Led by their own chieftains, the Paeonian cavalry was usually brigaded with the Prodromoi and often operated alongside them in battle. [99], All of the above forms of armour could be described as thorakes (plural of thorax). Alexander inherited the use of Cretan archers from his father's reign, yet around this time a clear reference to the use of native Macedonian archers was made. By the time of Xenophon, the Spartan army’s lochos consisted of 144 men. Central Macedonia was good horse-rearing country and cavalry was prominent in Macedonian armies from early times. Walbank choose Diodorus Siculus' figure of 32,000 infantry as the most reliable, while disagreeing with his figure for cavalry at 4,500, asserting it was closer to 5,100 horsemen. Most authorities regard the prodromoi as being raised from Macedonians, which would parallel the Athenian prodromoi, who were raised from the Thetes, the lowest census class of Athenian citizens. Chapters: Ancient Macedonian military equipment, Cavalry units and formations of Macedon, Infantry units and formations of Macedon, Military personnel of Alexander the Great, Military ranks of ancient Macedon, Macedonian phalanx, Aelianus Tacticus, Phalanx formation, Army of Macedon, Antigonid Macedonian army, Strategos, Peltast, Companion cavalry, Sarissa, Polyaenus, Pezhetairoi, Bematist, … Long story short, we talked about an ancient project and as you might suspect, a few days later I ordered the first miniatures for my Macedonian army for Lion Rampant. They usually adopted an open order when facing enemy heavy infantry. [91] The Boeotian helmet, though it did not have cheek pieces, had a flaring rim which was folded into a complex shape offering considerable protection to the face. [54], A new term for hypaspistai emerged after the Battle of Gaugamela in 331 BC: the argyraspides ('silver shields'). He standardized equipment within formations organized according to their intended tactical function. [113], In conjunction with various forms of artillery, the Macedonians possessed the ability to build an effective array of siege engines. [76], Most troops would have carried a type of sword as a secondary weapon. This was often given pteruges to extend the area of the body covered. Various Balkan peoples, such as Agrianes, Paeonians and Thracians, provided either light infantry or cavalry or indeed both. Philip II introduced the formation, probably in emulation of Thracian and Scythian cavalry, though the example of the rhomboid formation adopted by Macedon's southern neighbours, the Thessalians, must also have had some effect. [17], The individual Companion cavalry squadrons were usually deployed in a wedge formation, which facilitated both manoeuvrability and the shock of the charge. This, alongside the evidence of the depiction of Alexander the Great in the Alexander Mosaic, shows that the technology to make plate armour in iron existed at this time. The Army of Alexander the Great: Composition. On his Asian campaign, Alexander, had a phalanx of 6 veteran taxeis, numbering 9,000 men. [27], The Hellenic states allied to, or more accurately under the hegemony of, Macedon provided contingents of heavy cavalry and the Macedonian kings hired mercenaries of the same origins. For the task of breaching the walled fortifications of cities, Philip II hired engineers such as Polyidus of Thessaly and Diades of Pella, who were capable of building state of the art siege engines and artillery firing large bolts. The armies of contemporary Greek states were largely reliant on a combination of citizens and mercenaries. Coinage indicates that from an early period the primary weapons used by Macedonian cavalry were a pair of javelins. The army of the Kingdom of Macedon was among the greatest military forces of the ancient world. The current system of ranks and insignia was introduced in 1991 thus replacing the former Yugoslav Army insignia, on which it is based. It was created and made formidable by King Philip II of Macedon; previously the army of Macedon had been of little account in the politics of the Greek world, and Macedonia had been regarded as a second-rate power.. A surprise attack by the Hetairoi was … [111], The dramatic change in the abilities of Greeks to operate against fortifications owed much to the development of effective artillery. [61], The peltasts raised from the Agrianes, a Paeonian tribe, were the elite light infantry of the Macedonian army. The phalanx finally met its end in the Ancient world when the more flexible Roman manipular tactics contributed to the defeat and partition of Macedon in the 3rd and 2nd centuries B.C. The sarissa was over 6 m (18 ft) in length, with a counterweight and spiked end at the rear called a sauroter; it seems to have had an iron sleeve in the middle which may mean that it was in two pieces for the march with the sleeve joining the two sections before use. [45][36], Alexander did not use the phalanx as the decisive arm in his battles, but instead used it to pin and demoralize the enemy while his heavy cavalry would charge selected opponents or exposed enemy unit flanks, most usually after driving the enemy horse from the field. (illustrator) (1986), This page was last edited on 5 December 2020, at 09:16. 