Divide even a small plant if you want to grow more. Remove the plant from its pot and take a look at the roots. Spider plants prefer if their soil dries out a bit between watering. They are good at purifying the air in your home and they are very easy to maintain. They are good at purifying the air in your home and they are very easy to maintain. If that happens, it’s time to start dividing spider plants. Spider plants grow fairly quickly and can easily become pot bound. Spider plants, also commonly known as ribbon plants, spider ivy, St. Bernard's lily or airplane plants, are perennial members of the lily family. Gardeners can cut back the stems to around 8 to 12-inches, and divide the plants every three years. Spider plant (Chlorphytum comosum) When to divide a houseplant A houseplant should be well-established and have enough roots and top growth … The roots will grow back quickly, so you do not need to worry too much about harming them. Pull the tubers apart into 2 to 3 smaller clusters using your fingers. Spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum) are very popular houseplants. As long as roots are present, you can expect a nice clump by autumn. When roots are 2″-4″ long, you can transfer your cuttings to soil. Once your plant outgrows its container, simply remove it, break or cut it in half or thirds, and repot the new chunks in new pots. The best time to divide your spider lily plant is six to eight weeks after it has flowered. Happy planting! great house plants that purify the air in your home, Spider plants do not need direct sunlight. Spider plants have these pouches that hold water called tuberous roots or tubers, which makes them kind of easy to see from the surface. How to Divide Ornamental Grass. Dig up the bulbs of an established spider lily plant and carefully lift them up out of … They have long green or variegated leaves. These are a great option because you can use any pots you want in them and you can easily swap out pots if you want to change things up. Gently pack the soil around your roots, making sure that your plant is fully supported. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Ready to start growing spider plants? You can place your hand over the surface of the dirt and turn the pot upside down to let gravity help you remove the plant from the pot. How to Divide Spider Plants One spider plant can yield many other spider plants to share with friends. Gently break away the soil from the roots with your fingers if you need to get a better look. You can hold the base of the plant and gently rock back and forth to loosen it from the pot. Luckily each plant produces many of them, in leisurely succession. May 29, 2013 - Spider plants, also commonly known as ribbon plants, spider ivy, St. Bernard's lily or airplane plants, are perennial members of the lily family. Fertilize spider plants monthly in spring and summer using a water-soluble fertilizer. After you’ve had your plant for a few years, you may find that it has grown very large and isn’t doing well. Here I will show you how to propagate Spider Plants 3 ways! Spider plants are also known as airplane plant, hen and chickens, St. Bernard’s lily, spider ivy, and ribbon plant. Are spider plants toxic to cats? Spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum) are native to tropical and Southern Africa, but have made their way around the world and are often found as house plants. Spider plants do not need direct sunlight, in fact, the leaves can get scorched from direct light. If it is struggling, it may be time to think about spider plant division. My Spider Plant on the potting table waiting for some repotting action. Water well. Read on for information about when and how to divide a spider plant. Dividing Spider Plant from WikiHow. The Practical Planter also participates in programs from ShareASale and other sites and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Spider plants can be grown outdoors as annuals during the summer. One of most obvious ways to tell if your plant needs to be divided is if its roots sprout through the drainage holes in the pot. Divide a Spider Plant Spider plants, also commonly known as ribbon plants, spider ivy, St. Bernard's lily or airplane plants, are perennial members of the lily family. I decided to do my dividing indoors, so I cut open a paper bag and laid it on my counter to catch the dirt. They are great for beginners since they are tolerant and very difficult to kill. If you read through our other articles, you will find that spider plants are great house plants that purify the air in your home and they are also easy plants to grow and keep alive. 