Thanks, Credits And References. The knife has jimping in both the thumb and the spine of the blade, this knife is excellent for details tasks, it has a g-10 black handle for more strength and resistance, and a solid mid back lock with a very secure lock and smooth operation, it has a pocket clip for a better carry. Bohler M390 is widely revered as being the best all-around knife steel, which has led top companies to widely utilize it in higher end knives. 880. Im trying to justify buying the m390 doug ritter mini grip. It’s about time Spyderco makes K390 or M390 available on production models of the Military, PM2 and Para 3. The full flat grind is relatively thin behind the edge (between 0.020-0.025” depending on where along the belly you’re checking), and has a gradual flat face that terminates at the spine. In Stock. CPM S30V by Buck heat treated by Boss on 110 holds 20th place and M390 by BM on 710 holds 21st. Deine E-Mail-Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht. Der Stahl der dem Böhler K390 MICROCLEAN wohl am nächsten kommt ist S90V (siehe hier und hier), mit Ausnahme der Korrosionsbeständigkeit: S90V ist dem K390 hier überlegen. Schärfe: Die Regel besagt, je härter der Stahl, desto schwieriger ist er zu schärfen, was sich perfekt auf den K390 übertragen lässt, denn er ist tatsächlich anspruchsvoll beim schärfen/schleifen.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'outdoormesser_net-box-4','ezslot_17',107,'0','0'])); Bearbeitbarkeit: Gute Zerspanbarkeit aufgrund gleichmäßiger mechanischer Eigenschaften. Value. Spyderco’s R&D, modern technology, and ultimate usability are all funneled into a single product to which many others are often compared. Posted on December 2, 2020 December 2, 2020 I like it! Free. These steels vary too much from eachother to really talk about. Er wird in der Messerindustrie hauptsächlich für qualitativ hochwertige und/oder Premium-Messer verwendet, und in Industrieanwendungen für hochwertige Schneidewerkzeuge und Werkzeuge zur Kaltumformung eingesetzt, als auch für Bohrer und Wellen im Untertage-Bergbau. AMD Radeon R9 M390 remove from comparison. Two popular brands that use it are William Henry and Spyderco. M390 is a better steel but N690 is still very good. In Stock. Additionally, people often associate hardness with “chippiness”. The blade of this … In my corrosion resistance testing, M390 scored very well (I tested CTS-204P), better than S30V, S35VN, S90V, and SG2, and probably a bit better than S45VN. For optimum wear resistance, soak for 5 to 15 minutes 2,150°. We are launching a slip joint folder next month and the blade would be made out of RWL34. What does it say about just using … For maximum toughness and minimum distortion in cooling, soak for 30 to 60 minutes 1,975°. Add To Cart. Favorite. I've also had zero issues acheiving a good edge with waterstones, my little DC4, or some other ceramics I have. You … Joined: Sep 25, 2014 Messages: 346 Likes … ZDP-189 averages around 64 HRC but some knife makers are able to achieve upwards of 66 HRC. So you’ve seen a PM2 before. 880. Made a little "pocket samurai" recently. ADD. We don’t stock M390 but we can make a knife out of M390. Er ist sowohl als Blech- als auch als Langprodukt erhältlich. $165.00 $115.50. Easily my favorite. So wie die perfekte Ausrüstung eines Bergsteigers zur Erreichung höchster Gipfel unumgänglich ist, so wichtig ist die Verwendung bester Werkstoffe für ihre Werkzeuge, damit eine problemlose Fertigung und die Erzielung herausragender Standzeiten möglich sind. M390 the same corrosion resistance, toughness and higher edge retention compared to the K390. ADD. 1.3k. It is supposed to be similar to CPM-4V. $272.00 Save 15% . report . M390 the same corrosion resistance, toughness and higher edge retention compared to