5.1.2 Forcorrugated sheets, the maximum phosphorus content maybe0.09 percent. Most common from 6 – 20ft (1.83 – 6.00 m), as per contract. A precise weight calculation is extremely important for big metal constructions, in the the transport sector and for lifting facilities. Electrogalvanized conforms to ASTM A591 Galvanized Products. 0.551 mm (26 gauge) for permanent shelters. MS DENSITY = 7.85 G/CM3 = 7.85 X 10-6 KG/MM3 Density values are in grams/ cm3. Density is a physical quantity with the symbol ρ. A wide variety of gi sheet weight calculation options are available to you, such as aisi, astm. The density of galvanized steel is the weighted average of the mild steel density (7.87 gr/cc) and the density of the zinc coating (7.13 gr/cc). Stainless steel, copper, zinc, aluminum, steel and galvanized steel. sheet price per kilo gram. From 2 years in harsh environments (marine and industrial) to 18 years (rural environment). For locally sourced items, check the relevant national standards or specifications. GI Pipes Weight calculation formula=[(outside - wall thickness) * wall thickness] * 0.0246615 * 1.06 = kg/meter (weight per meter) Galvanized steel pipe with hot-dip or galvanized zinc layer of welded steel pipe. You need to check the corrugation pitch and depth of the existing CGI sheets. CGI sheets are protected from corrosion by a zinc coating applied to the steel sheet. Pc. measure the length of the roof and the length of the roof slope (example: length of roof = 6.6 m, length of roof slope = 1.87 m), add 5 cm to the length of the roof slope (total length of roof slope = 1.87 + 0.05 = 1.92 m), multiply the two values to get the surface of one roof slope to cover (example: surface of one roof slope S = 6.6 x 1.92 = 12.67 m2), Example: the percentage of overlapping in our case is 13 % as one CGI sheet is enough for the entire roof slope, and the surface of the CGI sheet is 0.92 x 2 m, N = 12.67 / (0.92 x 2.00 x (1 – 0.13)) = 7.9 CGI sheets, round up this value to get the quantity of CGI sheets to cover one roof slope (example: 7.9, multiply this value by 2 as there are 2 roof slopes in a gable roof (example: 8 x 2 = 16 CGI sheets to cover the entire roof), It is recommended to include a 10% loss to ensure that you will have enough CGI sheets to cover the roof. Coating thickness gauge or magnetometer (EMEAMEASGC01), Roofing nails with sealing washers (EHDWNAILRS01), Roofing screws with sealing washers (EHDWSCRSR046), A minimum of 20µm on each side is recommended, : Use a coating thickness gauge to verify the thickness of the zinc coating, 0.475 mm (28 gauge) can be used for shelters when wind speed is lower than 250 km/h in a region, 0.4 mm (30 gauge) can be used for shelters when wind speed is lower than 200 km/h in a region. in india? To calculate the gsm of your material, simply fill out the fields above and select the correct units. In a marine environment (within 1 km of the coast), CGI sheets can be painted with zinc-rich paint to increase service life. Quality control: Number of corrugations can be determined by counting the top of corrugations. The roofing nails must be placed at the top of the CGI sheets corrugations, never at the bottom, in order to avoid leakage. In the manufacturing industry (including both metal stamping, and metal spinning) galvanized commonly refers to galvanized steel. Caribbean recommendations: 0.551 – 0.701 mm (26 – 24 gauge), 6ft (1.83 m), 8ft (2.44 m), 10ft (3.05 m). Grade: It is possible to use a structural steel (low quality such as S220GD), but it is not recommended as it is usually more expensive than mild steel for cold forming. Sheet metal weight and gauge chart. i wanted to know about g.i. The budget price includes many other factors, incoterms, and internal cost adjustment. Example: if the roof slope measures 2.32 m, then the length of the CGI sheet should be 2.37 m (2.32 + 0.05 m). What are some samples of opening remarks for a Christmas party? (Example: 16 x 1.10 = 17.6, 18 CGI sheets to be ordered for the entire roof), recommended to use roofing screws with sealing washer. The values mentioned in the table below are approximate. Zinc coating thickness and method of galvanization are the most important factors for durability. Table: Conversion table for galvanized steel sheet (only), Recommended for CGI sheet used for roofing, Acceptable for CGI sheet used for roofing in area not prone to snow, Not advisable for CGI sheet used for roofing as it may not withstand snow, wind (and other loads). See drawing for more information. You can detail your project with multiple calculations. You can also choose from bending, cutting, and decoiling gi sheet weight calculation, as well as from galvanized, coated gi sheet weight calculation, and whether gi sheet weight calculation is container plate, boiler plate, or flange plate. Calculator for Steel sheets and plates Calculators. 