Plant azaleas next to a building or wall, near larger shrubs, or … Hybridizes in nature with R. kaempferi and others. Botanically, azaleas are members of theEricaceae (Heath) family, which includes blueberries and mountain laurel. Flower Size: Large Discover evergreen azaleas that add fragrance to a yard. Flowering Months: Late May For other varieties, the flo… As a result, a large number of “wild hybrids” exist in the area and have been collected by Americans and Europeans visiting the area. Azalea shrubs are used extensively in landscape design for good reason: when planted right and in the right spot they are easy to grow and long lived, come in a wide array of flower colors, and they have many uses in landscape design as specimens, in groupings or to form colorful hedges. Height Spread cm in 10 years: 45/100, Flower Colour: Mauve Flower Size: Large semi-double For at least 300 years the Japanese have divided azaleas into two groups based on bloom time—late blooming plants are called Satsukis. How to Plant Azalea Shrubs. Of these, two groups have been used extensively to generate a large number of hybrid evergreen azaleas: One or more species from the island of Kyushu are probably the parents of the Kurume Hybrids: —R. Flowering Months: Late May Azaleas can bloom from late winter into early summer, depending on type. Here are a few of the azaleas we love most. These azaleas are characterized by their large size, early bloom time, rich colors, and improved hardiness in the buds. Intermediate Encore Azalea varieties have a moderate to fast growth rate and can be easily maintained at 4-5’ tall x 3-4’ wide. Flowering Months: Mid May All are classified in two subseries Obtusum and Tashiroi. Prefer a shady, sheltered position. wide (5 cm), elegantly darker freckled. Flower Size: Small 4.4 out of … Hybridizes in nature with R. kaempferi and others. 4.6 out of 5 stars 351. Deciduous/Hybrid Azaleas. All of the evergreen azalea species are native to Japan, and were introduced throughout Asia centuries ago. Large orange pink blooms on a low growing, late flowering plant.Flower Colour : Large orange-pinkFlowering Time : May-June Scented : No Ultimate Height : 1.00 metres / 3 feet 3 inchesParentage : Hardiness : Group : Azaleas - Evergreen (Kaempferi).. Flower Size: Large Flower Colour: Light Pink Purple Flower Size: Large Double Flowering Months: May Height Spread cm in 10 years: 100/120 Evergreen Azaleas, also known as Azalea Japonica or Japanese Azaleas, are hardy evergreen plants that can be grown outside and as the name suggests many are grown in Japan and have a traditional place in Japanese gardens. Flowering Months: May And of course, it's important to ensure that you’re in the correct growing zone for your selected plant. Find Evergreen Azalea - 5L at Homebase. To extend the season, plant early-, mid-, and late-season bloomers. Visit your local store for the widest range of garden & outdoor products. kaempferi, the most common native azalea of Japan, is one of the hardiest of the evergreen azaleas. Flower Size: Medium double Flowering Months: April-May In general, rhododendrons are characterized as having large, shiny, evergreen leaves and clusters of large blooms that range in color from white to pink to purple. Beyond that, azaleas generally have smaller leaves and branches and are more often deciduous, while rhododendrons have larger, leathery leaves and are usually evergreen. In spring the flowers are showy; throughout the summer and fall the leaves add a pleasing, deep green color to the garden. Flowering Months: Mid-April Flowering Months: April- May It has been an important parent in the development of hardy evergreen azaleas. Flowering Months: April/May Azaleas have large deep green leafy foliage and spectacular blooms in pink, purple, blue, and white colors. Prune deciduous azaleas while they are dormant and leafless. They grow well in light or filtered shade cast by large deciduous trees. 2 Items . All North American species azaleas, also called native azaleas, are deciduous (drop their leaves in the fall), with flower colors ranging from white to purple, pink, red, orange and yellow. The interested reader should consult ‘Azaleas’ by Fred Galle (1985 but still in print) from which this short excerpt is taken. If your soil is alkaline, they can still be enjoyed in your garden if grown in large containers or raised beds filled with Ericaceous compost. Azalea. Color patternsinclude single colors and bicolors as well as sectors, stripes and flecks. #azaleas #fragrantazaleas #scentgarden Privacy Policy Obtusum subseries contains more than 40 species while Tashiroi contains only one. Flower Size: Large Flower Colour: Light Pink PurpleFlower Size: Large DoubleFlowering Months: MayHeight Spread cm in 10 years: 100/120, Flower Colour: Blue mauveFlower Size: MediumFlowering Months: Mid MayHeight Spread cm in 10 years: 75/120, Flower Colour: Reddish pink By submitting any personal information to this site, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy, Morley Nurseries Ltd. Morley, Wymondham, Norfolk NR18 9TN. Evergreen azaleas, native primarily to Japan, have flower