sense should prevale. If you can only buy one canoe that will do pretty much everything, the MR Explorer should be at the top of your shopping list. Easy to portage despite its weight due to excellent balance. It is tough as nails with the "tripletough" trihull design. Wir bieten hier unseren Mad River Explorer 16' zum Verkauf. I'm well past my mid sixties, have been a passionate soloer for my entire life and over the years, I've moved from traditional canvas on cedar, through Royalex and now to Kevlar Light. I then found a used 16' in Kevlar last fall. I have had this canoe in everything from class 2+ to 3+ waves in the Chessapeake, to lazy rivers, and have never had a thought of trading it. When I loaded it with two people and some gear the boat seemed to have a lot of flex in the bottom. It’s been great for our family. Similar Items - MAD RIVER CANOE ROYALEX 16' - $650 (Stillwater) 17' Mad River canoe - royalex - $650 (Cedar Grove) Lightly used 17 foot mad river explore canoe, Royalex. In large lakes with lots of wind (i.e. I am selling my Mad River Duck Hunter 16 foot royalex canoe. which gives me a high center of gravity. I want out yesterday 4/9/05 with my new Explorer 16 TT. Easy to steer, but not super fast - however not a dog by any means. i really wanted the stillwater 16 fiberglass, but went with my instints and i'm i glad. I bought the Explorer TT for myself and liked it so much I bought another for my kids. This boat handles like a dream and will carry a load of gear like you wouldn't believe. The reason is they are prone to more damages than the traditional vinyl gunwales. Firstly, the boat is extremely slow on flat water. If you are looking fo a conoe that is a safe do it all ( within reason ) leave in mirror calm water, and come back in 3 footers, then stop looking and check this one out. Dieser Unterschied dürfte sich jedoch im Millimeterbereich bewegen da das Boot im Mittelbereich fast einen abgeflachten Rundboden hat, das V sich also zu den Enden hin bemerkbar macht und in der Mitte allenfalls den Charakter einer Bügelfalte hat. old, I'm looking at the new light-weight kevlar, 43 lbs. It holds a lot of gear, comfortable to paddle, handles some rough water too. Except for the wood, it is bulletproof. Asking $800.00. These Photos Show All. $650 OBO. Es gibt den Explorer von Mad River in unterschiedlichen Materialversionen. Great handling from the rear seat. Regardless the boat is a pleasure to paddle so far and I can't imagine ever growing out of it. Took the boat out last night on the saluda river with my son. The canoe crashed through the waves head-on with no issues. I have never had a problem with this, ever. Owned this boat for 15 years. Speed. Nachteil des V-Bodens, wenn der Hunde die Seite wechselt macht sich das schnell bemerkbar und vor allem stärker als zB. It was a tad heavy on some killer portages of 50-100 rods, but some of the rocks would have killed Kevlar. I have no problem moving about the boat to grab things without feeling like I'm going to tip and I'm 250 lbs. I read many reviews on this website prior to selecting a brand and model. Granted that we weren't traveling light, but it was amazing how the Northstars left us in the dust regardless of the paddler's ability. Ausgestattet mit 2 Gurtflechtsitzen. I would not hesitate to purchase this canoe. I needed a boat that can handle big water and small creeks; one that can be paddled solo as easily as tandem, and handle that weight variation well. Very impressed with the ease of paddling and stability. The hull still wears a crease there, but it's fine otherwise. It is a little heavy (mine is the plastic one, not the fancy Roylex). BWCA) this is a good way to go as well as use for sculling for exercise. Perhaps the wide entry point of Royalex is the culprit. Er ist erheblich niedriger gebaut, hat also weniger Gesamtvolumen, ist dafür aber auch weniger windanfällig. Das Royalex ist fest und zeigt kein Oilcanning. Only draw back is it's a 70 pound portage. Two adults fishing, with all of the fishing gear, anchors, cooler, posed no problems. This is definitely the most stable canoe I have ever paddled. I took it back to our excellent dealer who immediately replaced it with a supposedly identical canoe, the point being that the hull on the new one is an entirely diferent shape!! My first canoe - and being new to canoeing and camping-by-canoe I was looking for something versatile, and light-weight, without sinking a lot of money into a recreation I wasn't sure was going to be long-term. So I switched it to aluminum to save weight. 14; 16; Versatile. If your looking for an all around canoe, I think you can't go wrong with the explorer. I do not own a Mad River Explorer, but have used them on both the John Day River in Oregon and the North Platte in Wyoming -- rivers where problems can lead to a long, long, hike out. It deserves the "10" rating because we feel so secure in it. Pros: can get back into it by myself if I fall out (seaworthy)... overall a fun and versatile boat, built like a tank. I picked up the 16' Explorer and have had lots of fun with it over the years. Handles well on the flatwater, yet gives you enough spiritness, to make your trip worthwhile. In solchen leicht modifizierten Kevlar-Explorern wurden in den USA viele Poling-Meisterschaften gewonnen. All of the reviews are created and written by paddlers like you, so be sure to submit your own review and be part of the community! I agree with most of what has been said. I've had it on large lakes and navigable rivers. It will haul over 1/2 a ton, that is about 20 times its own weight. They had a lot of cheap boats (not MR), and finally I got the guy to show me a rack of Mad River canoes. Replacing the wood gunwales on my 1982 Mad River Canoe. and is one heavy boat. I have had mine in up to Class IV shutes and on lakes. I even sleep in it. I contacted Confluence and the dealer, Jersey Paddler, who told me to bring the boat back to exchange for another boat. Paddling tandem the Explorer is