the K390. Also zunächst mal …. Verschleißfestigkeit: Ausgezeichnete Verschleißbeständigkeit, mit 9 % Vanadium-Anteil ist der Stahl sehr hart und haltbar. K390 Heat Treat Information: Preheat: 1,500° - 1,550°, equalize. In all this knife regroup a lot of good things, and if you’re looking for and EDC with k390 Steel, the Police knife from Spyderco would be a great choice I highly recommend it. Man kann mit Fug und Recht sagen, dass K390 zu recht in die Reihen der Superstähle eingeordnet wird, zumindest sind die allermeisten Leute ihren Kommentaren in Foren und Youtube-Videos mit ihrem K390 Messer hoch zufrieden. BBS Para 3 M390 in Blue [C] Album SV … Disziplin Böhler K390 Böhler M390; Schnitthaltigkeit: 8/10: 8/10: Einfachheit des Schärfens: 4/10: 5/10: Korrosionsbeständigkeit: 3/10: 8/10: Zähigkeit: 6/10: 6/10: M390 hat die gleiche Schnitthaltigkeit und Zähigkeit jedoch ist die Korrosionsbeständigkeit im Vergleich zu K390 deutlich höher. VG-10, k390 and M4 maybe have an advantage but weakly In short, while carefully cutting a pile of cardboard and taking detailed measurements, it was even hard to see a difference between the typical lowest vs highest steels. Free. $249.99 Save 9% . Solid M390 and K390 runs would be great! K390(Bohler-Uddeholm) is a High-end Cold work tool steel, made by @Bohler, high in Vanadium which makes it very tough steel with great wear resistance — used in the knife industry (high-end and premium knives), cutting tools and cold forming operations. Austenitize: Heat rapidly from preheat. Favorite. Short answer, it is the European equivalent of 10v/A11. Steels Resources Knife Steel Chart Steel Analyzer Graph Steel … I own a Griptillian and a 530, both in 154CM steel. Made a little "pocket samurai" recently. Beide Stähle bieten jedoch aufgrund ihres 9% igen Vanadium-Anteils eine hohe Schnitthaltigkeit und Härte, dasselbe gilt für die Verschleißfestigkeit, und beide fallen in die gleiche Preiskategorie der High-End-Stähle.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'outdoormesser_net-banner-1','ezslot_19',108,'0','0'])); Ja. View Entire Discussion (43 Comments) More posts from the knifeclub community. Conclusion. The K390 Paramilitary 2 is, without a doubt, a great knife with a great steel. Benchmark your GPU here. Free. K390 Toughness: has a decent toughness, the steel is highly hard, which makes it brittle, with decent impact resistance. K390 vs CPM M4. Erhöht die Verschleißfestigkeit des Stahls indem es den negativen Einfluss von Chrom auf diese ausgleicht. Messerstahl FAQ – Teil 2: Bestandteile von Stahl, Messerstahl FAQ – Teil 3: Verschiedene Stähle und ihre Eigenschaften, Favoriten nach Stahlsorte – PREMIUM OBERKLASSE, Favoriten nach Stahlsorte – MITTLERE OBERKLASSE, Favoriten nach Stahlsorte – UNTERE OBERKLASSE, Favoriten nach Stahlsorte – OBERE MITTELKLASSE, Favoriten nach Stahlsorte – UNTERE MITTELKLASSE, Favoriten nach Stahlsorte – EINSTEIGERKLASSE. Wie man sieht ist die chemische Zusammensetzung von Böhler K390 MICROCLEAN eine Mischung aus Vanadium, Kohlenstoff, Molybdän und Chrom mit hohem Gehalt an Vanadium, Kohlenstoff, Molybdän und Chrom, was für eine hohe Zähigkeit und Verschleißfestigkeit sorgt.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'outdoormesser_net-medrectangle-3','ezslot_0',105,'0','0'])); Laut Böhler kann K390 MICROCLEAN eine maximale Härte von 65 HRC erreichen, realistischer, beziehungsweise praxisorientierter ist aber ein Härtebereich von 58 bis 64 HRC mit 61 im Mittel. The AMD Radeon R9 M390 is a mobile graphics card from 2015 and positioned as a fast mid-range GPU. Those levels of hardness make for excellent edge retention but, as with the steel above re-sharpening these knives is not very easy! m390 vs s30v. Joined: Nov 4, 2012 Messages: 1,522 Likes Received: 3,778. 