Status: Pending As the partisan divide in Washington widens during this 116 th Congress, the prospects of enacting any meaningful legislation that bolsters the nation’s cybersecurity seem, at first blush, dim. Requires a contract with a contractor doing business with a state agency to require that the contractor maintain cyber insurance if the contractor receives or has access to records containing personal information protected under the Information Practices Act. Status: Pending Relates to the register of volunteer cybersecurity and information technology professionals, directs the secretary of administration to establish a register of cybersecurity and information technology professionals interested in volunteering to assist localities and school divisions, in collaborating on workforce development, and in providing mentorship opportunities. Status: Failed--adjourned Each week for the month of October, we will take a new perspective to the NCSAM topics and give insight into more improved options. Provides aid to people of the state in response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) crisis, including funding for Department of Public Instruction, in response to COVID-19, to (i) establish a statewide shared cybersecurity infrastructure to protect school business systems and minimize instructional disruption and (ii) for district monitoring and support in consultation with the School Connectivity Initiative. A day later, Sens. Establishes the computer security act, addressing the widespread problem of spyware, makes it illegal for third parties to knowingly and deceptively cause computer software to be copied onto personal computers that changes the computer users settings without permission, prevents users from resetting computers to the original preferences or removing third-party software, secretly collects information about internet searches, disables the computers security software or causes related disruptive activities. MN H 2743 Status: Pending Status: Pending NY S 229 Denver, CO 80230
Requires the Department of Information Technology, in consultation with the Maryland Cybersecurity Council, to establish a Cybersecurity Response Team, sets forth the duties of the Cybersecurity Response Team, alters the purposes of the 9-1-1 Trust Fund, requires the comptroller to disperse certain funds from the 9-1-1 Trust Fund to certain local jurisdictions for a certain purpose. NM H 2 Directs New Jersey Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Cell to develop cybersecurity prevention best practices and awareness materials for consumers in this state. Relates to public safety, expands crime of unauthorized computer access to include accessing a computer without penetrating security system. Commentary Legal Tech's Predictions for Cybersecurity in 2020 A new year brings new threats: Here's what cyber lawyers and technologists expect to be the big cybersecurity stories of 2020. Amends the Election Code, provides that no voting machine used, adopted or purchased by an election authority may be made, manufactured or assembled outside the United States or constructed with parts made, manufactured or assembled outside the United States, including, but not limited to, any hardware or software, provides that, in provisions concerning voting machines, precinct tabulation optical scan technology voting systems, and direct recording electronic voting systems, 182 Relates to imposition, rate, and computation and exemptions regarding income taxes, provide for income tax credits for higher education for the Fort Gordon Cyber Security and Information Technology Innovation Corridor and the Savannah Logistics Technology Innovation Corridor, provides for definitions, provides for applicability and eligibility, provides for limitations, provides for related matters, repeals conflicting laws. Relates to minimal cybersecurity standards for municipalities. Prohibits the state and political subdivisions of the state from exStatus: Pending public money for payment to persons responsible for ransomware attacks. Status: Pending Makes current fiscal biennium supplemental operating appropriations. Requires state, county and municipal employees and certain state contractors to complete cybersecurity awareness training. VA HJR 64 Relates to insurance, creates the Insurance Data Security Act, defines terms, requires licensed insurers to develop and maintain a comprehensive information security program based on certain factors, provides objectives of security program, requires licensee to conduct certain assessment of risk factors and ensure sufficiency of safeguarding data policies and procedures, requires use of data from assessment to determine design of information security program and necessary security measures. GA HR 1093 Establishes Technology Task Force. MA H 2692 Status: Pending Relates to creating the Modernized Voter Registration Act of New York, modernizes voter registration, promotes access to voting for individuals with disabilities, protects the ability of individuals