Well im going for this dagger offhand and dagger of veiled shadows mainhand or vice versa. Source. Richiede Ladro. Dagger of Veiled Shadows - quest id 8709 - quest level 60 - Bring 1 Qiraji Spiked Hilt, 2 Vermillion Idols, 5 Gold Scarabs and 5 Clay Scarabs to Warden Haro in Silithus. Emblems of Veiled Shadows (0/3) This epic cloak of item level 29 goes in the "Back" slot. No point now with tbc round the corner . Place a +15 agility on this, and you have 1.5% dodge, 60 armor, 1% crit, 37 AP, 1% hit. Category. Related. No. Dagger of Veiled Shadows Bring 1 Qiraji Spiked Hilt, 2 Vermillion Idols, 5 Gold Scarabs and 5 Clay Scarabs to Warden Haro in Silithus. DPS-wise this dagger seems to be better than Core-Hound-Touth for Combat-Dagger-PvE-Rogues. It seems this dagger, like the rest of the Veiled Shadows gear, is more PvE than anything. Pre-requisites . Kommentar von Allakhazam clearly better than core hound tooth in offhand. Ahn'Qiraj. Commento di 9951 This is is most usefull to combat spec dagger rogues. È Una ricompensa di quest da Dagger of Veiled Shadows. It is a quest reward from Band of Veiled Shadows. External links. No point now with tbc round the corner . On a long boss fight when raiding the most usefull finisher to a combat rogue, dagger or otherwise is slice and daice. This is 'Ahn'Qiraj' category quest for Alliance and Horde. Has a set bonus at 3 pieces. Dagger of Veiled Shadows. You must also attain Exalted reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest. It seems this dagger, like the rest of the Veiled Shadows gear, is more PvE than anything. Level: 60; Required Level: 60; Scales to Level: 60; Start: Warden Haro; End: Warden Haro; Sharable; Link in game; Forum link; Wowhead link; Featured Screenshot. Ahh well i'll just get a Fang of the Faceless and not bother with this mediocre dagger. Comentario de Allakhazam Yes I agree, exalted is too much for this dagger. Dagger of Veiled Shadows Bring 1 Qiraji Spiked Hilt, 2 Vermillion Idols, 5 Gold Scarabs and 5 Clay Scarabs to Warden Haro in Silithus. This item is added in world of warcraft classic content phase: 5. If I'm wrong please correct me. Added in Classic World of Warcraft. Assassin's Winter (Veiled Dagger Book … Jon Kiln 4.7 out of 5 stars 12 customer ratings. Qiraji Spiked Hilt (boss drop, used by three other classes) Vermillion Idol (2) Clay Scarab (5) Gold Scarab (5) Cenarion Circle (Exalted) Your guild should be collecting scarabs and idols from both AQ20 and AQ40 runs. Of course there are much better daggers in game than this one. Band of Veiled Shadows Item Level 65 Disenchants into: [ Nexus Crystal] : 1-2 Binds when picked upUniqueFinger+18 Agility +11 Strength +8 StaminaClasses: RogueRequires level 60Emblems of Veiled Shadows (3 pieces) [ Band of Veiled Shadows] [ Cloak of Veiled Shadows] [ Dagger of Veiled Shadows] (3) Set: -10 energy cost for your Slice and Dice ability. This item is a quest reward from [60R] Dagger of Veiled Shadows in Ahn'Qiraj: The Fallen Kingdom. Crusader is the best Dagger enchant in the game (PvE). I'd imagine the Dagger with the 3 piece bonus far outweighs Mirahs but I just wanted to get some opinions. Emblems of Veiled Shadows is the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj Set. Always up to date with the latest patch (1.13.6). Band of Veiled Shadows: Cloak of Veiled Shadows: Dagger of Veiled Shadows: Set Bonuses Wearing more pieces of this set will convey bonuses to your character. 52 Armor +11 Stamina +18 Agility Classes: Rogue Requires Level 60: Equip: Improves your chance to hit by 1%. Summary. It contains 3 pieces. And then hand out needed items as our members get the quest drops and reach the needed reputation level. -10 energy on the cost of this skill is alot 10% of you total energy ( before spec and T1 set 5/8), This alows you to keep a 5 point ( with tallents in improved slive and dice) up all the time. Patch changes. Dagger of Veiled Shadows. Dagger of Veiled Shadows. £2.82. Comentario de Allakhazam pimp.. wonder what the in-game graphic will look like Edited, Tue Jan 24 02:41:33 2006. Assassin’s Remorse (Veiled Dagger Book … Jon Kiln 4.6 out of 5 stars 36 customer ratings. Assassin's Shadow (Veiled Dagger Book … Jon Kiln 4.1 out of 5 stars 12 customer ratings. Classic WoW Private Server - Instant 60 1.12.1 Vanilla. Bring 1 Qiraji Spiked Hilt, 2 Vermillion Idols, 5 Gold Scarabs and 5 Clay Scarabs to Warden Haro in Silithus. 3. Honored: Ring - Band of Veiled Shadows ; Revered: Cloak - Cloak of Veiled Shadows ; Exalted: Weapon - Dagger of Veiled Shadows ; This quest requires the Qiraji Martial Drape, which can drop from any early boss in the Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, as well as idols and scarabs which can either drop off trash or can be found inside Scarab Coffers. Patch 1.9.0 (2006-01-03): Added. You must also attain Exalted reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest. Kommentar von Allakhazam dropped on my guilds first ever kurinnaxx kill, the lucky rogue had just logged on 5 mins earloer and we had summoned in a hope that she'd be able to pick the scarab box =P. This epic ring of item level 65 goes in the "Finger" slot. Comentado por Allakhazam clearly better than core hound tooth in offhand. Dagger of Veiled Shadows; Dagger of Veiled Shadows Previous; Next; Quick Info. 60 Requires Level 60. Note on Dagger of Veiled Shadows: I included the AQ20 Veiled Shadows dagger as a standard single dagger swap, but do note if you are actually using ‘Dagger of Veiled Shadows’ you should keep using that dagger with your 3 piece AQ20 Veiled Shadows set until you get 2 AQ40 daggers. One-hand: Dagger; 65 - 121 Damage: Speed 1.80 (51.7 damage per second) +15 Agility +7 Strength Durability 75 / 75 Item level 70 Classes: Rogue Requires Level 60: Equip: Improves your chance to hit by 1%. You must also attain Exalted reputation with Cenarion Circle to complete this quest. Kommentar von Allakhazam Yes I agree, exalted is too much for this dagger. Dagger of Veiled Shadows Binds when picked up. To complete this quest, you must be a rogue and you must be Exalted with Cenarion Circle. Connect with Wowhead. OH [Dagger of Veiled Shadows] (Crusader) Cloak [Cloak of Veiled Shadows] Ring [Band of Veiled Shadows]-10 energy cost for your Slice and Dice ability is amazing and worth the stat sacrifice until you get [Death's Sting], then you will use [Blessed Qiraji Pugio] in your OH.

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