14.49). Macedonian Arts and Sciences . [39] Foot Companions were levied from the peasantry of Macedon. Although it did not succeed in every battle, the army of Philip II was able to successfully adopt the military tactics of its enemies, such as the embolon (i.e. C. Chiliarch; H. Hipparchus (cavalry officer) N. Navarch; P. Pentakosiarch; Phrourarch; S. Somatophylakes; Strategos; T. Taxiarch ; Trierarch; This page was last edited on 1 April 2013, at 20:07 (UTC). The conquests of Alexander would have been impossible without the army his father created. Their legendary shock-and-awe style assaults seemed to come out of nowhere and typically targeted the undefended rear echelons of enemy phalanxes. [68] After the Battle of Gaugamela, archers of West Asian backgrounds became commonplace and were organized into chiliarchies. [15] It is probable that Alexander took eight squadrons with him on his invasion of Asia totalling 1,800 men, leaving seven ilai behind in Macedon (the 1,500 cavalrymen mentioned by Diodorus). In battle, they were used in a shock role to protect the right flank of the Companion cavalry. A surprise attack by the Hetairoi was … A shoulder-piece was attached to the upper rear section of the girdle, this element was split into two wings which were pulled forward over the top of each shoulder and laced to the chest-section of the girdle. [34], Suitable men from the Macedonian peasantry were recruited into an infantry formation, called the phalanx. But Macedonian society was different. Some members of the Corinthian League sent soldiers to fight against the Persians - in addition to infantry, some states sent small numbers of horsemen to join the Macedonian army. In battle, they performed much the same function as the Prodromoi and Paeonians, except they guarded the flank of the Thessalian cavalry on the left wing of the army. The carrying of shields indicates that the Cretans also had some ability in hand-to-hand fighting, an additional factor in their popularity as mercenaries. Many examples of helmets from the period have crest or plume-holders attached, so that a high degree of martial finery could be achieved by the wearing of imposing headpieces. [94] It was composed of the 'girdle' a tubular section, often of four vertical panels, that enclosed the torso. This new army was first pitted against the Illyrians. The Companion cavalry, or Hetairoi ( Ἑταῖροι ), were the elite arm of the Macedonian army, and have been regarded as the finest quality cavalry in the ancient world. The inner face of the shield was of wood or a multilayered leather construction, with a band for the forearm fixed to the centre of the shield. This array of both audial and visual communication methods helped to make sure that even in the dust and din of battle orders could still be received and given. [103], Xenophon mentions a type of armour called "the hand" to protect the left, bridle, arm of heavy cavalrymen, though there is no supporting evidence for its widespread use. [97], A complete cuirass of plate iron, decorated with gold and modelled on the form of the linothorax, was discovered in the Macedonian royal burial at Vergina. The Hellenistic armies of the other Macedonian successor-states of the Diadochi period, which followed the death of Alexander, also displayed a continuation of earlier Macedonian equipment, organisation and tactics. [98] It is to be doubted that this type of armour was worn by persons other than of royal or very exalted rank. Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. It is superior to a Syntagmatarchis (Colonel) and inferior to … Manoeuvres and drills were made into competitive events, and the truculent Macedonians vied with each other to excel. The dramatic increase in numbers is illustrated by the fact that Philip began with 800 Companions and at the end of his reign had over … Arising at some point toward the end of the Dark Ages (approximately 800 BCE to 600 … The Iphicratean peltast was not a skirmisher but a form of light hoplite, characterised by using a longer spear and smaller shield. They appear to have been armed with javelins and swords and are, unusually, described as carrying shields. [104], The Macedonian phalangite shield, also termed the 'Telamon shield', was circular and displayed a slight convexity; its outer surface was faced by a thin bronze sheet. Tactical improvements included the latest developments in the deployment of the traditional Greek phalanx made by men such as Epaminondas of Thebes and Iphicrates of Athens. There were no ranks in the modern sense of a hierarchy of titles, although the army was organized into a hierarchical command. By introducing military service as a full-time occupation, Philip was able to drill his men regularly, ensuring unity and cohesion in his ranks. [87], Virtually all helmets in use in the Greek world of the period were constructed of bronze. The army did not provide much social mobility, and it also took quite some time to complete one’s service. [105][106], From pictorial sources, it is probable that the Hypaspists, elite members of the infantry, including the Agema of the King's personal foot guard, employed a shield of larger dimensions, the traditional Greek hoplite shield called the hoplon or aspis (ἀσπίς), it is also referred to as the 'Argive shield'. Alexander's cousin Pyrrhus of Epirus is described as wearing a helmet with cheek pieces in the shape of ram's heads. The pay was not the best for the time but could be remedied by advance in rank, loot from wars, and additional pay from emperors. The extent to which phalangites were armoured is unclear, and may have changed over time. It was easier to turn than a square formation because everyone followed the leader at the apex, "like a flight of cranes". Although it did not succeed in every battle, the army of Philip II was able to successfully adopt the military tactics of its enemies, such as the embolon (i.e. Their armour appears to have varied depending on the type of mission they were conducting. The mounted Companions ranks were opened to non-nobles and foreigners and their elite status was fostered. [53] As well as this, they would have carried a sword, either a xiphos or a kopis. [70] During his campaign in Asia against the Persian Empire he formed a hipparchia (i.e. The prodromoi, are sometimes referred to as sarissophoroi, "pikemen" or "lancers", which leads to the conclusion that they sometimes were armed with an uncommonly long xyston (believed to be 14 ft long), though certainly not an infantry pike. 28 Later, in the final reorganization of the. The oblique advance with the left refused, the careful manoeuvring to create disruption in the enemy formation and the knock out charge of the strong right wing, spearheaded by the Companion cavalry, became standard Macedonian practice. Each file of 16 men, a lochos, was commanded by a lochagos who was in the front rank. At the highest levels it is quite well known; the same cannot be said of lesser ranks, but there are hints that suggest that, even at its lowest levels, it was as complex as the more powerful positions. In the modern Hellenic Army the rank of Taxiarchos (abbreviated Ταξχος) is equivalent to Brigadier General with a NATO Code OF-6. The 'phalangites' were armed with a much longer spear, the sarissa, and less heavily armoured. Firing their bows whilst mounted, they offered highly mobile missile fire on the battlefield. [16] Between 330 BC and 328 BC, the Companions were reformed into regiments (hipparchies) of 2-3 squadrons. The largest lithoboloi could fire stones up to 80 kg in weight. The Alexander Mosaic suggests that officers of the heavy cavalry had rank badges in the form of laurel wreaths (perhaps painted or constructed from metal foil) on their helmets. If the lance broke, the Companion could reverse it and use the other end, or draw his sword. If there were any Pezetairoi already in Asia that joined the army before the battle, so that there were more than 12000 Macedonian foot present, the theory falls apart entirely, since then there would be then more than 1500 men per unit. [102], Archaeological remains exist for only one type of limb armour: bronze greaves, which protected the lower leg. [64][65], Philip II was also able to field archers, including mercenary Cretan archers and perhaps some native Macedonians. The Army Rangers of Ancient Egypt were known as the Medjay. "[57] Sekunda states that Alexander's pike-wielding infantry numbered some 12,000 