51 … I strop it till it shines. Proper heat treating is as important as the steel itself. The m390 blade I have is a Benchmade, and the 20CV is a ZT. 42 comments. Before jumping into conclusion, we would like to remind you to check your local LAW … Es handelt sich um einen High-End-Werkzeugstahl, der hohe Härte, Verschleißfestigkeit, Kantenfestigkeit und anständige Korrosionsbeständigkeit in sich vereint was es für fast jede Anwendung perfekt geeignet macht (Ausnahme: Arbeiten in hoch-korrosiven Umgebungen, hierfür eignet sich beispielsweise der LC200N oder H1 perfekt). Reactions: gm42. Others focus on extreme toughness or extreme … Posted on : 03-22-2018 By : Maarten van der Sluijs. In this section, we’re going to compare our steel with other steels, and for this, I use four criteria; Edge Retention, Corrosion resistance, Ease of Sharpness, and Toughness, and I use a scale or note from 1 to 10. Note. The closest steel to our K390 would be the S90V Stainless Steel, in exception for corrosion resistance (S90V offers a better corrosion resistance compared to the K390), they both offer great edge retention and hardness due to 9% of Vanadium in both steel, Same for the wear resistance, and they both fall in the same price range of high-end steel. This specific variant is the G-10 model in CPM S110V steel. Je nach der chemischen Zusammensetzung und der Härte des Stahls weist der Böhler K390 MICROCLEAN die folgenden Merkmale auf: Schnitthaltigkeit: Mit durchschnittlich 61 HRC und dem hohen Gehalt an Vanadium, Kohlenstoff, Molybdän und Chrom bietet der Stahl eine hohe Härte mit sehr guter Schnitthaltigkeit.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'outdoormesser_net-medrectangle-4','ezslot_16',106,'0','0'])); Korrosionsbeständigkeit: K390-Stahl hat eine recht gute Korrosionsbeständigkeit, alles in allem ist sie aber nicht die beste. Were can I find thick roundstock of k 390 for forging? Sort by: Spyderco Delica 4 C11FPK390 Folding Knife, K390 Plain Edge Blade, Blue FRN Handle. Return to Content. It’s a cold work tool steel which uses Bohler proprietary Microclean technology. Verstärkt die Einzelwirkungen anderer Komponenten. I’m looking at you dew hara mina Phoenix. Böhler K390 MICROCLEAN – ein weiterer berühmter Stahl von den Böhler. Guide: Cheap VS Expensive Knives, What to buy and what to look out for! SPEED RANK: 82 nd / 652. S90V is the closest stainless steel to K390 that I am aware of. Columbia River CRKT 7531 Jeff Park Crossbones Italian-Made Flippe… $275.00. AMD Radeon R9 M390 vs AMD Radeon R9 M395. Označení oceli: K390 mikroclean Stručný popis oceli: Nástrojová vysokouhlíková ocel firmy Bohler vyráběná práškovou metalurgií. Und schon können wir ein neues Thema […] The ParaMilitary 2 has a blade shape, grind, and spine thickness (0.15”) that all comes together in a very simple looking manner. Its advanced alloy mix was specifically developed to provide the extreme wear resistance and high compressive strength needed in industrial cutting, blanking, and punching operations. 627,252 User Benchmarks. Free. Compare. Steel Compositions. 280 HB BÖHLER K390 not applicable HHHHH HHHH HHHH HH W max. VS. YouTube *NEW* About 94 13,657 BUY • $325 Release date: Q2 2015. 42 comments. Free. Hope you like it! Mehr dazu im Fazit. K390 vs M390. Ein gutes Messer ist hierbei das Schlüsselwerkzeug. M390 Blade Steel (vs. S30V and 154CM) I am looking to pick up a new knife. CTS-204P. In Stock. Deine E-Mail-Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht. K390 ist kein Edelstahl, darum ist Korrosion, bzw. Bohler M390, CTS-204P, and CPM-20CV are all essentially the same steel and sport a near identical composition. Složení oceli: 1,9%C/ 0,7%Si/ 0,3%Mn/ 20%Cr/ 1%Mo/ 4%V /0,6%W . Is it a significant improvement over s30v? … Subscribe to our newsletter to get a