This is not the place to debate the comparisons to the fatter cartridges; let’s just take it for granted that the 9mm Luger works, because it does. Notes: max. Reloading the 9mm In today’s shooting world, the 9mm is the most common caliber of choice for pistol shooters. The 9mm Luger is sparked by a small pistol primer; my own loads have been based around the Federal Gold Medal Match primer, part number GM100M. Therefore, you’ll want to be very careful about trimming the brass to proper length and leaving a good, square case mouth. PART 3: RELOADING THE CASE. It’s designed to check minimum and maximum overall length of rifle and pistol cases that have no shoulder (straight wall). Swipe to view all products. Once your bullet is seated, the only type of crimp you should use is a taper crimp. Case trim lenght of 9mm (factory spec) is 0.744" Maximum case length of 9mm is 0.754" -- when brass is longer than this figure, it should be trimmed before being reloaded. Due to the small case capacity of the 9mm Luger, I sort my brass into lots, separated by headstamp. reloading gauges, reloading components Case Gauges & Reloading Components JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. This experience is based on reloading for 30 different cartridges, including both handgun and rifle brass. When I flare the case mouths, I don’t flare very deep; just enough to get the bullet seated properly, so as not to over-stress the case. I've been reloading 9mm for a while but I've recently gotten into 300blk and my old reloading book doesn't have any recipes. item 3 Lee Reloading 9mm Case Length Gauge & Shell Holder Luger 90153 2 - Lee Reloading 9mm Case Length Gauge & Shell Holder Luger 90153. Click here to check out the entire list of Gun Digest Downloads. These bullets are long, which means they go deep in the case and should be seated to a long overall length to prevent excessive case bulge. Dillon handgun case gages allow you to check your handgun ammunition to ensure it will fit a minimum sized chamber. Get free shipping on brass and bullets from here. Re: Frustrated with reloading 9mm by bruce martindale on 10/22/2020, 2:15 pm Also loading lead required a larger expander plug and Federal brass as they didn't taper in the case which damaged the bullet. Just a quick glance in my reference pile to find.754" max. I know my MAX case length is 1.368" and my minimum is 1.348". Please remember you should always use a deburring tool after case trimming as well. Quantity. I put a chamfer on the inside of the case but not the outside as long as there are no burrs so I … I had the same thing happen with 45 colt. Now, the penetrative qualities of such a short bullet may not be as impressive as the heavier-for-caliber slugs, but that is often a quality that is appreciated in a home-defense load. I ran into a little issue when trimming 300blk. I have noticed when reloading 9mm on my D1050, after the powder is dropped and the case mouth flared by the F-die expander inside the Dillon powder measure, about every 6-10 rounds I find a case mouth where a .355" diameter bullet slips inside the case without any case neck tension. Shop now! About this item. Great for Reloading the 9mm In today’s shooting world, the 9mm is the most common caliber of choice for pistol shooters. I run 9mm through a dillon 1050 with a bullet feeder, by the thousands. Monday – Friday 10AM – 8PM Saturday 9AM - 8PM Sunday 11AM - 7PM This fits your . Store Hours. Click here to visit We sell a case length gauge specifically for Makarov reloaders. Sizing die will not shorten the case, it will only squeeze the diameter back in. For the purposes of this report, we are using some 308 semi auto rifles as examples. In the books the trim to length is 751 with the diagram specs showing 754. When resizing a 9mm case that has been "overexpanded," The last quarter inch of the top of the 9mm case near the mouth may not get resized to allow proper case neck tension. CASE LENGTH/HEAD SPACE GAUGE 18 items CASE LUBRICANT 2 items CASE NECK BRUSH 3 items CASE POLISHING COMPOUND 1 item CASE PREP CENTER 3 items CASE … Popular pistol rounds like the 9mm Luger, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP fall into this category. I was playing around with my case trimmer today to see how to set it up, when I measured a couple of pieces of 9mm brass. I swear someone at my range is actually cutting down 9mm to .380 auto just to fuck with people. 9mm Winchester Magnum cases can also be trimmed and resized for … item 4 Lee Case Length Gauge & Shell Holder 3 - Lee Case Length Gauge & Shell Holder. I don't bother measuring/trimming my 9mm or 40 S&W brass. It's not clear from your post, so I'll just remind you to always check your case lengths after resizing, not before. I've found different types won't feed nicely depending on type of bullet and oal. 9mm brass: also known as 9mm Parabellum, 9mm Luger and 9x19mm. I would second what some others have said. As long as I don't get 380 or 38 super mixed in, it is all good. Both sides have their staunch defenders, and both have valid points of view. case length: 0.754"; trim-to length: 0.744"; max cart.OAL: 1.169"; RCBS shell holder: #16; cart. All of my brass was short when I got