15 Reardon Road - Medford, MA - 02155 Tel. (Example: 16 x 1.10 = 17.6 à 18 CGI sheets to be ordered for the entire roof). density of gi sheet are distributed into various kinds on the basis of their shapes, sizes and dimensions. Galvanised Coils. We usually use density to describe the mass of a substance at a unit volume. 2 Typical BHP metal roof sheet system 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 3 Low E facing Upper Air Gap (16.7mm)* 0.62 0.62 4 Air Bubbles heat resistance contribution 0.10 0.20 5 Low E facing lower Air Gap 1.44 1.77 6 Glass Wool Estimated effective thermal resistance 1.49 7 Internal air film (fixed) 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 R (Thermal Resistance); m2.k/W Corrugated Galvanized Iron or steel (CGI) sheets are used for general roofing purposes. A density table is a table that displays the density of a substance in the form of a table. IN M/Ton 6x3 10 3.15 2.313 41.634 24 8x3 10 3.15 2.313 55.512 19 8x4 10 3.15 2.313 74.016 14 6x3 12 2.50 1.834 33.012 30 8x3 12 2.50 1.834 44.016 23 8x4 12 2.50 1.834 58.688 18 6x3 14 2.00 1.453 26.154 39 8x3 14 2.00 1.453 34.812 29 Approximately 17 roofing nails / m2 à recommended to use roofing screws with sealing washer, Approximately 17 roofing nails / m2  à recommended to use roofing screws with sealing washer. Get contact details and address | ID: 17136367130 Assemble the CGI sheets on wooden frames with roofing nails (see item EHDWNAILRS01). Sheets can be subjected to bending and forming without the flaking of zinc. It is highly recommended to use measurement in millimetre instead of gauge when ordering or purchasing CGI sheets, as the conversion of galvanized steel sheets can be confusing. A 20 µm coat of zinc should be applied per side of the CGI sheet (total of 40µm for both sides of the CGI sheet equivalent to 275g/m²). Allowable loads may be multiplied by a factor of 0.80 for sheets spanning over 2 or 3 supports. Structural Grades Download. Each Galvanized Sheet Gauge Number is 2.5 ounces per sq. ... for calculating per SQM wt of GI sheet just multiply 7850 by thickness in mm i.e per SQM wt of 0.55 mm sheet 7850x0.55 = 4.31 Kg/sqm. Our hot dipped galvanized sheets are produced to conform with ASTM A525. How many candles are on a Hanukkah menorah? It is also important to know the weight for machining metal sheets no matter the material. Shear Connectors / Ribs are optional. Avoid condensation. Find the address and contact details for all our branches. Roofing and … Corrosion can also occur when the coating is penetrated, as when someone drives a nail through a sheet of galvanized iron, exposing the iron inside to the elements. 0.475 mm (28 gauge) can be used for shelters when wind speed is lower than 250 km/h in a region not subjected to snow. by Adam Hornbacher of Wenzel Metal Spinning. Suggested materials to accompany the CGI sheets: Some specifications may vary from national standards and local market conditions. Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. Steel, aluminium and stainless steel are the most used construction materials. Commercial, Forming and Drawing Grades Download. The Galvanized Sheet Gauge is based on the U.S. Standard Gauge. : use a caliper to verify the thickness of the CGI sheet. Material Group Alloy* Density (g/cm3) MIM-2200 Low Alloy & Alloy Steels (Fe-2%Ni) 7.60 as-sintered JSW Platina. It is recommended to include a 10% loss to ensure that you will have enough CGI sheets to cover the roof. Tinplate – Best Packaging Medium. Weight calculator for sheet metal. The galvanization method used must be hot-dip galvanization as it better ensures the durability of the CGI sheets. In most cases, corrugation pitch is 76 mm and corrugation depth is 18 mm. Depends on the wind, the roof pitch, and if the length of the roof slope takes one or several CGI sheets (see the tables below). Most common from 711 – 1067 mm (28, 30, 36, 40 and 42 in), as per contract. When working with sheet metal, the term “gauge” is often used. This coating can be exceptionally lowered to 240g/m² when higher grade is not available. Always use gloves and hard shoes while manipulating CGI sheets. 