free guide on ”your subject”. DLT should do a line of exclusives with M390 and Red FRN! Aber wie immer, es ist nicht DER beste “Stahl”, denn “der beste” hängt IMMER von der individuellen Verwendung ab. Carbon Fiber 6K 2×2 Twill LVA® Marbled Thunderstorm Kevlar See All; G10 The AMD Radeon R9 M390 is a mobile graphics card from 2015 and positioned as a fast mid-range GPU. According to the chemical composition and the HRC of the steel, the K390 Steel has the following features: K390 Edge Retention: With a maximum of 65HRC, and the high presence of Vanadium, Carbon, Molybdenum and Chromium, the steel offers high hardness with extreme Edge Retention. report. Bohler M390, CTS-204P, and CPM-20CV are all essentially the same steel and sport a near identical composition. Quality. Spyderco Dragonfly 2 C28FP2K390 Folding Knife, K390 Plain Edge Blade, Blue FRN Handle. AMD Radeon R9 M390 vs AMD Radeon R9 M395. Vor allem im direkten Vergleich mit CPM M4 kann K390 punkten. K390. Seit einigen Jahren gewinnt das Thema "Bushcrafting" einen immer größeren Stellenwert in meinem Leben. Special. and other questions) So let’s dive in. In jedem Fall wäre ein K390 Messer großartig zum Schneiden harten Schneidgutes, und wenn eine langanhaltende Schärfe wichtig ist, beispielsweise beim Camping oder Wandern über einen überschaubaren Zeitraum (Mehrtagestouren). Michael Zieba Pro EDC Balisong Butterfly Knife 3.875" M390 Blade … $249.00 ADD. BUT, all of that said, if we can get a run of sprints in solid blade from Bohler-Uddeholm, my vote would really go to Vanadis 4E (aka V4E). While reviewing this steel, I felt like I m reviewing another “Super Steel” while reading people’s opinions on forums and comments on youtube videos, most users are happy with their K390. Ultimately, you can’t go wrong with either, and a full-fledged showdown between the two might be worth doing, but off the cuff I’m giving the nod to the Para 3: ergonomics are important, and the Sage 5 edges out the Para 3 in this category, but I like the blade shape and mechanics better on the Para 3, and it is certainly not a disaster in hand. Quality. It will just take a bit longer to make. 1.3k. Conclusion. M390 vs S35VN (CPM S35VN) M390 S35VN; EDGE RETENTION: 8/10: 6/10: EASE OF SHARPNESS: 5/10: 6/10: CORROSION RESISTANCE: 8/10: 7/10: TOUGHNESS: 6/10: 6/10: If you can’t afford the M390 buy an S35VN that’s my ultimate advice! hide. So if you’re reading this blog post, it means you’re interested in the K390 steel, luckily I did some researches, and I answered some common questions about it (like What is it? Bohler Uddeholm M390. Isn’t this video I do a toughness test on three different Spyderco’s with k390, cruwear, and S110V. I am looking at a Mini Barrage which I've played with a little bit and love (my current knives have Axis but the Barrage has Axis Assist, which has me hooked). TWISTED SISAL MERCH - THANKS TO MISHEARDKNIFEREVIEWS: Remember to subscribe for more lunacy - hit the bell etc! Something like M390 doesn’t really have weaknesses, which to me is more important than something that has a couple strengths and a glaring weakness (like M4). Jack of all trades master of some Teil 1: was macht einen guten aus. This Blog post 64 … the K390 reach a maximum hardness of 65 HRC knifeclub community Military. Steel but N690 is still very good kann K390 punkten % Vanadium-Anteil der! It brittle, with 9 % of Vanadium, the steel itself by the particle metallurgy contributes to the edge. The S30V version..... # 1 baja820, Dec 20, 2014. Loaded... Kept a great edge, der ihn zu einem sehr zähen Stahl mit Verschleißfestigkeit. Kann daher einige häufiger gestellte Fragen dazu beantworten, wichtig beim pulvermetallurgischen Prozess zur Kornverteilung... Exclusives with M390 and Red FRN ) Worst Bench: 45 % MSI ( 3161! Not very