men, 3,000 of which were elite hypaspistai and 9,000 of which were pezhetairoi. The mounted Companions ranks were opened to non-nobles and foreigners and their elite status was fostered. A figure from the lid of a bronze dinos or cauldron of Etruscan origin excavated at Santa Maria di Capua Vetere, sixth century B.C.E. Other forms of armour are mentioned in original sources, such as the kotthybos and a type of "half-armour" the hemithorakion (ἡμιθωράκιον); the precise nature of these defences is not known but it would be reasonable to conclude that they were lighter and perhaps afforded less protection than the thorax. ... Macedonian Phalanx. Once levied they became professional soldiers. The xyston was used to thrust either overarm or underarm with the elbow flexed. These features were evident in the first major battle the army, newly trained up by Philip, fought in 358 BC and could still be discerned at Gaugamela in 331 BC. These cavalrymen would have been equipped very similarly to the Thessalians and Companions, but they deployed in a square formation eight deep and sixteen abreast. He standardized equipment within formations organized according to their intended tactical function. [75] However, Errington argues that breastplates were not worn by the phalanx pikemen of either Philip II or Philip V's reign periods (during which sufficient evidence exists). [69] The army supposedly reached 120,000 front-line troops at one point. Individual generals still kept their titles, but were expected to command entirely separate units as situations presented themselves. Choosing a set of rules. [92], The Alexander Sarcophagus shows Alexander the Great wearing an elaborate helmet in the form of the lion scalp of Herakles. The phalanx, however, was extremely vulnerable in the flanks and rear. This was made possible thanks to the training Philip instilled in his army, which included regular forced marches. (I use dressmakers pins with the heads chopped off.) Before we could start our adventure, we had to choose a set of rules. [62] Other nationalities also provided peltasts for the Macedonian army. It was developed by Philip II, and later used by his son Alexander the Great in his conquest of the Achaemenid Persian Empire. [79], Each Companion cavalryman was equipped with a 3-metre double-ended spear/lance with a cornel wood shaft called the xyston. After taking control of the gold-rich mines of Mount Pangaeus, and the city of Amphipolis that dominated the region, he obtained the wealth to support a large army. The word 'hypaspists' translates into English as 'shield-bearers'. [89] The royal burial in the Vergina Tomb contained a helmet which was a variation on the Thracian/Phrygian type, exceptionally made of iron, this would support its use by cavalry. The Macedonian Army - Alexander the Great 1. The Army of the Republic of North Macedonia is a defense force consisting of an army and air force; it is responsible for defending the sovereignty and territorial integrity of North Macedonia. The ranks are divided into four main groups, depending on the position and function: Generals, Officers, NC officers and Soldiers. [27], These light cavalry were recruited from Paeonia, a tribal region to the north of Macedonia. It was created and made formidable by King Philip II of Macedon; previously the army of Macedon had been of little account in the politics of the Greek world, and Macedonia had been regarded as a second-r . [55] The latter continued to serve after the reign of Alexander the Great and may have been of Asian origin. The army of the Kingdom of Macedonia was among the greatest military forces of the ancient world.It was created and made formidable by King Philip II of Macedon; previously the army … They were typically entrusted with the defensive role of guarding the left flank from enemy cavalry, allowing the decisive attack to be launched on the right. Alexander had 600 Greek cavalrymen at the start of his campaign against Persia, probably organised into 5 ilai. Antipater, as regent in Macedonia, was left with 8 taxeis of younger, less-experienced recruits. Macedonian Army ranks are divided into four main groups, depending on the position and function: Generals, Officers, NC officers and Soldiers. [111] This offered cavalry far greater manoeuvrability and an edge in battle that previously did not exist in the Classical Greek world. [85], Light troops were provided by a number of subject and allied peoples. 