26G 0.55mm, 0.33 x 1.8m, pce, GUTTER, roof side, galvanised, 26G 0.55mm 0.33 x 1.8m, unit, Medical sets, specific to hospital modules. gi coil sheet-shandong hui qian jia steel plate co.,ltd SHANDONG HUI QIAN JIA STEEL PLATE CO.,LTD TEL:+86 0543-2777888 E-mail: Mike @hqjsteel.cn Diana@hqjsteel.cn What is density of GI sheet. When did organ music become associated with baseball? Features These are American (Brown & Sharpe) Gauges. 0.475 mm (28 gauge) can be used for shelters when the wind speed is lower than 250 km/h, the distance between laths/battens/purlins is 0.50 m maximum and the area is not prone to snow. It is intended to guide users with pre-budgeting information. Depends on thickness of the zinc coating. The side overlap can be 1 corrugation only if the wind speed is lower than 100km/h and roof pitch higher than 15° (26%). The equivalent thicknesses differ for each gauge size standard, which were developed based on the weight of the sheet for a given material. When the shelter needs to withstand very high wind speed, using roofing screws (see item EHDWSCRSR046) with sealing washers may be more effective than roofing nails. This concept is also frequently used in other natural sciences such as chemistry and materials science. See drawing for more information. Originally used in the fields of medicine and jewellery, the larger the The GI Steel Sheets that we offer to our clients are manufactured using high quality materials. Size: GI Coil/Sheet - 0.12-1.5mm x750~1250mm You can calculate the closest weight to the actual weight by selecting the material. total width with 31in. For a more accurate quantity of CGI sheets and quantity of fasteners/fixings needed to securely attach the CGI sheets to the roof, it is highly recommended to use the Roof Estimate Form (Excel spreadsheet) provided with the CGI sheet roof covering manual (link to be included). These sheets and plates are available in different dimensions and material to … As the density of the steel is 8, the weight of sheet would be 8*0.63=5.04 kg/sq. Allowable loads are applicable for sheets spanning over a minimum of four supports and for permanent shuttering only. 26G 0.55mm, 125x125mm x 1.8m, SHEET, IRON, ROOF RIDGE, galva. The budget prices indicated in the product data sheets do not correspond to purchasing prices. 20µm/side à 275 g/m2 à Z275 (ASTM A653 or EN 10346), A minimum of 20µm on each side is recommended à 137.5 g/m2 on each side, Quality control: Use a coating thickness gauge to verify the thickness of the zinc coating. It’s free and easy to use! What does contingent mean in real estate? The suggested side overlap is 2 corrugations. (Example: Electro-galvanized has a great finish but the zinc coating thickness can be 10 times lower than that of hot-dip galvanized, which means that in less than one year the CGI sheets lose their protection and corrosion starts). Galvanized steel is regular steel sheets that have been coated in zinc to make them corrosion resistant.Regular steel is made of iron which will rust when exposed to moisture, either in the form of rain or ambient humidity. Other methods such as electro-galvanization should be avoided because the coating thickness is thinner than hot-dip galvanization and the durability of the CGI sheet will be reduced, as a result. Ft. - search is the most efficient way to navigate the Engineering ToolBox! Gague are used to specify the thickness of a metal sheet. Below is the conversion for galvanized steel sheet (including CGI sheet, ridge cap and fascia cap). This calculation is commonly used for nonwoven materials, paper, plastic and other thin materials. We always aim to provide high quality sheets & Plates at most competitive price, high on quality and durability. 0.4 mm (30 gauge) can be used for shelters when wind speed is lower than 200 km/h in a region not subjected to snow. Select the right density of gi sheet as per your purpose to be solved. For other thicknesses, equivalence is provided in Annex 1 of the, SHEET, IRON, FACIA CAP, galva. In exceptional circumstances such as major difficulties of accessibility (mountainous and remote areas), it is possible to use exceptional solutions, choose thinner CGI sheets to reduce the weight of the transportation, if CGI sheets have to be carried by humans or animals. Leave your message and we will get back to you Customer Care (Toll Free): 1800225225. 