it. These measure the area where the bullet engages the rifling (ogive), rather than measuring at the bullet’s tip. I use the RCBS Case Prep station to set the trim depth to the proper length, using the micrometer dial to get things just right. Out of a Tangfolio 4½-inch barreled-pistol, this bullet, when seated over a charge of 5.2 grains of ZIP, gave just over 1,300 fps, with very little velocity deviation and excellent accuracy. One of the important measurements is the case length. As long as the brass passes the usual criteria (no cracks, bulges, stress marks and the primer seats normally) the lesson seemed to be "just load it and shoot it." Used with the Cutter and Lock Stud or Zip Trim. | 3 answered questions. Although the velocities drop off considerably in comparison to the light-for-caliber bullets, the heavier slugs offer fantastic penetration, especially when that bullet is properly constructed. If its cracked its tossed. Even with the heavy bullet, and a stout load (though our pistol showed no signs of excessive pressure), one of the great features of the 9mm Luger is that just about any shooter can learn to handle the pistol effectively, and that includes this particular load. I'm a couple hundred rounds in on reloads now and haven't had any failures or failures to load related to long cases. Free shipping. Take reloading to a whole new level. See all Item description Factor in the cost of the reloading gear and that I shoot about 2-3k 9mm a year, that means it would take at least 3 years before I saw a savings. … The first step to successfully trimming brass cases with the Lee Case Length Gauge and Shell Holder is to take the Lee Lock Stud … The 147-grain Gold Dot is a serious projectile in the 9mm Luger, leaving the muzzle at 950 fps, when set atop a charge of 5.6 grains of Alliant’s Blue Dot powder, at a COL of 1.130 inches. I figure I should shoot for halfway between the two. According to the Lyman 49th edition reloading manual, this is already 0.006" too short, and they specifically state not to trim shorter than their trim-to length of 0.751". Lee 9MM LUGER Case Length Gauge is a precise, easy way to trim to length and square the case mouth. This inspection is considered mandatory by top competitive shooters who demand 100% reliability for their competition ammunition. I had the same questions recently about 40 s&w and after reading around for a few hrs it seems like most veteran loaders don't even measure their pistol brass. Used with the Cutter and Lock Stud or Zip Trim. Popular pistol rounds like the 9mm Luger, .40 S&W, and .45 ACP fall into this category. Look in the front of the 9mm section at the SAAMI suggested dimensions for the 9mm Parabellum round. I use the RCBS Case Prep station to set the trim depth to the proper length, using the micrometer dial to get things just right. [edit] I did try raising the sizing die up a bit, but the cases actually came out even shorter, which I assume is from a lower amount of squeezing the die is doing. Most 9mm brass starts to become thicker right around where the base of these bullets New. This cartridge is now one of the most popular pistol cartridges in the world. And worst case it might be about 6 or 7 years worth of shooting. Over-penetration is a rather undesirable quality when there are loved ones in adjoining rooms. I started checking my 9mm brass in preparation of reloading and what I am getting are measurements anywhere from 740-745. Therefore, you’ll want to be very careful about trimming the brass to proper length and leaving a good, square case mouth. 4.7 out of 5 stars 424 ratings. These are speer and win cases. I've never trimmed 9mm brass. 9mm Luger (9x19) Case Length Gauge With Shell Holder by LEE RELOADING PRODUCTS 9mm Luger Case Length Gauge is a precise, easy way to trim to length and square the case mouth. Added to Your Cart. The win cases are from the box fired once by me. Case Mouth and Neck Tension Gage 270 / 6.8mm / 243 / 6mm The Ballistic Tools case mouth and neck tension gage tells you exactly how much neck tensi.. $14.99 I … The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. 9 mm Largo dies are not available at this time. Package width: 4.3". I've never measured, but sometimes you run across a case that is easily identified as way too long/short. Snap a shell holder into the press ram with a slight twisting motion. Buy 9 MM hard cast bullets. So I found that Hogdon reloading has some decent information. **NOT RECOMMENDED FOR USE IN S&W SHIELD PISTOLS WITH NEAR-MAX OR +P LOADS, DUE TO POORLY SUPPORTED CHAMBER CONDITION** WE ALSO DON'T RECOMMEND USING THIS BRASS IN S&W 929 REVOLVERS DUE TO … Thanks to Gun Digest for this post. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Lee Single Stage, .223, 9mm, .45ACP, .38Spcl, .357 Magnum, .45LC. Available from these sellers . These precision made gauges allow the reloader to check the case length, diameter and overall cartridge length. Precision reloaders know the most consistent cartridges are built with the most consistent components. Recoil was very manageable and muzzle jump was moderate, so it was easy to get back on target. "Lee 9MM LUGER Case Length Gauge is a precise, easy way to trim to length and square the case mouth. In a semi-auto pistol, the magazine size averages 17 rounds. This way I get as close as possible to a uniform case capacity for each load I develop. However, in the 9mm Luger, there is not a wide differential between the starting load and the maximum, so I would suggest that you work up in 0.1-grain increments, watching for high-pressure signs. Bred for military service in 1902, Georg Luger of Germany presented his 9x19mm cartridge to several countries, but it was his home country that adopted it as its sidearm. $6.59. Better yet – Gun Digest offers a great set of free downloads. They came in at 0.745" on my caliper. Headstamp doesn't matter. I have long been a fan of heavier bullet choices when loading for the medium-caliber handguns, like the 9mm Luger or .38 Special. ... by Lee Reloading. Only thing is to watch out for oal based on the type of bullet. The consistency of the Federal Gold Medal Match line has caused me to be a bit biased, but they’ve worked very well for me in many different applications. Therefore, you’ll want to be very careful about trimming the brass to proper length and leaving a good, square case mouth. In my case, this gauge saved me when a 380 round was mixed into a 9mm reloading session. We will need to know the desired trim length, and either the bullet diameter or a couple sized sample cases. More than 10 available. Re: 9mm reloading and case issues by STEVE SAMELAK on 4/24/2018, 2:10 pm If my memory serves...I wasn't able to push a 9MM case thru the factory crimp die (bulge buster). The Sheridan Engineering 9mm Caliber Slotted Ammunition Gauge is constructed of stainless steel, and.. $53.99 Out Of Stock Add to Wish List Add to Compare Case Mouth and Neck Tension Gage 338 / … So in rifles, it is actually possible to compute the amount of powder to hit the accuracy node with a program called QuickLoad which is affected by many things including the length of the barrel, bullet, case volume, seating depth of the bullet, etc. 9mm case length. straight-walled rimless case headspaces on the case mouth, so the case length is the critical feature. Yeah, that's what I figured out, putting the die down further makes the case longer, rather than shorter. Lyman Pistol Maximum Cartridge Gauges 9mm. It is a straight-walled, slightly tapered case, which headspaces off of the case mouth. I just spent the last 1.5 hours checking case overall length on my tumbled mixed range .40s and 9mm. Most semi-auto rifles demand that the length … So the question: how important is brass length with 9mm? The .450 Bushmaster and .350 Case Gages, case gauges by Dillon, Lee, JP. 264 sold. I've never bothered trimming it either. It is a straight-walled, slightly tapered case, which headspaces off of the case mouth. Lyman Reloading 9mm Luger Pistol Max Cartridge Gauge. I'm fairly new to reloading (about one month and 1200 rounds in with a single stage press. It is a straight-walled, slightly tapered case, which headspaces off of the case mouth. Used with the Cutter and Lock Stud or Zip Trim. The .38 has a bit of a heavier bullet at the top end (158 grains), but the 9mm can spit out 147-grain slugs, which is not too shabby. I dont measure or trim any pistol brass. It has 17, 18, 19, and 20 mm slots to check brass length. 9mm minimum case length, 9mm overall length reloading specs, 9mm rounds length, all handguns should be fired at what length, brass case specs, is it safe to reload 9mm with case length of 0.744, maximum case length 9mm, , Hornady Lock-N-Load .223 Remington Overall Length Modified Case Gauge A223 Hornady Lock-N-Load .223 Remington Overall Length ... Our Low Price $6.49 QuickView The Speer Gold Dot has a fantastic reputation as a self-defense bullet, even to the point where it is carried by law enforcement. The 9mm Luger has a case length of 0.754 inches, and it’s best to adhere to that length. I've never even seen a 9mm shell longer than .750, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. 9mm Luger / 9mm Parabellum (Speer Reloading Manual #14) Warning! This bullet is on the light side of the spectrum, and as a result it will attain the highest velocities. Temporarily Sold Out. So I'm still setting up my 550b for 9mm, and I've got the sizing die all the way down, cases being sized properly, but the overall length is only coming up in the .745-.750 range, while my Lyman's 49th says go no shorter than .751. And "to length" means a specified case length. Range Hours. 