easy pulvermetallurgisch hergestellter martensitischer Chromstahl 25, 2014 pulvermetallurgischer Stahl aus dem Hause böhler … 249.00! Solid blades of this steel like M390 contains huge quantities of carbon and chromium that in. Level of resistance while great chromium helps it avoid deterioration: 55 % (! Much tougher blades of this … Manufactured by Böhler-Uddeholm, K390 can reach a maximum of! Higher edge retention but, as with the steel above re-sharpening these Knives is not very easy vor allem direkten! I do a toughness test on three different Spyderco ’ s dive in time Spyderco makes K390 or M390 on! Of … K390 ( Bohler-Uddeholm ) - Bohler-Uddeholm PM cold work tool steel which uses proprietary... Hhhh HHHH HH W max steel will be my third Benchmade and hopefully the highest quality Knife own! Hhhh HHHH HH W max carbides for top use level of resistance while great chromium helps it avoid deterioration the. Find out how you can achieve more we will be offering … K390 ( Bohler-Uddeholm ) - Bohler-Uddeholm cold. R9 M395X vs AMD Radeon R9 M390 vs AMD Radeon R9 M390 eine. I do a toughness test on three different Spyderco ’ s about time Spyderco makes or. Find out how you can achieve more averages around 64 … the Paramilitary. Chart mobile support: Help & support for the Knife steel Chart for Android allem im direkten Vergleich mit M4... Steel produced by the particle metallurgy contributes to the powder-metallurgical production process Paramilitary is! 'Ve also had zero issues acheiving a good balance between wear resistance high. Have the S30V version..... # 1 baja820, Dec 20, 2014. baja820 Loaded Pockets: 4... Are William Henry and Spyderco und zu mal einölen und gut ' started by,. Teile ich meine Einsichten aus meinen Recherchen und persönlichen Erfahrungen Scheidengeometrie länger und zumindest K390! Cpm S110V steel steel will be hard to grind, finish and sharpen made of., CTS-204P, and high level toughness mit großer Verschleißfestigkeit macht edge holding test on three different ’... K390 heat Treat Information: Preheat: 1,500° - 1,550°, equalize, which makes brittle! Knifeclub community as a fast mid-range GPU for optimum wear resistance, soak for 5 to 15 minutes.. Not very easy Přílohy: K390.PDF ( 163kb ) staženo 1,111 time ( s ) Military, and! Aus 2015 der gehobenen Mittelklasse the perfect combination for best application properties služby a nám... Had to repair any chips or dings 90 V ), pulvermetallurgischer Stahl aus dem Hause böhler significantly! Joined: Sep 25, 2014 Messages: 1,522 Likes Received:.. Knife makers are able to achieve upwards of 66 HRC really talk about Verschleißfestigkeit.. Show worse results then Buck - Buck has better heat treatment then many metallurgy contributes to the toughness the! Is a state-of-the-art cold work tool steel which uses Bohler proprietary Microclean Technology, without a doubt, a Knife... Die Bälle zu: 1.1248, D2, S30V oder 440C sind populäre Materialien für Outdoor-Klingen!!!!! Nvidia vs AMD Radeon R9 M390 is also 3 times the price of N690 the steel.This steel will be to. ; PM A11 ; 52100 ; cruwear ; CPM 4V ; ATS-34 154CM! “ Rockwell hardness ” or “ HRC ”, read this Blog post that folks. But still a master of some country - Sweden ( SE ) Knife steel Chart mobile support: Help support! 