4. Sheet metal gauges used in ductwork Engineering ToolBox - Resources, Tools and Basic Information for Engineering and Design of Technical Applications! Custom Architectural Sheet Metal Fabrication Our Craftsmen are Copper and Zinc Specialists! The thickness of the CGI sheet can be verified using a caliper gauge (EMEAMETACG16). More details are provided in the CGI sheet roof covering manual (link to be included). They will help you hack down your work load to a great extent. Usage areas of sheet … For example, G90 0.020″ HDG has about 2 mils of zinc and 18 mils of steel. Galvanized is a term long used to describe steel sheets coated with zinc. The zinc coating thickness can be verified using a coating thickness gauge or magnetometer (EMEAMEASGC01), which measures the thickness of the zinc coating applied to the CGI sheet. The GI Steel Sheets that we offer to our clients are manufactured using high quality materials. We always aim to provide high quality sheets & Plates at most competitive price, high on quality and durability. Galvanized steel pipe can increase corrosion resistance and prolong service life. If the laths are thinner, then you need to multiply the quantity of roofing nails by 2. Total quantity of CGI sheets to order must include the overlapping of each sheet with the next one which can be 5 to 26% of the surface to cover: Percentage of overlapping if one CGI sheet for the entire roof slope: Percentage of overlapping if several CGI sheets for the entire roof slope: To have a good approximation of the quantity of CGI sheets needed to cover a gable roof (pitch = 20°, wind speed > 150 km/h), you need to: Formula to determine the number of CGI sheets needed to cover the roof slope, N = S / (surface of CGI sheet x (1 - % overlapping)), surface of CGI sheet = total width x length of CGI sheet, % overlapping = percentage indicated in table above, It is recommended to include a 10% loss to ensure that you will have enough CGI sheets to cover the roof. the spacing of the CGI sheet support (lath/batten/purlin) must be reduced to keep its strength. Corrugated galvanised iron or steel (colloquially corrugated iron (near universal), wriggly tin (taken from UK military slang), pailing (in Caribbean English), corrugated sheet metal (in North America) and occasionally abbreviated CGI) is a building material composed of sheets of hot-dip galvanised mild steel, cold-rolled to produce a linear corrugated pattern in them. Place the CGI sheets on a wooden pallet and ensure that there is a slight slope. 7.85 x 18/20 + 7.13 x 2/20 = 7.80 ft. heavier or .0037 inch thicker than the weight or thickness of the corresponding U.S. Standard Gauge Number, regardless of coating weights. Typical Mechanical Properties of Parmatech PIM Alloys. Any important variation from the EIC standard needs to be approved by a specialist. In this case, the roof frame must be modified. In exceptional circumstances such as major difficulties of accessibility (mountainous and remote areas), it is possible to use exceptional solutions à choose thinner CGI sheets to reduce the weight of the transportation, if CGI sheets have to be carried by humans or animals. The most common way to measure GSM is using a scale and a ruler, but there are sometimes other methods needed for industrial processes. Store in a dry and ventilated area. Contact us via email. This way you may avoid disappointments. The zinc coating should be thick enough to ensure the durability of the CGI sheet by preventing corrosion. meter Cost price of GI sheet per Kg in India? SHEET, IRON, CORRUGATED galva., 26G 0.55mm 1mx2m, unit. In this case, the roof frame must be modified à the spacing of the CGI sheet support (lath/batten/purlin) must be reduced to keep its strength. When purchasing CGI sheets, it is recommended to go to the suppliers with a caliper gauge and a coating thickness gauge in your hand, in order to show that you can verify the quality of the CGI sheets on the spot. Read about company. Basic indications regarding the quantity of CGI sheets per roof: Always add 0.05 to 0.075 m to the length of the roof slope to be covered with CGI sheets to allow for overlapping at the eaves. For a more accurate result, you can verify the appropriate CGI sheet thickness for your shelter design using the Roof Estimate Form (Excel spreadsheet) provided with the CGI sheet roof covering manual. Gague (Ga.) is a length measurement unit for diameters originating in North America and belongs to the Browne & Sharpe metering system. When purchasing CGI sheets to repair existing roofs, it is important to ensure that the pattern of corrugations is compatible, otherwise leakage may appear. : Number of corrugations can be determined by counting the top of corrugations. Budget price All Rights Reserved. Density Table. It is possible to increase the zinc coating thickness in order to increase the service life (durability) of the CGI sheets. (Example: 16 x 1.10 = 17.6 à 18 CGI sheets to be ordered for the entire roof) Usage: When purchasing CGI sheets to repair existing roofs, it is important to ensure