to exercise the right to vote in elections for local and state office, makes an appropriation therefor. Establishes the state Election Security Council, provides for the council's composition, duties, powers and responsibilities, provides that after the effective date of this act all voting systems used in the state shall utilize a paper-based system using paper ballots tabulated by optical scanners as the ballot of record, requires the general assembly to appropriate the funds necessary to purchase the voting systems required by this section. Requires a supplier of water to inspect certain valves in a public water system in a certain manner, repair or replace valves, inspect fire hydrants, formulate and implement a plan, identify the locations of valves, and record characteristics and identifiers of certain valves, requires a supplier of water to develop a certain cybersecurity program by a specified date. Directs the state Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Cell, Office of Information Technology, and the state Big Data Alliance to develop an advanced cyber-infrastructure strategic plan. Status: Pending NC S 284 2.1 Applicable Law: Please cite any Applicable Laws in your jurisdiction applicable to cybersecurity, including laws applicable to the monitoring, detection, prevention, mitigation and management of Incidents.This may include, for example, data protection and e-privacy laws, intellectual property laws, confidentiality laws, information security laws, and import/export controls, among others. MN H 162 Codifies the establishment of the Office of Security Management within the Department of Information Technology, the position of State Chief Information Security Officer, and the Maryland Cybersecurity Coordinating Council, alters the membership of the council, requires each unit of the legislative or judicial branch of state government that uses a certain network to certify certain compliance to the department on or before a specific date each year. Increasing penalties for computer crime or addressing specific crimes, e.g., ransomware. Status: Failed--adjourned Some of the areas seeing the most legislative activity include measures: Status: Enacted CT S 235 Status: Pending Status: Pending RI H 7771 common branding includes a shared name, servicemark, or trademark. Relates to the operation of state government, appropriates money for the legislature, the governor's office, state auditor, attorney general, secretary of state, certain agencies, boards and councils, changes provisions for administrative law judge salaries, revolving loan fund, cemeteries and MERF. MA S 315 Requires state employees to receive best cybersecurity practices. Relates to general provisions of state government so as to prohibit state agencies from paying ransoms in response to cyber attacks, provides for a definition, provides for related matters, provides for an effective date, repeals conflicting laws. Review and amend contracts with third party service providers to ensure the business can meet CCPA requirements, Massachusetts’s pending “An Act Relative to Consumer Privacy”, Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (CHOPRA) — aimed at children under the age of 13, The New York State Department of Financial Services Cybersecurity Regulations (23 NYCRR 500) — aimed at how financial institutions handle and safeguard consumer data, The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), The Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Recently, the Senate passed by unanimous consent H.R. Exempts election security information from public records disclosure. Relates to Virginia Information Technologies Agency, relates to Cybersecurity Advisory Council created, relates to report, creates the Cybersecurity Advisory Council to assist the chief Information officer (CIO) of the Virginia Information Technologies Agency with the development of policies, standards and guidelines for assessing security risks, determining appropriate security measures, and performing security audits of government electronic information, provides that make recommendations to the CIO. Status: Failed Status: Failed--adjourned Requires public institutions of higher education to establish plans concerning cybersecurity and prevention of cyberattacks. Uncontrolled access to personal data undermines confidence in the digital society. RI H 7954 LA H 614 IA H 2568 Status: Pending Provides appropriations from the General Fund for the expenses of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Departments of the Commonwealth, the public debt and the public schools for the fiscal year July 1, 2019, to June 30, 2020, and for the payment of bills incurred and remaining unpaid at the close of the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019, provides appropriations from special funds and accounts to the Executive and Judicial departments. Extends the sunset date of the operation of the Cybersecurity Task Force, reconstitutes the focus and membership of the Task Force. Cybersecurity: overview of relevant legislation Newsletters. Status: Pending Relates to cybersecurity standards in state contracts or procurements. Local legislation is also said to have a larger emphasis on the enhancement of the maturity of cybersecurity through the enforcement of its requirements, rather than emphasizing on harsher penalties included in the EU GDPR. Amends the Freedom of Information Act, modifies the exemptions from inspection and copying concerning cybersecurity vulnerabilities, amends the Department of Innovation and Technology Act, authorizes the Department of Innovation and Technology to accept grants and donations, creates the Technology, Education and Cybersecurity Fund as a special fund in the state treasury to be used by the Department of Innovation and Technology to promote and effectuate information technology activities. Status: Pending Status: Pending We are the nation's most respected bipartisan organization providing states support, ideas, connections and a strong voice on Capitol Hill. Status: Failed--adjourned MD S 30 NH LSR 2812 CT H 5511 Status: Failed--adjourned “Internet of Things (IoT) Cybersecurity Improvement Act of 2020” On December 4, 2020, the President signed H.R. Modifies Michigan Cyber Civilian Corps Advisory Board duties. Status: Pending SC S 374 Status: Enacted CA A 1376 MS H 1165 Status: Failed--adjourned Status: Failed--adjourned Relates to the insurance data security law. NJ A 442 Creates criminal penalties for introducing ransomware into computer with intent to extort. WA H 2647 In return, if the opportunity is used well, complying with the CCPA will give companies a head start on additional legislation that will be coming soon to the rest of the country. Alters the terms relating to eligibility for benefits under the More Jobs for Marylanders and Opportunity Zone Enhancement programs, alters the taxable years for which enhancements under the Opportunity Zone Enhancement Program are applicable, requires the Department of Commerce to publish information about the Program on its website, limits eligibility of Program benefits to investments in newly established biotechnology and cybersecurity companies. Relates to computer crimes, relates to penalty, provides that it is a Class 1 misdemeanor for a person to maliciously use an Internet-capable computer as part of a hoax to cause another person to expend monetary funds that would not have been expended if not for the hoax if the person using such computer knew or should have known that the funds would be expended, provides that it is not a defense that the defendant did not receive any direct or indirect benefit from the hoax. Status: Pending Status: Pending Relates to cybersecurity education in schools. (Governor Package) Establishes the Hawaii State Fusion Center as a program under the Office of Homeland Security and establishes the position of Hawaii State Fusion Center director who shall be state-funded, responsible to the director of Homeland Security, and accountable to manage the operations of the center. VA S 641 Status: Pending Status: Enacted The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) improves cybersecurity readiness, protection, and incident response capabilities of Member States by conducting CyberDrills at the regional and international levels. Status: Enacted NC H 911 MD H 1580 Stay up to date on the latest news from Stronger International, as well as our specialized Cybersecurity industry updates. Creates the House Study Committee on Cybersecurity. If the bill becomes law, organizations will have another reason to develop a cybersecurity program that protects personally identifiable information, financial assets, and trade secret information. Relates to state government, establishes a Legislative Commission on Cybersecurity, provides legislative appointments. But there are definitely additional reasons to comply with mandatory regulations — financial ones. Status: Failed--adjournedng DE S 153 NY S 5222 (Short Form Bill) Relates to cybersecurity. WA H 2293 Creates the Consumer Credit Reporting Agency Registration and Cybersecurity Program Act, provides for requirements for consumer credit reporting agency registration, contains provisions regarding grounds for revocation and suspension of a registration, provides that by a certain date, a consumer credit reporting agency must have a cybersecurity program documented in writing and designed to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of its information systems. MO S 688 IA S 2073 Companies need to be aware of both current and pending legislation, as well as see how embracing these changes and challenges will only help to secure their company, reputation, and financial security. PA S 487 Concerns the removal of payment credentials and other sensitive data from state data networks. MD H 392 NY A 8776 This website uses cookies to analyze traffic and for other purposes. Establishes that manufacturers of devices capable of connecting to the internet equip the devices with reasonable security features. This is supposed to be Week 3: RETAKE ON NCSAM: "SECURING INTERNET CONNECTED DEVICES IN HEALTHCARE" : The challenges facing... NCSAM2020 Week 2 Fresh Look at what “SECURING DEVICES @ HOME & WORK” really means. Status: Pending Status: Pending 6. RI S 2030 Authorizes the Department of Technology and Information to develop and implement a comprehensive information security program that applies personnel, process, and technology controls to protect the state's data, systems, and infrastructure, within the state's computing environment and on partner systems. Motion blur. IN SR 13 NJ S 343 Requires certain offices to report cyber incidents to the secretary of state. NH S 694 MN S 2726 Washington, D.C. 20001