4. A large amount of soil would be clinging to the plant when you remove it. The purpose of this instructable is to teach you how to make more spider plants … You can now go ahead and divide the plant into two or more sections. Line the bottom of your pot with at least 3 inches of soil before repotting your spider plant. Now you don’t need to be afraid to try it on your own plants. Are spider plants toxic to cats? If that happens, it?s time to start dividing spider plants. How to Multiply Your Spider Plants: The Spider Plant, or Chlorophytum comosum, is possibly the most popular house plant. Carefully root out the spider plant from the original pot. Easy to grow as house plants, spider plants propagate themselves by shooting off baby plants, or plantlets, while the mother plant … Detaching the Babies. Spider Plants, like Dracaea marginatas and Ponytail Palms, are prone to brown tipping on the very ends of their leaves. Check the soil every 4 or 5 days. Cutting them back also prevents the seeding of the plant as well. Spider plants grow fairly quickly and can easily become pot bound. Spiderwort has a kind of messy, grass-like form punctuated with quarter-sized flowers that last only one day. Your plant’s roots will also need room to grow into this soil at the bottom of the pot. Locate the baby spider plant and cut the plant off at the runner. Take care of them and they will thrive in their new homes. Can you split a spider plant? To divide spider ivy, you’ll want to remove your plant from its pot and then work a clump away from the main plant, with both leaves and roots intact. The root base of a spider plant is made up of water-rich tuberous roots. I can see from looking at the base of the plant that there are two main clumps, so I will be separating these into two pots. A Spider Plant does need some attention in order to really get it performing at its best, but it's extremely tolerant should you accidentally forget about it from time to time. Anywhere a plant is not green, like the white or pink areas in … Spider plant babies. Can you split a spider plant? It’s simply a reaction to the dry air in our homes. So most cats are very attracted to the spider plant leaves. Give your freshly potted plants a good soaking of water and continue to keep the soil moist while the roots take to the new soil. If you read through our other articles, you will find that spider plants ar… Water the transplanted spider lily bulbs in the fall if rainfall is not adequate. A non-variegated spider plant is also in fact a healthier plant. Spider plants (Chlorophytum comosum) are native to tropical and Southern Africa, but have made their way around the world and are often found as house plants. I was able to simply pull the two sides apart from each other, pulling slowly to let the roots untangle themselves. With your free hand, brush off some of the excess soil. Solid green spider plants are anything but boring. Repot each section into a new pot using well-draining soil. You can leave the baby attached to the parent plant until the new plant takes root, then separate it from the parent by snipping the runner. So most cats are very attracted to the spider plant leaves. In this case, I am dividing a spider plant. Hi! It’s simply a reaction to the dry air in our homes. Follow the label recommendations for application. Repotting Spider Plants: How Do You Repot A Spider Plant, Spider Garden Pests - Tips For Controlling Spiders In The Garden, Garden Hose Information: Learn About Using Hoses In The Garden, DIY Christmas Bows: How To Make A Holiday Bow For Plant Crafts, Paper Poinsettia Craft Ideas – How To Make Christmas Flowers, DIY Pinecone Christmas Tree: How To Make A Christmas Tree With Pinecones, Training Climbing Roses – How To Get A Climbing Rose To Climb, Loganberry Harvest Time: Learn When To Pick Loganberry Fruit, Peace Lily And Cats: Learn About The Toxicity Of Peace Lily Plants, Bean Plant Varieties: Different Bean Types For The Garden, Evergreen Favorite: Container Grown Olive Trees, Evergreens In My Heart – Three Must Have Evergreen Trees, Decisions, Decisions: Choosing An Evergreen In The Landscape, Spruce Trees For Landscaping - Spruce It Up With Evergreens. If you’re wondering how fast spider plants grow, I have that covered here. Does it need to be in full sun, indirect sunlight, or shade? It is not a problem if you end up cutting off some of the roots in the process. Most people ask about propagating baby spider plants. Finding a good spot with indirect light is ideal. Once again, the spider plant is very forgiving. Decide how many plants can be started from the remaining roots. Mid-summer is a terrible time to move or divide anything, but I think these guys will survive – thanks to good watering … You can keep re-potting them into bigger and bigger pots, but depending on the type of plant, they might need to be divided to really thrive. Spider plants are perfect for hanging, especially when the leaves are long and flow like these ones do. Type above and press Enter to search. Clumps should be spaced 6 inches apart to allow for future bulb division. A network of roots grows from each tuber. When this happens, the plant’s leaves may die and brown even though you haven’t moved it or changed its care. Spider plants can be grown outdoors as annuals during the summer. Propagating Your Plants. Check out the video below to see how easy it is: Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Succulents and cacti are remarkably forgivable and quite easy to propagate. If it is dry to the touch, water plants thoroughly until excess water drains out of the bottom of the pot. But the spider plant has slight catnip-like hallucinogenic effects on cats. The network of roots will stay with the tubers they are attached to. Plan to repot a spider plant about every other year. Spider Plants, like Dracaea marginatas and Ponytail Palms, are prone to brown tipping on the very ends of their leaves. Spider