that the pattern of corrugations is compatible, otherwise leakage may appear. How long will the footprints on the moon last? In such cases it is highly recommended to seek the advice of a shelter expert. Other metal and alloys such as aluminium-zinc and aluminium can also be used to protect the steel sheet from corrosion. density of gi sheet are pretty strong and durable. They were calculated for a shelter with a 15-30° gable roof pitch built in a rural area with low vegetation, using a 38mm thick lath/batten/purlin. These measures will help in avoiding white rust. 0.4 mm (30 gauge) can be used for shelters when the wind speed is lower than 200 km/h, the distance between laths/battens/purlins is 0.60 m maximum and the area is not prone to snow. In this page you can calculate sheet metal weights without depending on any standard measure. Usually associated with the hot dipped process but the zinc coating can also be applied by electroplating. Difference between GI and MS. Premium Galvalume Sheets for Solar Structures. The GI decking sheet is attached to the concrete by method for mouldings on the sheet which prevent the cement from slipping on a level plane and disconnecting vertically. GEOMETRICAL PROPERTIES (Yield strength of material – 210 Mpa) Sl. This extra length of CGI sheet allows for the rainwater to fall in the gutter or to the ground without wetting the roof frame. Gauge and weight chart for sheet steel, galvanized steel, stainless steel, aluminum and strip & tubing Sponsored Links Wire gauge is a measure for the size of a wire, either in … These sheets and plates are available in different dimensions and material to … The Minimum acceptable if no higher grade available. 3. WEIGHT PER Pc. 0.551 mm (26 gauge) for permanent shelters and shelters subject to snow loads. Copyright © 2020 Multiply Media, LLC. Locate JSW Steel Offices. Thickness is an important factor for strength and durability. Sheet Metal Gauges and Weights. Gauge (or gage) sizes are numbers that indicate the thickness of a piece of sheet metal, with a higher number referring to a thinner sheet. The gauge conversion depends on the material and its shape. SHEETS GUAGE THICKNESS IN mm WEIGHT PER SQ. When positioning the roofing nails, you need to place more roofing nails all around the edges of the roof: at eaves overhang, ridge, verges and hip angles (areas submitted to increased wind pressure). 5. Galvanised Corrugated Sheet & Profile \ Applications & Grades. For other thicknesses, equivalence is provided in Annex 1 of the CGI sheet roof covering manual. Most common from 1.65 – 5.00 m (5.5 – 18.6ft), as per contract. In such cases it is highly recommended to seek the advice of a shelter expert. Kgs. Steel sheets and plates Seamless steel pipes - circular Hollow structural sections - circular Hollow structural sections - square Hollow structural sections - rectangular Round steel bars Square steel bars Flat bars Equal angles Unequal angles Channels - GOST Channels - UPN Beams - IPN Beams - IPE Beams - HEA (IPBL) Beams - HEB (IPB) 5.2 Galvanizing shall be carried out by first pickling the black sheets or by cleaning the cold-rolledcoils in the line and then dipping thern in a bath of11101":n zinc at a temperature suitable to produce a complete and uniformly adhesive zinc coating (sec IS :!(29). Both verifications are crucial to ensure the durability and strength of the CGI sheets. The overlapping of the CGI sheet sides (side overlap) is already deduced in the usable width (see in the first table). Quality control: use a caliper to verify the thickness of the CGI sheet. National Steel Processor - Offering GI Steel Sheets, Thickness 1-2 mm at Rs 45.5/kilogram in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. 1.- Product Details Name - GI Roffing Sheet, GI corrugated sheet, GI sheet, Hot dipped galvanzied steel roofing sheet, HDP GI corrugated sheet, Aluzinc coated roofing sheet, Galvalume steel corrugated sheet, Galvalume aluzinc steel coil,GL sheet, GL roofing sheet,PPGI roofing sheet, PPGI corrugated sheet. The quantity of roofing nails depends on the wind speed, location of the shelter and thickness of the laths/battens/purlins used. Sheet metal weight calculator. 36in. Contact US. Aluminium coating can be an alternative in very high corrosive environments (marine environment). usable width, 0.92m total width with 0.80m usable width, 0.84m total width with 0.72m usable width. Sheets ordered by gauge weight or thickness are subject to standard thickness and weight tolerances. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? 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