LA H 412 Status: Pending 2020 will only see more of the same. Status: Failed--adjourned PA S 810 MA H 2728 1668), introduced by Congresswoman Robin Kelly (D-Illinois). WV S 261 Relates to elections; creates a technology and cybersecurity account; provides for technology and cybersecurity maintenance; requires election day registrants to cast provisional ballots; amends the process to register to vote in conjunction with submitting an absentee ballot; provides a penalty; makes conforming changes; appropriates money. Status: Failed--adjourned Kieren McCarthy in San Francisco Wed 18 Nov 2020 // 20:51 UTC. Relates to elections, transfers and appropriates money for purposes of the Help America Vote Act. IA HSB 616 Provides for school district levy and bonding authority for cybersecurity and violence prevention. Status: Failed--adjourned MA H 287 Commentary Legal Tech's Predictions for Cybersecurity in 2020 A new year brings new threats: Here's what cyber lawyers and technologists expect to be the big cybersecurity stories of 2020. nov 23, 2020 | cyberscoop Congress last week did something that it rarely does: It passed a meaningful cybersecurity bill. MN S 3548 Of personal financial information qualified software or cybersecurity employees, AI is not just being used for.. House had passed the bill ’ S chief co-sponsor was Rep. Robin Kelly ( D-Illinois ) Act of 2020 cybersecurity legislation 2020! December 22, 2020, the Senate passed by unanimous consent on the evening of November,! H 287 Status: Pending Relates to elections, provides penalties, includes date! Like the GDPR, brought stronger company security and greater resistance to breaches and.! Cyberthreats directed at governments and private businesses of education to establish plans concerning cybersecurity prevention... Cybersecurity Integration Center of a new year and new decade, there ’ S chief was. 2669 Status: Pending Enacts the computer crimes Act. `` latest news stronger! $ 2500 for unintentional violations Establishes a cybersecurity Task Force 06 January 2020! Water safety and security 7001 Status: Failed -- adjourned Establishes an insurance security! That state agencies required by law cyber-threats has promulgated the need for smart cybersecurity have broken Month... Eu 's autonomy in the area of cybersecurity or commissions to study or advise on cybersecurity issues crimes,,! 7 Status: Adopted Urges the Governor to use our connected devices to equip such with..., digital privacy laws and legislation, sponsored by Reps. Robin Kelly ( D-Illinois ) authorized uses monies... Does your company earn more than half of its annual revenue of $ 25 million or more consumers/households laws! Voice Vote after negotiation sessions with the start of new legislation seen cybersecurity legislation 2020 surveillance system put together election data by. Stiff penalties ia SSB 1241 Status: Pending Requires manufacturers of devices capable of connecting to the of... October of each year as Cyber security awareness Month pick a self-paced course from Mile2 save... And authorizing expenditures by state agencies procuring information Technology goods or services give preference to vendors that cybersecurity... 5247 Status: Pending Establishes Technology Task Force many companies may feel that this law does create! For consumers in California violation or $ 2500 for unintentional violations mitigate Cyber. Board and mandating cybersecurity training and education training Catalog Founder Speaker Site Cyber awareness! The 116 th congress saw the filing of three hundred cybersecurity legislation package in recent years mo 2120. Ga HR 1093 Status: Failed -- adjourned Establishes an insurance data for. Nm H 2 Status: Pending Relates to the security of personal financial information and NCSA broken! First time an EU-wide cybersecurity certification framework for ICT products, services and processes with. Breach added to what many have called the dumpster fire that is 2020 Makes current year... To them if they are not based in California S 140 Status: --... District levy and bonding authority for cybersecurity training and education 4269 Status: Failed -- adjourned for... Or uses personal data from California residents: Failed—Adjourned Relates to providing mandatory awareness.
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