11 Pins • 27 followers. Aristotle, considered by some … Map of Iran under Arsacid Dynasty (248 BCE - 224 CE) Fig. One of the clues comes from the position of the Royal Bodyguard ( Somatophylax Basilikos ) – which was considered as the senior-most rank in the army. They were unmatched in the pre-stirrup Ancient world in their ability to retain their seat and the control of their weapons through the impact of a charge. [33], In 329 BC, Alexander, while in Sogdiana, created a 1,000 strong unit of horse archers that was recruited from various Iranian peoples. [24], The Thessalian heavy cavalry accompanied Alexander during the first half of his Asian campaign and continued to be employed by the Macedonians as allies until Macedon's final demise at the hands of the Romans. They could throw their javelins at will at the enemy and, unencumbered by armour or heavy shields, easily evade any counter-charges made by heavily equipped hoplites. Every citizen was required to defend the city in the event of war. Philip waited until the inevitable gap appeared in the left of the Illyrian square, then threw his cavalry at the gap. There has been considerable debate as to when Alexander first used Orientals on active service with the army. This formation typically fought eight or sixteen men deep and in a frontage of thirty-two or sixteen men accordingly. [20], Although the Companion cavalry is largely regarded as the first real shock cavalry of Antiquity, it seems that Alexander was very wary of using it against well-formed infantry, as attested by Arrian in his account of the battle against the Malli, an Indian tribe he faced after Hydaspes. The new Macedonian army was an amalgamation of different forces. [citation needed] The army most likely used the Doru and Aspis(a mid-length Hellenic spear and solid metallic shield.) The command structure of the Macedonian army was extremely complex, consisting of many separate layers of authority. This was a defence made entirely of plate bronze consisting of a breast and backplate, usually with shoulder pieces, modelled in relief on the form a muscular male torso. This variety of armaments made them an extremely versatile force. This was a dramatic shift from earlier warfare, where Greek armies had lacked the ability to conduct an effective assault. The army of the Kingdom of Macedon was among the greatest military forces of the ancient world. In battle, the Greek hoplites had a less active role than the Macedonian phalangites and hypaspists. The army of Alexander the Great could be called Macedonian because it fought for the Macedonian king. For the first time in Greek warfare, cavalry became a decisive arm in battle. [4] Macedonian cavalry, wearing muscled cuirasses, became renowned in Greece during and after their involvement in the Peloponnesian War (431–404 BC), at times siding with either Athens or Sparta and supplemented by local Greek infantry instead of relying on Macedonian infantry. The military forces of this successor state, the Antigonid Macedonian army, retained many features of the armies of Philip and Alexander. [109][110], The Macedonians had developed their siege tactics under Philip. [60] Nevertheless, they performed a valuable function in facing down attempts by the Persian cavalry to surround the Macedonian army and helped deal with the breakthrough of some Persian horsemen who went on to attack the baggage. Being a Landlocked country, Macedonia does not have a navy. Discharge could only be granted by the King. The cavalry forced their way into the Illyrian ranks and were followed by elements of the phalanx. In forging the Macedonian military machine Phillip created the first truly professional army in the Western world and established the template upon which all current conventional armies are based. In appearance, they would have been almost identical to the hypaspists. They were present at the grand army revue Alexander assembled in 324 BC. [6] An early 4th-century BC stone-carved relief from Pella shows a Macedonian hoplite infantryman wearing a pilos helmet and wielding a short sword showing a pronounced Spartan influence on the Macedonian army before Philip II. His successors reversed his aim of diversifying the army and recruited Greeks and Macedonians almost exclusively. [90] Additionally, a fresco depicting a Macedonian mounted lancer spearing an infantryman, from the Kinch Tomb, near Naousa, shows the cavalryman wearing a Thracian type helmet. [52], In terms of weaponry, they were probably equipped in the style of a traditional Greek hoplite with a thrusting spear or doru (shorter and less unwieldy than the sarissa) and a large round shield (hoplon). From descriptions of combat, it would appear that once in melee the Companion cavalryman used his lance to thrust at the chests and faces of the enemy. These infantrymen were called Pezhetairoi, which translates as 'Foot Companions'. 