plants are not poisonous to cats or other pets. Spider plants are not poisonous to cats or other pets. Spider plant propagation simply involves planting the spiderette in a pot filled with any lightweight potting mix. Bonus tip: Spider plants grow baby plants from the tips of the leaves. If you don’t, you will need to re-pot again soon. If you are not able to pull the roots apart by hand, you can use a clean knife to cut through the roots. Yes, you can. Spider plants do not appreciate direct, hot sunlight, which can burn their leaves, causing brown tips and spots. Water the transplanted spider lily bulbs in the fall if rainfall is not adequate. In this case, I am dividing a spider plant. However, I can speak from experience that your cat might destroy your spider plant if he or she can reach it. This is called propagation by division. Growing Spiderwort Indoors The first thing you want to do is take a good look at your plant and its roots. Dividing spider plants pushes the plant’s “restart” button and gives it a new chance to grow happily. This is in part due to the thick white roots, or rhizomes, it produces in order to store food and moisture for long term support. Spider plants roots grow quickly, so be sure to choose a pot or planter that has room for this growth. Spider plants are also known as airplane plant, hen and chickens, St. Bernard’s lily, spider ivy, and ribbon plant. need a sharp garden knife, additional containers with good drainage holes, and potting soil. Check out our article on growing Spider plants here 12. Dividing aloe plants away from the … Dig up completely, as in the picture above. Divide spider lilies at the end of their growing season, in late summer and early fall. Cut your plants back after the flowering season ends, allowing for overwintering of the plant. Unlike the high-maintenance prayer plant, spider ivy is fairly undemanding in its care. Sep 30, 2016 - After you?ve had your spider plant for a few years, you may find that it has grown very large and isn?t doing well. How to divide a plant can depend on the plant species, but this guide should cover the basic information to get you started with dividing plants. These clumps are big enough to divide into four pieces each. If the pot is not too stiff, you can start with gently squeezing the container to loosen the dirt and roots from the inside walls of the pot. After that, cut the roots into several sections, one for each new plant. Since most spider plants are variegated, the solid green color makes them unique, interesting, and harder to find. For more specific instructions on how to divide specific types of plants, you will want to look into the types of roots that your plant has and if your plant species is prone to transplant shock or distress. That’s because some of the roots are not able to do their job. They have long green or variegated leaves. You want to have enough soil at the bottom to support the root ball so that the base of the plant reaches the correct surface level in your pot. This is a good time to divide a large spider plant and create new plants, or just repot in a new planter one size larger. Discard the baby plant or trim the stem and propagate the baby plant. You can use a butter knife to separate the dirt and roots from the inside wall, much like scoring around a cake before removing it from a cake pan. Yes, you can. The purpose of this instructable is to teach you how to make more spider plants … Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. Sometimes plants get overgrown and bushy and just don’t fit in their pot anymore. Prune the stem between the baby and main spider plant. Check out our article on growing Spider plants here 12. Outdoors would be a good place to work with your plants to avoid making a mess, but indoors is perfectly fine too if you don’t mind doing a little clean up when you are done. How to Grow. Repot each section into a new pot using well-draining soil. Choosing a Plant Anthurium At this time, there should still be foliage left on the bulbs, but the plant is going dormant and will take little damage from being interrupted. Spider plants are also great for beginners or gardening with kids because they are so easy to grow and fast-growing – not to mention interesting and beautiful. Spider plants have tubular roots that grow rapidly. I have found baby spider plants pulled up by the roots and tossed on the floor several times, as well as half eaten leaves left on my larger plants. Wondering where to start? Dividing ornamental grasses is best done in late winter or early spring before growth starts. Propagate Spider Plants. Spiderwort, Tradescantia virginiana, a spring-blooming flower with long, strappy leaves, is a very hardy North American native perennial that is widely grown for its weeks-long bloom period. If you’ve moved your spider into new, bigger pots several times, it should be thriving. How to Divide/Repot a Spider Plant. This is a good time to divide a large spider plant and create new plants, or just repot in a new planter one size larger. Plant in clumps of up to five bulbs at 4 to 6 inches deep. 1. But the spider plant has slight catnip-like hallucinogenic effects on cats. If you want to remove some of the baby plants that are growing off of the main plant, take your shears and cut the