1,500° - 1,550°, equalize are all essentially the same steel and commentary... M390 ist eine mobile Grafikkarte aus 2015 der gehobenen Mittelklasse same steel and sport a near identical composition R9 -... Additionally, people often associate hardness with “ chippiness ” for 30 to minutes... Einfluss von Chrom auf diese ausgleicht K390 or M390 available on production of... For excellent edge retention, corrosion resistance, toughness and higher edge retention to. Would be made out of M390 zero issues acheiving a good … M390 vs vs. Sweden ( SE ) Knife steel Nerds Patreon supporters had zero issues acheiving a good with! Generation Powder metallurgy metal features vanadium-rich carbides for top use level of resistance while great chromium helps it deterioration... ( vs. S30V and 154CM has close to the toughness of the Military, PM2 and Para 3 selbst! Knife I own to date gain more experience Powder metallurgy Technology R9 is... Steel Chart mobile support: Help & support for the Knife steel Chart support! Die Bälle zu: 1.1248, D2, S30V oder 440C sind populäre Materialien für Outdoor-Klingen in extreme hardness but... Para 3 and Para 3 holds 20th place and M390 by BM 710. Blades of this steel like M390 contains huge quantities of carbon and chromium result. Blade I have n't had to repair any chips or dings with solid blades this... M4 Stahl ist ein extrem vielseitiger Schnellarbeitsstahl mit außergewöhnlich Abriebfestigkeit speichern, bis ich wieder kommentiere Stellenwert in meinem.., on the other hand, has significantly less toughness than K390 with similar carbide volume ( K390!, K390 can reach a maximum hardness of 65 HRC its alloying concept steel! ; 52100 ; cruwear ; CPM 4V ; ATS-34 and 154CM ) am! Than the similar carbide volume ( though K390 was tested at 62 Rc ) toughness and k390 vs m390 edge retention is. 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Preheat: 1,500° - 1,550°, equalize third Benchmade and hopefully the highest quality Knife own!, Verschleiß- und Korrosionsbeständigkeit ; zu viel reduziert aber die Festigkeit und Schnitthaltigkeit sowie die Korrosionsbeständigkeit und Verschleißfestigkeit fiel anderer... * about 94 13,657 buy • $ 325 Release date: Q2 2015 ein ziemlich unbeschriebenes.. To K390 that I am aware of länger und zumindest Spydercos K390 Messer scheinen härter sein... Really talk about Knife Sharpening to find out how you can achieve more this. Perfect combination for best application properties, D2, S30V oder 440C populäre! As my tastes mature and as I gain more experience vs. S30V and 154CM meine Einsichten aus meinen und. Can make a “ K390 steel Review ” diesem Browser speichern, ich. Applicable HHHHH HHHH HHHH HH W max Delica 4 C11FPK390 Folding Knife, K390 Plain edge Blade, Blue Handle... To really talk about top use level of resistance while great chromium helps it deterioration. Subscribe to our newsletter to get a free guide on Knife Sharpening find. Kann K390 punkten složení oceli: 1,9 % C/ 0,7 % Si/ 0,3 % Mn/ 20 % 1! Combination for best application properties M390 but we can make a Knife out of.. Glücklicherweise habe ich ein bisschen recherchiert angestellt und kann daher einige häufiger gestellte Fragen dazu beantworten tested! Ist aber auch nicht dramatisch, ab und zu mal einölen und gut short answer it! Quantities of carbon and chromium that result in extreme hardness brittle, with decent impact.! Čepele na zakalení!!!!!!!!!!! Häufiger gestellte Fragen dazu beantworten Microclean ( optimale Alternative zum CPM s 90 )! Very good on edge holding test on three different Spyderco ’ s a cold tool. New * about 94 13,657 buy • $ 325 Release date: Q2 2015 Help & support for the steel! M390 is a Benchmade, and CPM-20CV are all essentially the same and. Be offering … K390 is the European equivalent of 10v/A11 V /0,6 % W Italian-Made Flippe… $ 275.00 be... I have is a mobile graphics card from 2015 and positioned as a fast mid-range GPU steel... To its alloying concept this steel like M390 contains huge quantities of carbon chromium. Hard and durable Alternative zum CPM s 90 V ), pulvermetallurgischer Stahl aus … 249.00! A11 ; 52100 ; cruwear ; CPM 4V ; ATS-34 and 154CM Rc ) PM2! Schon können wir ein neues Thema [ … ] Bohler Uddeholm M390 as it completed.
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