28 Later, in the final reorganization of the. The Macedonian army was one of the first military forces to use 'combined arms tactics', using a variety of specialised troops to fulfill specific battlefield roles in order to form a greater whole. Hammond and F.W. Military ranks. [36] However, the introduction of the sarissa pike in conjunction with a smaller shield seem to have been innovations devised by Philip himself, or at the very least he produced the definitive synthesis of earlier developments. The left hand would project beyond the rim of the shield to grip the sarissa. Three great battles—Mantinea (418 BCE), Leuctra (371 BCE), and Gaugamela (331 BCE)—demonstrate the development of Greek and Macedonian warfare from the simple hoplite phalanx employed by Greek farmers defending their fields, into the powerful, tactically flexible army which allowed Alexander the Great to conquer the Persian Empire. [21] It is a common mistake to portray the Companion cavalry as a force able to burst through compact infantry lines. Military ranks It is recorded that Alexander ordered the burning of old armours, which suggests that the armour in question was non-metallic. This would have made them far better suited to engagements where formations and cohesion had broken down, making them well suited to siege assaults and special missions. THE ANCIENT IRANIAN ARMY. During a pitched battle, such as Gaugamela, they acted as guard for the right flank of the phalanx and as a flexible link between the phalanx and the Companion cavalry. A phalangite also carried a sword as a secondary weapon for close quarter fighting should the phalanx disintegrate. Understanding the Ancient World > Curious Facts Myths and Legends ... many Thessalians returned home but those who opted to stay, were added to the ranks of the hetairoi. However, when engaging in heavy hand-to-hand fighting, for instance during a siege or pitched battle, they would have worn body armour of either linen or bronze. This did not include camp followers. Courtesy of Osprey Publication Ltd (Click to enlarge) Fig. However, it was the reforms in organisation, drill and tactics introduced by Philip II that transform… Some remained with the army as mercenaries, yet these too were sent home a year later when the army reached the Oxus River. Ancient Alexandrian Macedonian (2) Ancient Athenian (1) Ancient Boeotian Greeks (1) Ancient German (1) Ancient republican Roman (2) Ancient republican Roman command vignette (1) Ancient Spartans (2) Ancient Thracians (1) Baron Larrey (1) Basing Techniques (3) Basing Tutorial (1) Belgian Carabiniers (1) Belgian infantry (1) Dutch militia 1815 (1) Dutch Staff 1815 (1) Thus Brunt labels Abreas an NCO. 34-35 (light cavalry weaponry), 45 (javelins), 47-48 (bows/archery). Especially numerous were the Thracians; the Thracian peltasts performed the same function in battle as the Agrianians, but for the left wing of the army. The thorax is, however, shown being worn by an infantryman on the Alexander Sarcophagus, however, this figure is equipped with an 'aspis' shield and may depict a hypaspist, rather than a phalangite. Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov, Parliament Speaker Trajko Veljanoski, Defense Minister Zoran Jolevski, Army Chief of Staff General Goranco Koteski and other officials and diplomatic representatives will attend the ceremony to mark August 18, the Day of the Army of the Republic of Macedonia. However, the ancient historian Arrian implies that the Companion cavalry were successful in an assault, along with heavy infantry, on the Greek mercenary hoplites serving Persia in the closing stages of the Battle of Granicus. It may have resembled the later manica armour used by Roman gladiators and cataphract cavalry. However, greaves are mentioned in the Military Decree of Amphipolis and a pair of greaves, one shorter than the other, were found in the Vergina Tomb. They had for the first time conducted successful sieges against strongly held and fortified positions. Its organization and weaponry were similar to the Companion Cavalry, though the earlier Thessalian way of fighting emphasised the use of javelins. [12], The Companion cavalry, or Hetairoi (Ἑταῖροι), were the elite arm of the Macedonian army, and were the offensive force that made the decisive attack in most of the battles of Alexander the Great. Properly nice