baby stem near the base of the main plant. Most people ask about propagating baby spider plants. Learning how to divide ornamental grass … Thinning the spider plants or dividing is best when done in the spring. Be sure to keep the water level over the base as the roots continue to grow. The main reason Chlorophytum comosum (spider plant) is so easy to propagate is because a healthy, mature plant will produce offsets. My name is Lisa, and I’m on a mission to expand my plant knowledge. Tightly packed roots may kill off some central root sections. You’ll know that it’s time to re-pot it. They can survive down to 35 degrees Fahrenheit, but thrive best between 65 and 90 degrees. To remove your plant from the pot, there are a few things you can do. Separate the tubers to divide the plant. Be sure the pot has drainage holes in the bottom. How to Divide/Repot a Spider Plant. As the petals fade, they become almost translucent, giving them th… Are you new to dividing and re-potting indoor houseplants? Detaching the Babies. Spider plants take well to dividing and re-potting and will not usually show any signs of distress. I’ll share what I learn as I develop my green thumb. Plan to repot a spider plant about every other year. When you are dividing spider plants, you’ll need a sharp garden knife, additional containers with good drainage holes, and potting soil. Propagating Your Plants. These can be removed from the mother plant and transplanted into their own planters to grow into new plants. Plant each one in well-draining potting soil, then water each pot well. Plant, and mulch around them. Clumps should be spaced 6 inches apart to allow for future bulb division. 3 Aloe plants produce offsets, also known as pups, as part of their growth cycle. Spider plants are even great plants for pet owners, as they are not toxic for dogs or cats. Water spring planted spider lily bulbs to ensure root establishment for summer blooms. Spider plants outgrow their pot very fast, and you can divide them when their roots get crowded. You can propagate this plant by dividing clumps, of course, but it’s not the easiest way to do so. Spider plants are also great for beginners or gardening with kids because they are so easy to grow and fast-growing – not to mention interesting and beautiful. Place the base of the plant in the glass of water. Sometimes your mother spider plant grows so much that it is too large for its pot. The idea is to slice off and throw away the damaged roots, then divide the healthy roots into several pieces. Now that your plant is out of the pot, take a look at the roots. Click this article for more info. How to Divide Spiderworts, Hostas, Tall Sedums, Liriope, etc. The Practical Planter is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. In this heat, I’ll keep watering daily for a few days, then keep an eye on them for the rest of the season. Anthurium 5. Let’s begin dividing and thinning our plant. Because of this, I don’t want to put them near a south-facing window with most of my other house plants. It is not a problem if you end up cutting off some of the roots in the process. Dividing the plant up when repotting at the start of the growing season is the perfect time, and this resilient customer will take it in its stride. This is an ideal time to divide your one spider plant into two or more plants, and give each one its own container. Water spring planted spider lily bulbs to ensure root establishment for summer blooms. Dividing plants is as easy as that! The spider plant is a particularly tough houseplant, but outside of the growing season the plant is in a dormant state and is more susceptible to stress induced by dividing and cutting roots. But did you know that you can also split and repot adult spider plants to create additional plants? Continue by potting up as described in the repotting section below. While spring is, generally speaking, the best time for dividing perennials, ornamental grasses, and grass-like plants such as sedges, those who really wish to "get it right" will want to treat each plant on a case by case basis.This is because some plants prefer to undergo the operation in … Repot each section of the plant into its own pot. Aloe, from which we get an excellent burn ointment, is a succulent plant. Before you start, you’ll need to decide where you will do your dividing. Once again, the spider plant is very forgiving. Press Esc to cancel. I bought these pretty macrame plant hangers from Amazon to hang my pots from the ceiling. If the spider plant is in desperate need of thinning, you can divide it in winter. That’s why spider plants outgrow their pots so quickly—the roots just need more room to grow. As in the picture above leaves, causing brown tips and spots not direct! You don ’ t want to put your new plants is appropriate when the leaves can get scorched direct. Glass of water a spider plant, dividing spider plants to share with friends touch, plants. Up of water-rich tuberous roots plants 3 ways the fall if rainfall is not adequate of their leaves now... Happening in and around the garden by potting up as described in the process you can now go and... On growing spider plants can be started from the mother plant and cut the plant as well ones do untangle! 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