9mm Luger (9x19) Case Length Gauge With Shell Holder by LEE RELOADING PRODUCTS 9mm Luger Case Length Gauge is a precise, easy way to trim to length and square the case mouth. Reloading the 9mm is not a difficult proposition; it’s a relatively straightforward design. This is a middle-of-the-road powder charge, which doesn’t recoil too harshly and is easy on the ears, yet cycles just fine in our test gun. ... As with all semi-auto firearms that are mag-fed, it is always important to take into consideration the overall case length with seating your bullet. The L.E. Lyman Pistol Maximum Cartridge Gauges come in a variety of sizes to accommodate all of the most popular case calibers. The attached photos shows how the 380 round fell below the gauge area of the Lyman cartridge unit. You see, the traditional roll crimp, which will roll the very edge of the case mouth into the cannelure of the bullet, will destroy the only means of proper headspacing and therefore must not be used. If it's not cracked or otherwise deformed, it's good to go - just make sure your COAL is within range! Lee Case Length Gauge’s are a precise, easy way to trim to length and square the case mouth. I’ve personally leaned toward the .45 ACP camp, but that certainly doesn’t make the 9mm Luger a bad choice for a carry gun; in fact, I see some merit to the smaller frame and greater magazine capacity. A taper crimp, which squeezes the case wall concentrically, will keep the bullet firmly in place, while maintaining the square case mouth for headspacing. ... Load-Master Reloading Press (10) Load-Master Reloading Press (Category) ... 3 DIE SET 9MM LUGER CARB PARTS (9) 3 DIE SET CARBIDE 32ACP PARTS (10) Reloading the 9mm is not a difficult proposition; it’s a relatively straightforward design. My 9mm is used for local competitions, and performs just fine. Some people cut 9mm Luger down to 9 Makarov length since 9 Mak brass is more rare. They came in at 0.745" on my caliper. To add to the fun, measured some unfired bullets I have (Winchester white box) and the brass there seems to be .750 or less as well. In addition, some 9mm Parabellum cases are actually trimmed to a case length of 18 mm (desirable for our purposes, but not for 9mm Parabellum reloaders). Depending on many factors, individual bullets, even from the same box, can vary in length … I suppose if you have nothing else to do then trimming brass might be fun. Adding to the credibility of the 9mm Luger, please consider that the venerable .38 Special (my own choice for a daily carry gun) is looked upon as a worthy carry gun, yet the 9mm Luger is a more powerful cartridge across the board. Lee Case Length Gauge’s are a precise, easy way to trim to length and square the case mouth. I have loaded many thousands of 9mm and have never trimmed or measured 9mm brass. Handloaders often find a “bullet comparator” or “Overall Length Comparator” helpful. I thought I was being too anal, but this thread proves it. At 1.010 inches, the truncated cone profile fed very well, giving no issues whatsoever. Ok, guess I'll just load it and shoot it, wanted to double-check due to starting relatively hot. That's why I don't Used with the Cutter and Lock Stud or Zip Trim Lee 44 Remington Mag Case Length … I am aware it's indexed from case neck, and these are carbine loads, so my minimum charge is a bit hotter than normal 9mm starting point, so I figured I'd ask before I went out and tried something that might be stupid. Package length: 2.2". The problem is it's still too short, but as everyone else is saying that's not actually a problem, so w/e. reloading gauges, reloading components Case Gauges & Reloading Components JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. The .450 Bushmaster and .350 Legend are examples of rifle cartridges that headspace on the case … This combination will cause any would-be attacker to seriously reconsider their chosen course of action. Custom case length gauges can be made for cartridges that fit an existing shell holder. Full length resize in a 9 mm Luger sizing die (Just as you would size a 9mm Luger case). $10.67. I load this bullet over 4.2 grains of Hodgdon’s Tite-Group for a muzzle velocity of just under 1,100 fps. October 2020 – Two new 9mm reloading die sets are Jump to Latest Follow ... Maybe I don't "have to" - I do it because I enjoy reloading and making my ammo 'extra special' IMHO. How To Episode 5: Reloading 9mm Ammunition - Duration: 20:11. That is not my case… I set the bullet for a cartridge overall length (COL) of 1.130 inches to ensure proper bullet tension in the case. Alliant Blue Dot flake powder is good for heavier 9mm loads. Starline Brass in Sedalia, Missouri, still make brass for this cartridge, although much of its production is now used to make 9mm blank firing cartridges for firearms chambered for 9×19mm, as this is easier to accomplish than using.223 Remington (5.56×45mm) cases, which may leave the neck area of the blank too thick to crimp properly. If you do experience feeding issues, I’d make sure your feed ramp is well polished and if it still persists, I’d recommend switching to a slightly longer bullet. Dillon Handgun Case Gages (required): Lee Case Length Gage and Shell Holder 9mm Luger …to tight SAAMI specifications. This … 7, and Hodgdon HS-6. ... 380 Caliber 9mm: Delivery Method. The Hornady® Precision Measurement Station allows the reloader to sort components according to size and quality by comparing bullet ogive location, cartridge base to ogive location, headspace location and overall case length. Reactions: soundguy and fatbob1945. The shell holder is used to hold the case firmly in place during this … At 25 yards a fantastic reputation as a result it will attain the highest velocities old post but though! At ACME bullet great set of free Downloads all good ( ogive ), rather than measuring at 9mm case length reloading. Accurate way to trim to length '' means a specified case length as... 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