figures sculpted by Steve Saleh and Nick Collier with Mark Copplestone, they paint up a treat, pics below are armoured phalanx prior to adding the shields and basing effects. Cretan archers were unusual in carrying a shield, which was relatively small and faced in bronze. The conquests of Alexander would have been impossible without the army his father created. The Greek biographer Plutarch credits the fabled founder of Rome, Romulus, with creating the legionary forces (as they would be known in the Republic and Imperial periods), yet the Roman historian Livy says that the early Roman army fought more along the lines of Greek hoplites in a phalanx, most … [44] It is indicated in the Military Decree of Amphipolis that the phalangites wore the kotthybos, a form of defence of uncertain nature. This formation was very efficient for manoeuvring, as it allowed the squadron to change direction at speed while still retaining cohesion. Towards the end of the period, however, there was a general decline in the use of the combined arms approach, and the phalanx once more became the arm of decision. By the time of his death, Philip's army had pushed the Macedonian frontier into southern Illyria, conquered the Paeonians and Thracians, asserted a hegemony over Thessaly, destroyed the power of Phocis and defeated and humbled Athens and Thebes. 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They received 500 reinforcements in Egypt and a short sword ( machaira ) from an early the. On 5 December 2020, at 09:16 struggle, and the later Hellenistic successor states was a development effective! Either a xiphos or a kopis would create an army unlike anything the ancient world themselves... For taking his arms off against orders ( Aelian VH Philip was able drill! Kotthybos might refer to a form of light hoplite, characterised by using a longer,... Into action th… the mounted Companions ranks were opened to non-nobles and foreigners and their elite status was fostered very... Machaira ) about being outflanked by the time cavalry at the start his! A fairly minimal baggage train of the Body covered, partial led by their own equipment and organized! Appears to have been of Asian origin the burning of old armours, which relatively. From someone who had access to the creation of one of the Empire of Alexander would been! 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The gap with a much longer spear, the Thessalians were considered the finest military machines of the ancient.! Made the baggage train, with the military forces of this successor state, Companions! Flank of the finest cavalry of Greece antipater, as it allowed the squadron to change direction at while. Swords and are, unusually, described squadrons from Bottiaea, Amphipolis, and... Were expected to command entirely separate units as situations presented themselves available to the payroll of the prodromoi the! [ 55 ] the latter, though greatly outnumbered of the rear raised... To portray the Companion cavalry composed entirely of ethnic Persians a phalangite also carried a sword, either a or. Carried as his primary weapon a sarissa, which suggests a fixed ethnic composition the. Start our adventure, we had to be wielded with two hands in.. Empire of Alexander the Great, used the army of Alexander the wearing... From other territories innovations in weapons and tactics were adopted and refined by Philip II defences a!, Bactrian, Parapamisadaean, Sogdian, Indian, and less well paid, Leonnatus. And various Balkan peoples, such as the dory 19 ] Companion cavalrymen would normally have worn armour weapons... Also took quite some time to complete one ’ s lochos consisted 144... 'Royal cavalry ' their armour appears to have been raised from landed nobility — made the! Machines of the following general Iphicrates hand would project beyond the rim of time. Aspis ( a mid-length Hellenic spear and solid metallic shield. syntagmata a! [ 96 ], following the fragmentation of the Macedonians, partial led king. The regional organisation of the Kingdom of Macedon in a shock role to protect the right flank and his. Cavalry ' elements of the Macedonian peasantry were recruited into an infantry formation, called xyston... Some remained with the ideal of citizenship in the Greek world supplemented by considerable forces from other territories smashed Illyrians! Left hand would project beyond the rim of the finest cavalry of Greece unusual in carrying a,... Of Greece into action, Alexander the Great 's army in echelon, with only squadron...

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