colors including white and various shades of purple, pink, red and reddish orange, but not yellow. Height Spread cm in 10 years: 30/80, Flower Colour: Bright pink Flower Size: Large Semi-double Flower Size: Small This genus is divided into two groups: rhododendrons, large evergreen or deciduous shrubs, and azaleas, evergreen dwarf shrubs, with green leaves, or small and deciduous. Flower Size: Large They come in a wide array of flower colors and are perfect for use as accents, in groupings, or as hedges in sunny to partially shaded landscape borders and home foundation plantings. Choose from shade tolerant or sun loving varieties. Over 40 to choose from from as little as £5.99 Flowering Months: May Flowering Months: May Evergreen azaleas are dense, usually shapely plants; heading back the occasional wayward branch restores symmetry. Evergreen Azaleas; Evergreen Azaleas. Flowering Months: June Azalea shrubs are a highly popular addition to all Australian gardens. Add to Basket. To keep bushes compact, tip-pinch frequently, starting after flowering ends and continuing until mid-June. A site with morning sun and afternoon shade is also ideal. Deciduous Azaleas are taller, reaching 120-150cm (4'-5') in 10 years, and lose their leaves in the autumn, often with some wonderful colours first. Flower Size: Small Height Spread cm in 10 years: 40/80, Flower Colour: Double lilac lavender This group consists of two late-blooming evergreen species, R. indicum and R. tamurae. Here is a list of evergreen azalea shrubs: Learn About Azaleas–in their many varieties. Height Spread cm in 10 years: 75/100, Flower Colour: White The best azaleas to grow in shade are those with evergreen leaves. There are two distinct types: evergreen Azaleas (or Japanese azaleas) and deciduous Azaleas. Flower Size: Large Show. View as Grid List. £16.99. Specific planting directions will depend on the variety you choose, but most Azalea Shrubs like full to partial sun (4 to 8 hours of sun per day) and well-drained soil. Privacy Policy Azalea is not a genus in itself but belongs to the genus of rhododendron. kaempferi, the most common native azalea of Japan, is one of the hardiest of the evergreen azaleas. —R. Height spread cm in 10 years: 60/120cm, Flower Colour: Vermilion Red variegated foliage Both types are members of the Rhododendron family. Flower Size: Small Add to Basket. Evergreen azaleas rarely have leaves that are longer than 2 inches. Evergreen rhododendrons and azaleas are perfect for adding structure to your garden and offer year round interest as well as the fantastic spring display. Height Spread cm in 10 years: 75/120, Flower Colour: vivid red Sort By Azalea 'Corany' 3L . Many of the species shown below are still rare outside of Asia, but many of these have contributed to one or more important hybrids. The beautiful feature of the Formosa azalea is its large deep pink-colored flowers.These types of flowers have a papery, ruffled look and are in the shape of a trumpet. As a result, hybrids from these two species are called the Satsuki Hybrid Azaleas. azalea - evergreen A botanical section within the genus Rhododendron. Height Spread cm in 10 years: 75/120. Plant deciduous azaleas in acidic soil and full or partial sun. Their vivid colors, profusion of flowers, and adaptability to a wide range of soils and climates make them one of the most popular flowering shrubs in Georgia. They have very distinctive, brightly coloured flowers that … Evergreen Azalea Betty Ann Vos. Height Spread cm in 10 years: 60/80, Flower Colour: Soft lilac with fluted edge Slightly fragrant and exceptionally cold hardy, Rhododendron 'Karens' is a very eye-catching, dense and compact, semi-evergreen Azalea. By carefully selecting plants, you can have azaleas blooming at least eight months of the year. It has been an important parent in the development of hardy evergreen azaleas. Height Spread cm in 10 years: 75/75, Flower Colour: Fine pink Height Spread cm in 10 years: 40/80, Flower Colour: Red with paler blotch Try sweet azalea for white flowers with red stamens, Western azalea for pink flowers, or bi-colored Exbury azalea for late spring color. Height Spread cm in 10 years: 90/75, Flower Colour: Rich vibrant purple These Encore Azaleas work well as background plants in the landscape, as larger privacy hedges, or as stunning accent plants in the garden. Large group of evergreen and deciduous early flowering shrubs that are usually compact is size. Family: Ericaceae (Heath Family) Botanical Name: Azalea Common Names: Height Spread cm in 10 years: 75/100, Flower Colour: Orchid pink Plant them in drifts to fill large spaces or individually for a pop of color. Flower Size: Large They offer a wide variety of size, form, color, bloom time, habitat, and characteristics so that in defining an evergreen azalea, it is best not to deal in absolutes - you can always find exceptions to … Aromi Deciduous. Flower Size: Large Flowering Months: April-May Flowering Months: May Evergreen Azaleas are ericaceous plants and so they should have acid soil that is well prepared and free draining. Height Spread cm in 10 years: 75/100, Flower Colour: Carmine red Flowering Months: May Height Spread cm in 10 years: 50/100, Flower Colour: Rich pink with spotting View as Grid List. Their evergreen foliage is useful for any number of applications from foundation plantings to natural settings. Few plants can rival the spectacular floral displays of azaleas. Sort By. Although most people associate azaleas with spring, several bloom in summer and fall. kiusianum, a dense, twiggy shrub growing up to 2-3 feet. Some deciduous azaleas add bright fall color before the leaves drop. Flowering Months: May Show. Flower Size: Medium Flower Size: Medium Al… Azalea Orange King A warm show of orange flowers in Spring on a bushy and compact growing evergreen plant. Most Azaleas flower in May and grow to 60-75 cm in 10 years, but look out for our speciality late flowering nakaharae Azaleas which are prostrate, and excellent for cascading over walls or tubs. The Azalea indica ‘Formosa’ grows to between 6 and 8 ft. (1.8 – 2.4 m) and keeps its leaves all year long.The bright vivid colors of this Formosa azalea will add a splash of color when it blooms in early spring. * Saving when compared to items sold separately. Azalea 'Kermesina' 3L . Flower Size: Medium Height Spread cm in 10 years: 50/65, Flower Colour: White 2 Items . Azalea. Flowering Months: May Flower Size: Large Stay up to date with whats happening at Bents. ... Azalea 'Geisha Orange' Large Plant in 1litre Pot - Japanese Azalea Evergreen Shrub. Azaleas plant varieties – beautiful flowering shrubs, hardy, heat tolerant, large and remarkably best frost tolerant plant too. Further divided into subgroups they commonly bear a profusion of small to large trusses of small single, semi-double or frilled, unscented, trumpet-shaped flowers. Evergreen Azaleas are beautiful flowering shrubs that keep their handsome green leaves year round. Evergreen Azaleas, sometimes known as Japanese Azaleas, are as popular as ever, and are ideal for any size of garden from a window box to a large estate. Galle provides much more detail and ties the development of evergreen hybrids to their species components. Deciduous and hybrid azaleas are broken down into two main categories, as described below. 4 Plant Pack Mixed Dwarf Azaleas Small Evergreen Garden Shrub Colour Variety. £16.99. —R. For the most part, azaleas bloom earlier than rhododendrons. Height Spread cm in 10 years: 70/100, Flower Colour: White with salmon pink margins In winter some stand out with large evergreen leaves. Flowering Months: May —R. Azaleas generally prefer rich, acidic soil. Evergreen Azaleas, (sometimes called Japanese azaleas) keep their leaves in winter, and typically grow to 40-80cm (18"-30") in 10 years. In mid to late spring, it bears abundant clusters of 3 to 4 large, open, funnel-shaped, rich reddish-purple flowers, up to 2 in. Obtusum species are arranged into eight groups based on geographical relationships. Azalea Varieties Red Blooming Topiary Azalea … Evergreen azaleas are classified in subgenus Tsutsusi, which includes over 70 species. Flowering Months: May (Check to see if they are growing in nearby gardens if you aren’t sure about your soil). Browse By. (R. minus is somewhat uncharacteristic in that it is relatively small and has small leaves.) These are poisonous plants, so do not allow children to eat any plant parts on your azaleas or rhododendrons. For many azalea varieties, all the flowers on the plant are similar. Extremely winter hardy, Rhododendron 'Girard's Fuchsia' is an outstanding, medium-sized semi-evergreen azalea producing masses of large, broadly funnel-shaped flowers, with slightly wavy edges, in the most vibrant fuchsia purple shades with deeper spotting in the throat and purplish-pink reverses. Azaleas and rhododendrons are shrubs for all seasons. An enormous array of flowering colours are available. Deciduous azaleas typically have large leaves that may be up to 6 inches long. Grow these shrubs as informal flowering hedges or privacy screens in backyards. kiusianum, a dense, twiggy shrub growing up to 2-3 feet. Primrose is the trading name of Meika Ltd (registration no: 4756556), registered at 44 Portman Road, Reading, RG30 1EA. Height Spread cm in 10 years: 50/50, Flower Colour: Purplish red Vibrant flowering in evergreen or deciduous forms. Or use the contact form below to email us and someone will get back to you. Here are 10 popular types of azaleas to grow in the garden. Height Spread cm in 10 years: 50/65, Flower Colour: Clear pink Shade are those with evergreen leaves. us and someone will get back to...., heat tolerant, large and remarkably best frost tolerant plant too time. Group of evergreen hybrids to their species components, hardy, heat tolerant, large and remarkably best frost plant! Is useful for any number of applications from foundation plantings to natural settings several bloom summer. To email us and someone will get back to you remarkably best frost tolerant plant too tolerant plant too are! Divided azaleas into two main categories, as described below blueberries and mountain laurel of two late-blooming evergreen species R.! 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