much faster than one would expect, and it is a perfect set up for tripping, day paddling or messing about in rapids. You will become protective and restrict it to yourself and mature family members use only. The beautiful ash gunwhales were practically rotting off. I have not yet added lashing, D rings or knee pads but will do so. Once dislodged, the boat popped into shape,and we continued. Watch craigslist for used boat at half new price. A perfect blend of stability and responsiveness. If it was advertised as a fast ride I would give it a 7. I was told the truth! Loved the MR malecite but chose RavenWorks (sorry closed up) 17' R84. Mad River Explorer, 16' ABS, my good friend for 20 years has tracked truly and pivoted into eddies with a lean and a stroke. Compared to shallow arch and flat hulls I found the edge easily and was almost immediately confident in chop, rollers, and currents. Durability. Great store, very helpful customer service. Have been out in about 10 times and absolutely love it. Every time you make a stroke, it make a squeek sound and the seat moves side to side. If you are an intermediate paddler and not concerned about primary stability, skip this boat and try a prospector design. The shallow-vee shaped hull makes it extraordinarily seaworthy, while this stiff yet lightweight fiberglass composite hull option offers durability and efficiency for budget conscious canoeists. and has thousands of miles on it. It sported ash trim with beautiful walnut decks. Since the exchange I have used the new boat and it is everything I expected. It does everything reasonably well but few things great. We also have the cane seats which one of them eventually weakened and we went through it. I struggle to put it onto the car on my own, but a second pair of hands, even young ones, makes it an easy job. The Explorer is everything and more that I'd hoped to find in a 2000 era canoe! The weight is not too bad (72? Safe and about STYLE...glenn. Advice. It is not a particularly fast boat. I own two kayaks and am sure the mad river will be around longer. It can hold two people plus all the gear or you can easily solo it (i fitted a kneeling thwart which gave more control). We plan to get a small motor soon for trolling so we won't get so much exercise when we fish. MAD RIVER EXPLORER CANOE 16' 2003 - $2,000 (Rogersville) 2003 carbon fiber Mad River Explorer Canoe 16' is as new. I found that it tracked well enough to make good speed in flat water and had enough agility to handle rapids easily. I used it a few times and based on experience determined that the flexing was more severe than should be expected, even for a Royalex boat. Very good primary and secondary stability as well. In der Version Duckhunter ist die innere Vinylschicht grün durch gefärbt und die Eschensüllränder dunkel gebeizt. Winds 20 knots, broke through 2-3 foot waves at the beach. Die PE-Variante ist vor allem für Bootsverleiher interessant, aber wie alle PE-Boote wenig steif, dafür schwer. It leans a ways, then resists going any farther, because of the way the hull is curved (it's a shallow arch with a soft chine, to be technical). We just took it out for the first time yesterday, and I was VERY impressed. We had it out in windy conditions, on a lake where the waves were 2 - 3 feet. It works well on the river because with slight lean it becomes maneuverable. This is more a testament to Royalex than to Mad River, but it was truly awesome. I would not recommend doing business with Mad River. Mad River Canoe’s Explorer 16 Length: 16 ft 3 in Width: 35 in Depth: 15 in Weight: 44 lbs Capacity: 1,100 lbs MSRP: $3,399 USD / $4,349 CAD I bought my Royalex Explorer 16 in 1988. raced and on and on and on. The combination of paddling versatility, capacity, seaworthiness and superior paddling performance make this canoe as close to an “all-purpose” canoe as you'll get. It’s that good. I didn't test paddle the new boat either figuring what are the chances of getting struck by lightning twice? We are so glad we bought it. My husband and I recently purchased a 1991 Explorer 16'4" fiberglass w/kevlar. Very good/excellent condition. I give it a 8-9 rating, and a great choice for the beginner!!! I've practiced various strokes solo on moving water and find the boat to be responsive. Have run low class 3s in the old one, not going to do that with the Kevlar. canoes. That secondary stability allows it to deflect big waves and stay dry all while keeping the paddlers in control. I bought a green 16 ft Royalex with ash seats and gunnels in 1987. boat handles well, even with some soloing, and gets up a head of steam but can be unwieldy at times. I like the webbing better. Fortunatly the royalex was fine! For our first canoe, we feel like we have a winner and look forward to many years of paddling fun. The announcement of the partnership was made at industry tradeshow Paddlesports Retailer last August in Oklahoma City. If you want a solo boat, buy one. Windage can be a problem, however, but this can be overcome by carrying a load or skillful paddling. The paddlers should just rock there hips with it. I use to outfit OT, MR, and Wenonah boats back in the day. I bought mine for camping and fishing. When lightly loaded there is a little rock blip from side to side when paddling. Awesome, making this a manageable feat in the fetal position, boat... It arrived with very minimal damage ( I am constantly amazed at how stable this boat is much more.... Canoe I have glued it Mad River will be around longer 2002 16 ' Royalex wood! As is the most reliable durable boat he has used load of gear is even better das schnell und! Got this canoe is a 2 man plus gear boat to grab things without feeling like I 'm with... Its a bit in the market and holds its value I bought my Mad canoes. Loved the MR malecite but chose RavenWorks ( sorry closed up ) 17 ' R84 you would need for Explorer. It arrived with very minimal damage ( I actually expected more ) I suggest... 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